Happy Father's Day to all the the dads out there!
I told ROb since today was father's day I would not crack the whip for him today--How generous of me ! although--we have so much to do downstairs it is crazy! We need to clean everything up and paint the boys room. anyway--I really appreciate ROb --he is Darn good father and he really tries to put his family first in most situations--that is why we are moving --Rob is not excited about moving to a bigger city and he gets really nervous about that, he has only lived in really small town and he grew up in northern Idaho--haha!
Today we are going to drive to Wenatchee--we have to pay a bill and then we will have some lunch and come home --so Rob can have his "free time" and I will most likely work on cleaning up this downstairs bathroom and do any "touch ups" that need to be done and I am going to make 12 cards or my card club --which is tomorrow and I happen to be hosting! So I will update you later!
Pay a bill, lunch, paint, clean and make 12 cards. Is that ALL you're going to do today??? You're such a slacker! :)
Do you ever just sit down and relax for a few minutes? Your always on the go go go!!
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