Monday, September 5, 2011

I thought I could post pictures of the latest Quilts churned out by Charisma's Corner

These were all made by Dotty in NEw York City...Dotty and I have been working together for quite some time! She is always a pleasure to work with!

HI Everybody

Well I have had so many changes since my last post!

I have started another blog on a website...I post to it pretty much everyday....Pictures of a majority of my stuff and all of my daily thoughts.

But I am thinking it is so specific that maybe I should start posting here again as well...It can't hurt.

so I may also try and post some of my pictures....

Here is the link to the other blog... so you all can catch up...LOL

The first page is the oldest..the last page is the newest entries....

I am going to try and keep up on this daily as well..and hope I can get you all up to speed.


I am in school full-time..I am in my senior year at WSU!! GO COUGS!!, I own my own quilting business...which has flourished.

All of my kids are in school..various activities...and my DH (Dear Husband ) "The ROb" is working hard at National Frozen Foods.

We attend Bread of Life Christian church..I am a youth group leader there...and I attend a Women's bible study.

We are gearing up towards getting a play ready for our youth group...a Christmas play....Other than that you will have to catch up on Charisma's crumbs...and I will keep a daily entry here...Have a great night!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh...How times escapes me......

Well here we are already in the middle of January. School has started and I am excited about some of my classes...but have not gotten all of my STRESS! because we are in week two of classes.

I posted some pictures of recent quilts on some forums that I am part of and got a HUGE quilting machine should be paid off in no time!

We are going to re-arrange the house in the next couple of months so I can have a bigger studio and the kids can have more room. We re converting my garage into my studio. It should be nice to have so much space.

Rob is having surgery next week...I am also have oral surgery next week. They are going to knock me out..thank GOd!

The kids are out of school today and was 45 degrees outside today and all the snow is now melted. It will probably snow by the weekend? Weather has been so strange this year.

Well I hope you all feel the blessings for the new year. I will post some pictures of my most recent quilts.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


HI All,
I am in reflection of everything that has happened this last year. Many trials and tribulations...celbrations and accomplishments!..I am looking forward to this new year with so much angst and wonder.
Rob and I celebrated 8 years of wedded bliss (LOL) going out to dinner after I worked at the shop...That is more than we usually do.
My new business is going off with a bang for the new year which is a great thing..I feel so many blessings and compliments coming from complete strangers in regards to my quilting. It gives me much confidence..I know GOd is paving teh way for me.
We have 8 days until our pre-op appointment with Rob's surgeon. The surgery is on Jan 25th. Who knows what this year will bring by this tiem next year our house may have a new member.
School also starts a week from tomorrow...I will be in my second semester at is so amazing! All my dreams are coming true and thinsg are coming aroudn full is amazing to see and feel.

We have been talking with all the kids about their life plans and what they want to do in teh always makes me happy to hear them talk and know that we ( their parents) will all work together to help provide them with the means and skills to accomplish their goals. Some of my boys want to join teh military at this point (you know we have a few yers ..they could change their minds)at first this always scares me...but in truth...I would be so honored and proud to have them join...if that is their dream I can't crush it by worrying about them. If they run off to college it is just as scary..partying, drinking..drugs....Things are so scray everywhere.

So far they are all thinking college or military....none of them are saying taking a yar off and backpacking through We are good.

Clarissa is definatly coming out of her shell..she goes from not talking to just spitting out exactly what she is thinking to everyone around here...although funny at times..she is amazingly RUDE sometimes..and I need to work on that.

Bryce is a very insightful young man...but also so rough around the edges...adn roughly hormonal these days.

Carl is exceptional...very kind, thoughtful...wants to please everyone. Very good young man...still insecure..hoping he can find he is such a good guy!

Cole is emotional a bit still..likes perfection...struggles in our imperfect world....matches all of his clothes ..organizes his things and hates to be slighted in the least bit...he is going through a very vulnerable stage. Very soft child.

Preston is "highly capable". very thoughtful..antagonizes most situations and loves to be the center of attention! He is excelling on every subject in school..his sense of accomplishment rules his life.

Jeri is sweet! she is still struggling in school a bit...has one close friend...compromises herself to much and is still thinking of owning her own beauty salon someday. We push her and tell her how smar adn beautiful she she can believe it. She loves tv and talking on the phone..and TTWILIGHT! I have never seen the movies or read the book..I don't care for Vampires..scary.

I hope many blessinsg upon you all for the new yer!