Our family is huge! And I can't imagine life being any different --we have struggles everyday and we get through them stronger in our faith and love for GOd and life! We love to be together and we love to be with friends and family!
Monday, March 24, 2008
puppies, puppies and more puppies!
Well, we took Chichi to the vet today...I am so excited.....the vet said she is pregnant, not only that but she is due anyday......and I had my doubts--her boobies really got swollen this last weekend so I was pretty sure, just needed to have her checked out because I have never had a pregnant dog before...we always get ours fixed papered or not. I am happy to have rescued her even if she is pregnant. I think this will be a good experience for my family to go through, our dog having babies. I think the puppies will be easy to find homes...I think I have given away two already ... they will be good homes. SHe is so calm and nice , and she isn't a yapper which I am very thankful for. The vet felt 3 puppies for sure , but was sure there were more. My vet is going on vacation next week, so I really hope she has them before hand, just in case there is a problem. With all of the trauma she has been thru recently, I would hate for something to go wrong with the puppies.She was found on teh overpass by moses lake , wally's so I know she has been thru alot! I just can't imagine my family without her......she is so sweet!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
HAppy Easter!
HAppy Easter to everyone!
We had our annual flashlight egg hunt and potluck on Sautrday night. We had a great turnout ...about 50 people came to celebrate JEsus with us! Teh itenerary for our Saturday night is as follows:
1. lots of food! we eat.
2. play!play!play! the kids all play...adn we do an easter craft...this year it was suncatchers.
3. We read the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.
4. the kids are all armed with flashlights and they head into the dark to hunt for their eggs. There is always SILVER eggs to find for extra prizes.
I love this event...it is god inspired and yet the kids all look forward to our big event. I had to come up with something to do with our children for this holiday since we moved to Ephrata, because we don't have family adn to go into town for one day is so much work...and Easter has become my favorite holiday because of all the fun that we have on this day.
SO today I started my philosophy homework and we moved all of my sewing and scrapping stuff out of the bedroom so we can start decorating it for the boys...Rob is putting up all of their new beds..and we are cleaning everything out. This is so much work! I wanted to have someone come and scrape all of my popcorn ceilings...but I figure after I get everything in place...I am not sure I want to go thru the hassle of moving everything out again...UGH!
Anyway, I hope everyone has a happy Easter!
We had our annual flashlight egg hunt and potluck on Sautrday night. We had a great turnout ...about 50 people came to celebrate JEsus with us! Teh itenerary for our Saturday night is as follows:
1. lots of food! we eat.
2. play!play!play! the kids all play...adn we do an easter craft...this year it was suncatchers.
3. We read the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.
4. the kids are all armed with flashlights and they head into the dark to hunt for their eggs. There is always SILVER eggs to find for extra prizes.
I love this event...it is god inspired and yet the kids all look forward to our big event. I had to come up with something to do with our children for this holiday since we moved to Ephrata, because we don't have family adn to go into town for one day is so much work...and Easter has become my favorite holiday because of all the fun that we have on this day.
SO today I started my philosophy homework and we moved all of my sewing and scrapping stuff out of the bedroom so we can start decorating it for the boys...Rob is putting up all of their new beds..and we are cleaning everything out. This is so much work! I wanted to have someone come and scrape all of my popcorn ceilings...but I figure after I get everything in place...I am not sure I want to go thru the hassle of moving everything out again...UGH!
Anyway, I hope everyone has a happy Easter!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
HI All,
this week has been killing me, I have been up late every night and it feels like it has been 10 days and it has only been 2 ( 3 counting tonight)! I can't imagine what next quarter will be like for me ...when I have to take 5 finals...as it is this week I only have to take 2 finals and one of them was cut in half...because I am getting such good grades. But the stress of these 2 finals are about enough to send me to the looney bin...GEEZ!
But I am making it thru ,Next week will be my SPRING vacation! WOOOOOOOHOOOOO! for me!
Things are going well here. The kids are having spring fever, Jeri and Clarissa have brought out the flip flops and capris. I am almost there,as well. The boys are already discussing the basketball tournament in Spokane , they hold it every year in June. My friends and I are working out the weekends for our annual camping trips and I am wondering if I have any more available weekends...why does summer fill up so quickly? Bryce asked me tonight if we know which weekends we are going to Silverwood this summer......I kind of forgot about that..one more thing to squeeze in......LIFE!
I hope you are all having a good week! I will post pics on SUnday!
this week has been killing me, I have been up late every night and it feels like it has been 10 days and it has only been 2 ( 3 counting tonight)! I can't imagine what next quarter will be like for me ...when I have to take 5 finals...as it is this week I only have to take 2 finals and one of them was cut in half...because I am getting such good grades. But the stress of these 2 finals are about enough to send me to the looney bin...GEEZ!
But I am making it thru ,Next week will be my SPRING vacation! WOOOOOOOHOOOOO! for me!
Things are going well here. The kids are having spring fever, Jeri and Clarissa have brought out the flip flops and capris. I am almost there,as well. The boys are already discussing the basketball tournament in Spokane , they hold it every year in June. My friends and I are working out the weekends for our annual camping trips and I am wondering if I have any more available weekends...why does summer fill up so quickly? Bryce asked me tonight if we know which weekends we are going to Silverwood this summer......I kind of forgot about that..one more thing to squeeze in......LIFE!
I hope you are all having a good week! I will post pics on SUnday!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Weekend projects...and new updates!

This is the hutch in progress...I will post more pics later---it was dark when he finished...and alothough it is finished now---I am going to add some finishing touches..mainly Ballerina's name in Purple letters

This is Bryce and Clarissa taking a break from yard work...Clarissa can always convince someone to puch her on the swings.

Just another shot of our "little deer"
I hope you all have a great week!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
OUR weekend
Well we had a quiet weekend, the boys were in SPokane ( any coorilation??). Rob worked on the bunny hutch some more...I worked on some homework and scrapped a little. We took a break on Saturday afternoon, and took BRody to the lake for some fetch and swimming. We are trying to limit fetch for walks and trips ONLY. No fetch at home. HE is just to WILD. All he can focus on is fetch. HEre are some pictures of our trip. 

We barely got him out of the car and he jumped right into the water. The lake still had ice in it, so we were trying to limit his time, as we didn't want him getting sick. We walked around and scouted out the trails. Carl climbed the rocks......
Brody was attempting to follow him , then decided not to go up that high.......
I got a few good pics of the kids....Rob was trying to interfere with that--look in background........

Clarissa's braids were pretty sad by the time we took this walk--her expression is still pretty cute. We took Sadie with us even thought she doesn't like water or fetch.. it was really sad, by the time we were ready to leave, I had to lift her into the suburban, she crashed 2 times trying to jump in the back. HEr hips are getting worse and worse , I think the extra pounds she has put on over winter didn't help her out much either.
I hope you all had a great weekend.

We barely got him out of the car and he jumped right into the water. The lake still had ice in it, so we were trying to limit his time, as we didn't want him getting sick. We walked around and scouted out the trails. Carl climbed the rocks......

Brody was attempting to follow him , then decided not to go up that high.......

I got a few good pics of the kids....Rob was trying to interfere with that--look in background........

Clarissa's braids were pretty sad by the time we took this walk--her expression is still pretty cute. We took Sadie with us even thought she doesn't like water or fetch.. it was really sad, by the time we were ready to leave, I had to lift her into the suburban, she crashed 2 times trying to jump in the back. HEr hips are getting worse and worse , I think the extra pounds she has put on over winter didn't help her out much either.
I hope you all had a great weekend.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
HAppy Tuesday!
HI Everyone,
Well yesterday was an eventful day---I Got home from school and completly forgot Jeri had a counseling appt ( so we got there 30 minutes late). We are trying a new counselor because we weren't getting anywhere with the other one, so we quit her last year. JEri has been failing out of school and I got a call from school yesterday for a behavioral problem she has been having in science. GREAT! Anyway, this new counselor is filling me with a ton of HOPE and if he does what he says, I think he will really help us. JEri said she felt comfortable with him and that she would like to see him again. The counselor said that he would like to do some home visits ( and work with the whole family) and also some school visits, speak with her, meet with her teachers that sort of a thing. I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude, because you would be amazed at how many "counselors" have told us they can't help us. BRyce is being set up with his partner (the counselor's) because Bryce's issues are completely separate and I think the 2 counselors will coordinate home visits and such. Bryce is going to work out some of his anger issues and figure out how we can all live together in harmony and also help Rob and I manage the care of all 6 children instead of focusing on JEri and BRyce all of the time. I am soooooo excited too, because this counselor WAS a gamer....He played the same Game Rob and his friends did...which is WOW. Anyway, HE became addicted and is trying to write a book about gaming addiction, he knows exactly where Rob is coming from and he said he will work with Rob on figuring out how to come back and get involved with his family, and deal with finding his way around gaming. SO he is going to work with Rob on some of his issues.....IS that GOd or what? I feel so thankful! Finally someone who understands!
Anyhow--that is my exciting news for the week!
I will keep everyone postd on our progress and hopefully you all have a good week!
Well yesterday was an eventful day---I Got home from school and completly forgot Jeri had a counseling appt ( so we got there 30 minutes late). We are trying a new counselor because we weren't getting anywhere with the other one, so we quit her last year. JEri has been failing out of school and I got a call from school yesterday for a behavioral problem she has been having in science. GREAT! Anyway, this new counselor is filling me with a ton of HOPE and if he does what he says, I think he will really help us. JEri said she felt comfortable with him and that she would like to see him again. The counselor said that he would like to do some home visits ( and work with the whole family) and also some school visits, speak with her, meet with her teachers that sort of a thing. I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude, because you would be amazed at how many "counselors" have told us they can't help us. BRyce is being set up with his partner (the counselor's) because Bryce's issues are completely separate and I think the 2 counselors will coordinate home visits and such. Bryce is going to work out some of his anger issues and figure out how we can all live together in harmony and also help Rob and I manage the care of all 6 children instead of focusing on JEri and BRyce all of the time. I am soooooo excited too, because this counselor WAS a gamer....He played the same Game Rob and his friends did...which is WOW. Anyway, HE became addicted and is trying to write a book about gaming addiction, he knows exactly where Rob is coming from and he said he will work with Rob on figuring out how to come back and get involved with his family, and deal with finding his way around gaming. SO he is going to work with Rob on some of his issues.....IS that GOd or what? I feel so thankful! Finally someone who understands!
Anyhow--that is my exciting news for the week!
I will keep everyone postd on our progress and hopefully you all have a good week!
Monday, March 3, 2008
HI to All,
We went out of town AGAIN this weekend. We Went to Idaho. Rob's sister was in town with her 3 kids, they are stationed in CA, and we haven't seen them in a really long time. SO it was nice to see his Dad and Step-mom again.....basically that whole side of the family. When we decided to put the house on the market and with Rob being gone alot we have been neglecting our families, hopefully this summer we will be able to see our families more often....who knows though...just because it sounds like in summer Rob will be working alot of over time. ON Sunday we drove to Cusick to pick up Brody and see Rob's Mom and Step-Dad. They didn't want to let BRody go ...and told us from now on we have to make buttered toast for him in the morning because he really likes that........I don't even make toast for my kids...What the heck! HEHEHE! I feel bad taking Brody from them....I think he had a nice life there and he had alot more room to run and he could be free, unlike here where we have such a small yard. Rob had to have his dog back, which I understand, however, I Think he could have made the sacrifice...especially since it is sometimes hard for him to pay attention to his dog...but maybe he will make more of a commitment to BRody. I had a nice time over the weekend, but I ate poorly and I feel a bit sluggish ( probably because of my diet)It always takes time to recover from vacation.
I went to target when I was in Idaho and I bought the cutest party stuff for Jeri's upcoming 13th birthday............THey had a bunch of stuff on CLEARANCE! wooooo hooooo! I love it when that happens.....especially since that never happens here in Ephrata...we only have one store, so there is no competition..so not very much clearance! Anyhow...I bought her a crown with pink faux fur and a pink faux fur boa and then I bought purple and blue faux fur boas for all of her friends. They are gonna be decked out in the LIMO party! I was also able to buy some cheap decorations for our Easter party --so my shopping trip was successful....I love it when I find good deals! Well I hope everyone has a Happy MOnday!
We went out of town AGAIN this weekend. We Went to Idaho. Rob's sister was in town with her 3 kids, they are stationed in CA, and we haven't seen them in a really long time. SO it was nice to see his Dad and Step-mom again.....basically that whole side of the family. When we decided to put the house on the market and with Rob being gone alot we have been neglecting our families, hopefully this summer we will be able to see our families more often....who knows though...just because it sounds like in summer Rob will be working alot of over time. ON Sunday we drove to Cusick to pick up Brody and see Rob's Mom and Step-Dad. They didn't want to let BRody go ...and told us from now on we have to make buttered toast for him in the morning because he really likes that........I don't even make toast for my kids...What the heck! HEHEHE! I feel bad taking Brody from them....I think he had a nice life there and he had alot more room to run and he could be free, unlike here where we have such a small yard. Rob had to have his dog back, which I understand, however, I Think he could have made the sacrifice...especially since it is sometimes hard for him to pay attention to his dog...but maybe he will make more of a commitment to BRody. I had a nice time over the weekend, but I ate poorly and I feel a bit sluggish ( probably because of my diet)It always takes time to recover from vacation.
I went to target when I was in Idaho and I bought the cutest party stuff for Jeri's upcoming 13th birthday............THey had a bunch of stuff on CLEARANCE! wooooo hooooo! I love it when that happens.....especially since that never happens here in Ephrata...we only have one store, so there is no competition..so not very much clearance! Anyhow...I bought her a crown with pink faux fur and a pink faux fur boa and then I bought purple and blue faux fur boas for all of her friends. They are gonna be decked out in the LIMO party! I was also able to buy some cheap decorations for our Easter party --so my shopping trip was successful....I love it when I find good deals! Well I hope everyone has a Happy MOnday!
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