Sunday, July 29, 2007


HI All,
Well Rob had to go back to work today so he left bright and early this morning around 5. We had a nice visit while he was here and he tried to get some projects done, however he didn't complete as many as I would have liked.:)
I did some scrapbooking and I cleaned a few things here and there did a little grocery shopping. I am hoping the window guy comes tomorrow to fix our front window b/c it is broken and half hanging out and nobody could come on Friday. I am also going to call sears to see if they can send a repair guy out to fix our washer --I don't know when the house is going to sell and I don't want to go to the laundry mat for the next year if this is what is going to happen with the sale of our house. I have been praying and just decided that I am going to continue to live my life as if we are staying here until my house actually does sell-so I will sign the boys up for football and I am going to register for convention, if something happens after that I will deal with it as it comes b/c I can't put everything on hold, "in case" my house sells. It is not fair to myself or the kids. Of course I would just love for the House to sell so I can make definite plans--but I have to know that God's timing is perfect and I will rest assured.

Friday, July 27, 2007

July 27th,2007

HEy all,
Just thought I would give a little up-date. We have not yet rec'vd and offer on the house, which bums me out a little , b/c we have had alot of traffic and I just want to know what is wrong since no-one is wanting to buy it. I need sell this house to come in and help me.
I went to Spokane on Wed. to look at houses and I booked about 8 or 9 more houses to look at and I found my future house! ( I hope anyway!) it was the very last house we looked at, and it is actually in Fairfield,wa which is a little farming town ( population 500) south of Spokane Valley, by about half an hour. SO I would have the comfort of a small town with really good shopping about 25 minutes away! I love that! I would feel comfy with my kids riding their bikes around town and they have a few parks withing walking distance. This years graduating class is 27! WHEW! that is huge! SO I am hoping our house sells soon so we can put an offer in on that house, it is 5 bedroom 2 bathrooms, move in ready.SO please pray for us! I really want to be back with my husband and I want to have my family back!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Just another Sunday in July

HI, I know I haven't been keeping up on this lately--so here goes: We have not yet recv'd an offer on the house--but we have 2 families coming tomorrow to see the house, so we have alot of cleaning today! Yesterday I took the kids to Wild Waves in Seattle,WA. My Brother and RObert met us there and we had such a good time--it was just the right temp and not alot of people. SO we got to ride all the rides and water rides without waiting in horribly long lines. I have the day off tomorrow so I can make sure everything is clean and ready to go for the prospective buyers. Rob will be home Tuesday ,then he will have to go back , but he has next weekend off so we can go to the reunion in Idaho. I am not sure we are ever going to sell our house--I am so frustrated with our kids, They aren't helping me to keep the house clean. Such is life!
Well I am going to head off to bed and dream of happier times! hehe

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday--July 16th

Well Today we had a family come and look at the house--and this family came a few days ago--so I think we will probably get an offer today or tomorrow--we will see what kind of an offer it is. I am really nervous--I know God has made all of this happen for us--but it is always nerve wracking to make such a big change. I am also nervous that I don't have a house to go to . Is it so irresponsible for me to sell my house before having another one to go to--I have 6 children and I am so scared of being homeless. I just keep praying God will provide for us.Please pray for us!
Rob is working on the cars and sprinkler system--hehe
I have to go to card club tonight and I am going to tell the girls that this will be my last meeting! it has been a nice club to be a part of....and I actually used my supplies---so hopefully I can find one in Spokane. Well I shoudl go for now--I will update everyoen tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday July 11th

Well I have been pretty busy lately--trying to keep up on everything and adjusting to our new schedule. I looked at houses and I was amazed at what people would actually put on the market--they don't clean,paint or really care about the house being for sale. SO I guess they don't want to sell it very quickly. There was one house I fell in love with--there was one drawback--it was on a busy street--although I am not fond of that fact--I would settle for it just b/c the house was beautiful. We have been working out at Melissa house --because it goes for sale next week--so we are trying to weed out the flower beds and clean all the carpets and that sort of thing. We have had a 3 families come and look at our house so far and I just know it is going to sell soon-b/c there is not alot of competition in Ephrata--and there is probably only 10 houses under 200 thousand. I am scared I am going to be homeless with 6 kids. :)At this point I wouldn't actually just mind staying here by myself with the kids for another year to make sure we can get something IN Spokane--but the costs will go up and Rob will be get tired of all the commuting. SO maybe we will rent until we find something--IF someone will rent to a family with so many kids. and We will probably be in a dump.anyway--enough for now--I hope everyone has a good day!

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Well today i am having my yard sale--we didn't have huge turn out--but over all--I got rid of a few pieces of furniture--I didn't have alot of stuff--I hate doing yard sales so I got rid of about 3 truck loads of stuff to the good will just a few months ago--so maybe I could have actually made something then--but today I wanted to get rid of some big pieces that I don't want to take with me--I am still hoping someone comes by to get my dining set---and computer desk--I am just going to buy all new stuff with my next house. I still have this old desk that I will put the kids' computer on--when we get to the new house. I stayed up late last night cleaning and preparing for the yard sale. but I pretty much got everything done with Melissa's help , of course. I got up early this morning and finished all of the touch ups on the paint and what not--geez! I feel like I am forever painting--I am tired of it! Tonight I am heading to Spokane --so I will be on the hunt for a house tomorrow--Pray for me--I just really hope I can find a house that will be roomy enough for all of us with a decent payment. then we are all coming back tomorrow night and Rob Will be here Monday to start some more yard work and finish some other Little things that need to be done--along with going to the dump!

Friday, July 6, 2007


Well I have good news today---I found my beloved Dog --I am so happy, I cried! I am faxing all info to Spokane-- proof that we have her rabies up-to-date and that we have her licensed--fees are much more expensive in Spokane , anyway--Thank you to all who were praying and such for my dog. I have had her for almost 12 years and I know she only has a few years left but no one can take care of her like we can and I love her she is a part of my family --and I have been grieving for the past few days.
Rob left for Spokane--his first day was yesterday --he said it was very busy--I am sure he is not used to the hustle and bustle as the Napa in Ephrata was probably much more laid back:). Tonight I am preparing for my yard sale --my yard sale is tomorrow from 8-? ( whenever I get to hot to be outside) hopefully I can get rid of some of this furniture so I can just be done with all of it, then I will be cleaning the house --so the realtor can start showing it next week. I just spoke to my realator and she is bringing someone to look at the house tomorrow.YIKES! Looks like I am cleaning tonight also! I am going to be exhausted! Once again! I hope everyone has a good weekend and if I have time to break in-between all of my chores I will let you know what is going on!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July

Well this 4th is certainly coming in with a BANG!
I am depressed! My husband is leaving me today , so I am basically going to be a single mom again and My mom called me last night--She has been dog sitting Sadie( my husky for the last 11 years) and Sadie is missing , Someone had to have let her out , so someone either stole her or she got out and my mom lives near a very busy street and , Sadie walked slow b/c she had bad hips--so either way my dog is dead or gone--and I am very upset about it. I don't know how I am going to tell Bryce. I know my MOm feels really bad and I don't blame her--just a bad situation. So I just feel like breaking down at every time I stop.
Last night we signed over the house with a realtor at the same time My co-worker came over to look at it--I was trying to get her to wait until Thursday b/c we had the carpet installed yesterday and the place is still a mess--But hopefully most everything will get done today since this is Rob's last day! When he comes up on his next day off--he will need to put up the pool. SO everything is starting to come together and I feel the changes starting to happen.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Good Morning!
Well I am at work--trying to start my day and worried about all of the things I can be doing at home--oh well--one day at a time, right?
We have a family coming to look at the house today and there are so many things we still need to finish, and I need to make calls today and see if I can hire someone to install carpet. We decided to put new carpet on the stairs as well as Jeri's room and there is no way Rob is going to be able to do the stairs. SO I think it would not take an experienced person very much time--and we already have carpet and padding. So anyway--other than the carpet and some more trim and transition flooring , we still have to put up the pool and then we have a few other little cosmetic things we need to change. So when Rob leaves on wed. night if all of these things are done I am going to list it. I don't think it will be done--I am wondering if we will ever be done! I will keep everyone posted--b/c I have nothing exciting to write about other than that! haha