Monday, August 24, 2009 more!

Well it has been awhile since I have updated this blog and as school starts in a few days and we are prepared as we can possible be....I somehow have time to blog. We have had such a busy summer it has had it's up and downs and drives here and there and plenty of laughs and cries.
Jeri starts high school this year, Bryce starts junior high and with all of my kids growing and changing ( hormones raging!) it seems that they are getting further an further from me....or not so much further from me but growing faster and developing opinions and likes and dislikes away from me and it hurts to see your babies move further from the next...I can't imagine what kind of drug therapy (or otherwise) I will need when they actually fly from the nest because I can't imagine life without them ..hopefully I will grow with them and it won't hurt so much but I suspect it will still hurt very deeply.
The list of things we did the summer:
1. Silverwood ( Idaho)
2. Wild Waves ( Seattle)
3. Ephrata pool ( to many times to count this was a daily routine)
4. Moses Lake Surf and slide
5. Camping ( Boyer park, Twin lakes Idaho and on labor day we will be hitting Rim Rock)
6. many weekends at the McGee's ( God parents ...The Best ever!!!)
7. Hoopfest ( Horton boys only)
8. Vacation at Grand parents ( Jeri and Carl only)
9. Celebrated 3 birthdays
10. School clothes shopping and supplies!

There is a minor list of our big accomplishments over the summer ( or memorable ones anyway) and I would like to say I got a whole lot of pictures of these experiences but I didn't I pack my camera and then never bring it out...seems weird. But I can't beat myself up about these things because I am experiencing life and not just taking pictures of it all. Plus when your kids get to a certain age they don't pose for pictures very gets to exhausting asking them to let you take a picture or at least ignore it when I am trying to take one...ugh!

As I grow and learn about myself, life and family, Some things you don't need pictures of because the memories are so much better and it is nice to hear my children talk about their vision or version of our trips and memories and sometimes the pictures will take away from that. Of course there is also the fact that you can't take pictures of some memories...early on this summer we were taking a trip to Grand Coulee dam ..stopped at Steam boat for picnic dinner and had a few friends with us...the whole way there my children were singing Christian songs and teaching their friends these songs I will never be able to capture the pride in my soul because my kids were singing these beautiful songs and the sound of them singing is glorious....I thank God for all of my blessings and now I know a bit of what he feels when he hears from me on a daily basis because he is my father.