Hi to all........
I know it has been a long stretch..Sorry for all who inquire on our family. I am in my last week of summer quarter..and I am struggling worse than ever before..they shorten summer quarter to 6 weeks so you have 11 weeks worth of material in about half of the time and I took some hard courses along with 20 credits which was just INSANE! So needless to say..I don't have much of a social life. I knew I needed a chemistry tutor right away and they could not find one for me until last week..and well it is a bit late--and she doesn't know her chemistry very well because it has been such a long time since she has taken the class herself ..so I have to explain alot to her myself and we aren't getting very far when my final is on thursday..so I could possible fail this class which will set me back so far because I won't be able to apply for nursing school until 2010..I will have to wait a full year. I am thinking if I have to wait that long I may change my major--we will see what happens. PRAY for me!
ALthough I am struggling in school I am glad it is almost over so I can start spending time with all of my friends and family , clean my house, weed my flower beds and work on our missionary trip needs.
The boys have been going back and fourth from here to Landon's and I hate summer for that reason...it seems that all of the good things that we used to celebrate are ruined by the fact that I have to share the kids with landon..oh well such as life.
I know I haven't caught everyone up on all of the updates on everything--I haven't even downloaded any pictures that I have taken in the last 7 weeks.....Clarissa decided to cut her own hair..so now the long beautiful hair she had is gone and she got a tinkerbell pixie cut..which looks terrible on her and she will have to start kindergarten this year with ugly hair.....Preston was published in a children's poetry book--the books will arrive here in Januray and he is going to autograph them for anyone who orders one. Bryce, Carl, Preston and Cole are gonna start football in a few weeks..I spoke with the coach last week. Jeralyn is pretty much up to the same things..buy crazy and getting more more and more self conscious , I think. Typical eigth grader...I know I never want to go back to the age!
I went to a movie last weekend with Melissa---it was so great! I loved it...it was Mamma Mia and I am definatly buying the DVD when it comes out!
Well, that is all I can think of at this point--next week when I have time--adn no studying I will catch up again!