Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

First of all I would like to thank all of the veterans and soldiers that are currently serving our country without all of you I would not have the life that I have and I am greatful!

Well Mary and Carla came to spend the weekend with us at Rimrock Meadows. The Ponozzos and Whites invited us....and it has become a tradition the last few years and it is relaxing and fun there because the kids are entertained and they have all of the facilities plus an dindustrial kitchen so we can have real meals and not cook over a camp fire which is always nice.

The kids swam, ate,and did sword fighting... they were exhausted! It is nice to be with a bunch of families that are like mine and hear about how they handle different things with their kids and learn.
We are actually in week two of our finance plan with the kids. I printed out check registers for all kids. I have never paid my kids allowances because I feel like we do alot of fun thinsg with our kids and if they realized how much money everything was they would get it..well since they don't manage money I am teaching them. They each get ten dollars a week...We take them shopping every thursday night and with that ten dollars they have to pay for all toiletries, laundry soap and after school snacks. They can budget however they want and buy whatever they want but this money will also include their entertainment fund......meaning I don't have to take them to the movies every month or whatever...and I get to pick and choose which things I want to pay for. They also get penalized if they don't complete chores and if they stay in the shower to long ect. SOme of them are managing their money well and others aren't but it is a learning experience and hopefully they will get it...eventually. Right now ..they think they are rich and all is fine and good until they want to go to a movie and they realize how much movie..soda and popcorn will cost them...hahahah!

We just found out this morning that Bryce's BFF is coming back home to stay and Bryce is over the moon happy about it but he is cranky becuase he is tired and I wish school were in today.LOL

Work is going well and I am trying to get through some spanish homework it is my last lesson before my final test and I will be happy just to have it done.....I HATE spanish and I am ready to have summer here so I can focus on other things. FAll will be here before I know it and much as I am excited to start at WSU I want the break.

Well I hoep you are having a blessed long weekend..have a great week!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Things...

Well I got up today ..went to our staff meeting and now I am working on Spanish homework...I HATE spanish homework. This is my third quarter of spanish and I can't tell you anything about the language I may be able to pick up word here or there is I hear someone talking but ...that is not any where near where they want you to be....LOL. I have to finish this quarter to get into WSU. I am contemplating only doing half of my homework ..just so I can get a passing grade ...cause frankly at this point who cares about getting a 4.0? LOL. I can't let myself fail so I will keep trudging on!

I am working more days now because someone quit at work....which is good and bad....I like being at work....I hate being away from kids...and I like earning mroe fabric. LOL.

I went through my fabric closet on Saturday is not as bad as I thought it was....I have less than I thought of randon cuts of i have many "lines" of fabric.... good or bad? Who knows?

But I better get back to work I may be able to turn this in on time!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Well today I woke up and had leftover breakfast cassrole I made on friday for my kids since there was no school...and then I sewed for a bit until everyone woke up and then.... I mowed the lawn and then.... I made lunch and prepared dinner... and then Rob went to go get boys from Landon and then.... I sewed for a bit while cooking dinner and then.... we had a family dinner.....then we played tennis. I thought for sure this would be the day all the kids would beat me at wasn't...and I am so OUT of shape!

Although, it wasn't a nice relaxing day...I didn't have any expectations that it would be so was a good day. Preston had bought me a bouquet a flowers with his own money..which is super special and Rob had bought me beautiful roses yesterday and a card that sums up our house hold..humorus..of course. Clarissa made me artwork and taped a few things to her artwork to give me for a gift ...Bryce said he was making a flower box in woodshop...( I already paid for it) and Cole said he knew I didn't want anything except our family to be together...Carl and Clarissa clipped iris' from my garden to put with my roses???

In all actuality it was a perfect mother's day because I have all of my kids..they are all healthy ..we have food to eat..a roof over our heads and I am thankful to be a so many ways..I am thankful that I get to teach them life lesons like:

Family is first!
Spending time together is important!
Gifts are nice.....especially ones from the heart.
We should be thankful every day not just the ones that are marked as a holiday!

My kids know me pretty well and I am hoping that that will always be the case! They know the perfect way in which to Celebrate! I am thankful for the chance to be a MOM and I want to celebrate most days of their lives not just one.....I hope you all have a GREAT day!

In actuality I am greatful to

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cole's Update

Cole had surgery today...he did very well I was so proud of him..he is so serious and "Manly" about certain things and this one was one of them. The doc sent him home with pain killers and he is handling everything quite complaining.
My Boss brought him a get well package containing blizzard oreos and a 5 pound bag of chocolates ( i think) and that just brightened him up even more...she is so great!

My grandma had a fall last night /this morning..she is in the ER with broken bones and getting an MRI...Please keep her in your prayers.....I am hoping an praying for a full and speedy recovery.

The kids don't have school tomorrow...Jeri had her last softball game tonight and they lost..she is happy that it is all over.

Bryce is upset with me because he wanted to go see Iron Man tonight at midnight and I won't let him go..he has been slacking on his chores and I don't want him going to a movie by himself with his friends...It is hard for me to let my kids do things by themselves and although I can see the theatre from my livingroom it makes me nervous. There is no school tomorrow Rob gets to spend the day off with all of the kids...although the boys are going to Spokane tomorrow....I hope Cole does ok..I hate sending him so soon after surgery. But I think he will be fine.

I am exhausted..I have to work tomorrow and I was up so early this morning driving to Wenatchee for the surgery....stayed up to late last night..Couldn't sleep after watching "Happy Town"....not good for me to watch that stuff....Will avoid from now on....Well I hope you are all doing well....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happenings and things...

Well this was a good week and on Friday we celebrated Preston's 10th birthday I can't believe he is 10. YIKES! Rob picked up party kids at school and they came home for a snack. HE had pre-arranged a treasure hunt. They went all around the neighborhood (I was at work) and found clues to lead them to the next of the stops was the corner store..The clue read something like: This is where one goes for a refreshing drink after a long walk. Preston and Clarissa immediatly think.."oh the corner store" Because Rob often takes them there...Preston's friends thought it was the bar down the hill....I wonder what their parents do when they need a refresher..LOL. Rob got a tatse fo what it is like to deal with kids that are not our own....HE had to tell them not to take water bottles left on the side of the road and absolutley not drink them...not to eat discarded candy left on the street and ..then he had to coach them on how to behave in the store. What is really hilarious though is that Clarissa is younger than all of thoe boys...and she was disgusted at their lack of knowledge.....she was upset because they didn't understand some of the clues..and thought they were barbaric....Her and Preston knew all of them but Preston could be swayed by his friends and Clarissa was disgusted just telling me the story. HAHA!

Preston finished with a sleepover...I don't know why we call them one gets any sleep. I had to go to work on Saturday as Rob got to deal with all of that..hehe.

Sunday the boys went out to Cindi's house. I am so grateful that this family has taken an interest in my family and the boys. The boys go out there to "work" and they eat like crazy and have a ton of fun...they already feel so comfortable and safe with them warms my heart. Cindi has a 16 year old son..who is the baby of their family and my boys look up to him and want to be near him...and he loves having someone look up to him.... Even when Jared came to get them he said "HEy, Where's my kids?" So sweet! SO we went there for a BBQ last night and felt right at home....what a great day!

Cole is having surgery this week...if you could all keep him in your prayers! It is a 5 hour procedure on his hand..nothing major but he is going to be under...and I hate having to do that with my kids....he wants to get it done before the pool opens and before football starts...he wants everything healed before the fun begins..and I don't blame him.

Things to remember:

My babies are not babies anymore.

Clarissa is just way to smart for her own good!

There is only 6 more weeks of school. (Jeri will be a sophmore...she has told me this three times this week alone)

Life is good!

Love is even better!

I need to update this more!