Well today was the first day of school and we went thru the normal routine and I was dropping all the kids off at the 3 different schools and I took pics of them by the signs at school and all of that jazz. Took the 3 younger boys and started taking their pics and Preston starts throwing up in the grass. Oh no! So I went to the office and told them I would be taking him home. I thought it was nerves at first but he came home and slept for the next 5 hours--so I think he really is sick--I am just praying that he doesn't get any of the other kids sick and that he will be fine to go to school tomorrow.
We had the kids open houses last night , so of course, they are all scheduled at the same time---not very single parent savvy apparently! SO we raced to the different school and got our packet of information and met our new teachers. Well we came home and there was a ring on the door bell after the kids were all in their pj's and I was too. A family wanted to come and see our house--we have met this family before b/c we had a sleepover and their son was on of the attendees--anyway--I said that was fine--they had 4 kids and the house would be perfect for them--who knows if they liked it or not--but nice that they excused the mess and wanted the tour anyway. We also had a family come and look at the house on Monday and they had already seen our house before, so they must like something about it--my agent said they hadn't put an offer on anything yet--so in the last 3 weeks we have had 2 families come and look. We got good responses b/c of the kitchen--so that made me feel good.
Well tomorrow after I get a decent picture of Preston I will post pics of my beautiful kids on their first day of school! Have a great day!
Our family is huge! And I can't imagine life being any different --we have struggles everyday and we get through them stronger in our faith and love for GOd and life! We love to be together and we love to be with friends and family!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
August 24th
Hi to everybody,
Well ROb got home late last night--we were all snoozing away!!!
Well this week nothing exciting is really going on, I didn't do alot of housework and we have had no prospective buyers for over 2 weeks. I went to my local christian book store and the 2 girls there are members at the church I attend and they pulled me in to a prayer circle right away to pray for the sell of my house, isn't that sweet! Can you find that every where you go?
I have been working on the inside of myself recently and I have been making alot of progress , according to my therapist--so that is my most exciting news of the week. Tonight I am going to have Carla and Robbie come and stay the weekend with us and we are going to do some tourist things , so that will be nice and I am so happy to have company! I will let you know what exciting things we do over the weekend!
Well ROb got home late last night--we were all snoozing away!!!
Well this week nothing exciting is really going on, I didn't do alot of housework and we have had no prospective buyers for over 2 weeks. I went to my local christian book store and the 2 girls there are members at the church I attend and they pulled me in to a prayer circle right away to pray for the sell of my house, isn't that sweet! Can you find that every where you go?
I have been working on the inside of myself recently and I have been making alot of progress , according to my therapist--so that is my most exciting news of the week. Tonight I am going to have Carla and Robbie come and stay the weekend with us and we are going to do some tourist things , so that will be nice and I am so happy to have company! I will let you know what exciting things we do over the weekend!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday August 20th
Hi All,
Well Rob only had one day off this last week and we came home late Friday night, he stayed until Sunday morning and then came home again last night and he brought the boys back home. It was so nice to see them again and it is nice to know they are back home again for good. Since they were gone for my birthday they had all brought homemade cards that they had made for me, How sweet is that?? What good boys!
This weekend I volunteered for a bike race called HOT AUGUST DAYS. It is a bike ride that is 150 miles long and the riders go a full circle from Wenatchee, WA back thru Quincy, Ephrata, and back thru the hwy to Wenatchee again. I was at the rest stop in Dry Falls, Wa and I handed out food and water. It was nice to talk to all of them and I can't wait for the day when I am strong enough to be one of them.
It rained on Saturday so I couldn't work on the deck. I was really upset by that. So I had a few girls over and we scrapbooked. I got at whopping 3 layouts done! WOOOO HOOOOO! Oh well we talked had girl time and worked as we talked.
Well I am going to get back to work.
I am thinking after I get the deck done , that maybe I should have an open house. SO I am going to aks my real estate agent about that, Hopefully I will hear back soon.
Well Rob only had one day off this last week and we came home late Friday night, he stayed until Sunday morning and then came home again last night and he brought the boys back home. It was so nice to see them again and it is nice to know they are back home again for good. Since they were gone for my birthday they had all brought homemade cards that they had made for me, How sweet is that?? What good boys!
This weekend I volunteered for a bike race called HOT AUGUST DAYS. It is a bike ride that is 150 miles long and the riders go a full circle from Wenatchee, WA back thru Quincy, Ephrata, and back thru the hwy to Wenatchee again. I was at the rest stop in Dry Falls, Wa and I handed out food and water. It was nice to talk to all of them and I can't wait for the day when I am strong enough to be one of them.
It rained on Saturday so I couldn't work on the deck. I was really upset by that. So I had a few girls over and we scrapbooked. I got at whopping 3 layouts done! WOOOO HOOOOO! Oh well we talked had girl time and worked as we talked.
Well I am going to get back to work.
I am thinking after I get the deck done , that maybe I should have an open house. SO I am going to aks my real estate agent about that, Hopefully I will hear back soon.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Well, Hello to all of my friends!
Today I went to work and left shortly after as they didn't need me and I was all to happy to oblige! SO I came home trimmed my trees, painted the vanity in my bathroom and cleaned some more around the house. Yesterday I did all of our weeding of the flower beds and tried scrubbing the hard water stains off of our outside window---just to find out there is also stains in between the 2 panes of glass--so I can't get it clean anyway! I spoke with my real-estate agent today--she said the prices of houses are dropping and they are also starting a new development of houses, so that isn't very promising for me! I hope we can get out of here before the flood of new housing! Or I may be here a few more years and Rob will be going insane by then.
Since I finished painting the kitchen and what not we have not had any body come to look at the house, I am hoping to get a good response from the kitchen and bathroom , I will post before and afters tomorrow--I am to tired to post them now. Have a good night!
Today I went to work and left shortly after as they didn't need me and I was all to happy to oblige! SO I came home trimmed my trees, painted the vanity in my bathroom and cleaned some more around the house. Yesterday I did all of our weeding of the flower beds and tried scrubbing the hard water stains off of our outside window---just to find out there is also stains in between the 2 panes of glass--so I can't get it clean anyway! I spoke with my real-estate agent today--she said the prices of houses are dropping and they are also starting a new development of houses, so that isn't very promising for me! I hope we can get out of here before the flood of new housing! Or I may be here a few more years and Rob will be going insane by then.
Since I finished painting the kitchen and what not we have not had any body come to look at the house, I am hoping to get a good response from the kitchen and bathroom , I will post before and afters tomorrow--I am to tired to post them now. Have a good night!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday Project!
Well today once again, Rob went back to Spokane to work and I stayed home cleaned up a little and decided to start a project. Melissa had bought me a some frames for my birthday and I had an idea! I take a ton of pictures of my kids and these frames have exactly 6 slots.here they are:

So I thought for one of them I could decorate and put in one pic of each kid( b/c there is exactly 6) and then the other i could have some fun with, I thought I could use the word family--but I already have a project using canvas and I have the word family on that one --so I thought I could use the word HOME and just fill in the 2 empty spots. I like how it turned out although I am wondering if I should add a few things. Here is the one I have done--I will post the other one as soon as I get the pics put in.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Kitchen Project!

OK so a friend of mine told me that kitchens and bathrooms sell houses--and then the next day I read it on a website. So I decided I better do something with my kitchen, I have always wanted to "update" the kitchen here but I didn't really know what I should do--so I decided to bite the bullet and just paint the cabinets. I went to a website and it told me how to do that and what products I would need and I went ahead and updated my kitchen. I LOVE the results! My kitchen looks so much better and it just brightens up that whole part of my house! SO I am posting before and after pics.
Saturday August 11th
HI to all,
Well I made it thru my 30th birthday! It was a good day, I went to work and my boss brought me a bunch of nice chocolates and a co-worker brought in my favorite cake( Carrot cake) and Melissa took me out to a great lunch--we were so stuffed already and then they brought out a 5 layer fudge cake--I took 2 bites had to take the rest home--yikes! I came home and watched Dr.Phil, of course. I helped Rob paint the cabinet doors and then we went to dinner at Pizza Hut( my choice--hehe) and then went shopping at wal-mart--are we all excited yet? I needed to get some things to finish the kitchen and I had to buy Cole's Party stuff for next weekend. SO all in all it was a good day.
Well I am going to come and put in another entry later today--the before and after of my kitchen b/c we should be done with that soon and it makes a HUGE difference! as you shall soon see! Have a great day!
Well I made it thru my 30th birthday! It was a good day, I went to work and my boss brought me a bunch of nice chocolates and a co-worker brought in my favorite cake( Carrot cake) and Melissa took me out to a great lunch--we were so stuffed already and then they brought out a 5 layer fudge cake--I took 2 bites had to take the rest home--yikes! I came home and watched Dr.Phil, of course. I helped Rob paint the cabinet doors and then we went to dinner at Pizza Hut( my choice--hehe) and then went shopping at wal-mart--are we all excited yet? I needed to get some things to finish the kitchen and I had to buy Cole's Party stuff for next weekend. SO all in all it was a good day.
Well I am going to come and put in another entry later today--the before and after of my kitchen b/c we should be done with that soon and it makes a HUGE difference! as you shall soon see! Have a great day!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The day before my 30th birthday!
Hi all,
Well today I went to lunch with my friend Donna and she had made me a gift--this really cute purse! with Amy butler fabric! sensational! Really cute you can see it on her blog at www.donnahodgson.blogspot.com It is so me and I have already transferred all of my make-up and cards into it. Rob is supposed to come home tonight and then he will have the next 2 days off. I need to start working on kitchen cabinet doors as everything else is done--I was just waiting until I borrowed an electric sander from somebody b/c my arms were very tired after sanding everything yesterday. So of course, since I have everything torn down and wrecked, a family wanted to come see the house today! I knew that was going to happen to me! Well hopefully if they liked the house , they can over look the kitchen for now. SO pray for us! Anyhow that is all I have to say for now , have a great day!
Well today I went to lunch with my friend Donna and she had made me a gift--this really cute purse! with Amy butler fabric! sensational! Really cute you can see it on her blog at www.donnahodgson.blogspot.com It is so me and I have already transferred all of my make-up and cards into it. Rob is supposed to come home tonight and then he will have the next 2 days off. I need to start working on kitchen cabinet doors as everything else is done--I was just waiting until I borrowed an electric sander from somebody b/c my arms were very tired after sanding everything yesterday. So of course, since I have everything torn down and wrecked, a family wanted to come see the house today! I knew that was going to happen to me! Well hopefully if they liked the house , they can over look the kitchen for now. SO pray for us! Anyhow that is all I have to say for now , have a great day!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I Don't know if this is jaw dropping , edge of your seat writing..but here goes................. Today.......I went to work..........and I came home for lunch.......and that is about it! ha! I called my real estate agnet to ask what some feedback on the house is..she is calling some other agents to ask--and getting back to me. I have decided since my kitchen seems to be a sore spot( for me anyway) this weekend I am going to paint the kitchen cupboards and put new hardware on the drawers and cupboards. That should lighten it a bit in my kitchen and make it feel a bit "newer".I am just worried about our back splash and countertops b/c they are faux wood , I think they should be neutral enough. We shall see--I will try and post before and after pics and then you can tell me what you think. Tonight I am going to work on a few misc. items here and there and do some light cleaning. We have not had any showings since Saturday. SO maybe when we rip down all of the cabinets--people will show up--that is how it seems to go . Have a great night everybody!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Today was a relaxing day--I watched alot of tv, did a few scrapbook pages, and watched the kids play in the pool. ROb had to work early this morning and he took the boys( sad face here). Tomorrow it is back to the old grindstone(work). I wish I could say I was looking forward to it----I will leave that alone. I did 3 loads of dished today and harped on the kids several times to clean up their mess--it still looks as if a tornado hit this house. Is this never ending?? Well not much going on here--maybe I will have something so fantastic to write about tomorrow--it will hold you on the edge of your seat!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
August 4th,2007
Well a Big Happy Birthday to Rob today!! he is a whopping 33!
Today--I got up and made a big breakfast for the family--it was nice I can't wait until we get back to normal and have a dining room table again--so we can all eat together--I gave it away--b/c when we get a new house I will be buying a new set--but I also wanted it out of the house so it didn't look so cramped with a our big dining table and such a little dining area. Anyhow--we got a call from a realtor today and she said a family was coming to see the house at 12:00--so we raced around cleaning everything and then she showed up UN-announced with someone else at around 3:00 --so that lady got to see how we really live--oh well! The pool is finally coming along and it is about halfway full--so that is nice--the kids are having fun! We are going to take the kids roller skating tonight, we have a bunch of 2.00 off coupons and it is good exercise. I miss having my boys around, Clarissa and Carl miss them so much when they are gone--Clarissa is going to be upset tomorrow when she wakes up and they are gone b/c Rob is taking them with him when he goes to Spokane--they they will be with Landon for 2 more weeks. Then all of his weeks will be used up and I will be able to get back to our normal schedule just in time for school. Please pray that one of these families put a decent offer in on our house and that we can start the process for moving and getting our new house. See ya later!
Today--I got up and made a big breakfast for the family--it was nice I can't wait until we get back to normal and have a dining room table again--so we can all eat together--I gave it away--b/c when we get a new house I will be buying a new set--but I also wanted it out of the house so it didn't look so cramped with a our big dining table and such a little dining area. Anyhow--we got a call from a realtor today and she said a family was coming to see the house at 12:00--so we raced around cleaning everything and then she showed up UN-announced with someone else at around 3:00 --so that lady got to see how we really live--oh well! The pool is finally coming along and it is about halfway full--so that is nice--the kids are having fun! We are going to take the kids roller skating tonight, we have a bunch of 2.00 off coupons and it is good exercise. I miss having my boys around, Clarissa and Carl miss them so much when they are gone--Clarissa is going to be upset tomorrow when she wakes up and they are gone b/c Rob is taking them with him when he goes to Spokane--they they will be with Landon for 2 more weeks. Then all of his weeks will be used up and I will be able to get back to our normal schedule just in time for school. Please pray that one of these families put a decent offer in on our house and that we can start the process for moving and getting our new house. See ya later!
Friday, August 3, 2007
August 3rd
Well Today was so exciting--I had a full house and I had to work ---boohoo--But I got thru it! What a boring day! Anyway--I came home worked on the house for a bit watched DR>Phil--so I could see if I still had more issues to work on--didn't see anything today. Thank God:) Don't know if I can take any more assignments.
So I made a nice dinner for the kids and then we decided to go to the ephrata pool --b/c we heard if you took down 2 books or 2 cans of food--you could get in for free and they were going to have live music. The pool doesn't usually stay open for evening swims--so that was nice and it wasn't very busy--so we had a blast and it didn't cost us a dime! My kids thought I was the greatest! And the good part....they are going to sleep well tonight!
I don't have anything else going on really--ROb's birthday is tomorrow ..he is going to be 33--whew! I married an old man! hehehe
SO we will most likely bbq some sausage--he is German--so he thinks that he is immune to heart disease:) --so he eats as much as he likes! Maybe I should open a life insurance policy--is it considered accidental if they eat to much pork??? I always worry about his diet--but he doesn't so I guess I have to let him do what he wants. Anyway--everyone have a great night! I am off!
So I made a nice dinner for the kids and then we decided to go to the ephrata pool --b/c we heard if you took down 2 books or 2 cans of food--you could get in for free and they were going to have live music. The pool doesn't usually stay open for evening swims--so that was nice and it wasn't very busy--so we had a blast and it didn't cost us a dime! My kids thought I was the greatest! And the good part....they are going to sleep well tonight!
I don't have anything else going on really--ROb's birthday is tomorrow ..he is going to be 33--whew! I married an old man! hehehe
SO we will most likely bbq some sausage--he is German--so he thinks that he is immune to heart disease:) --so he eats as much as he likes! Maybe I should open a life insurance policy--is it considered accidental if they eat to much pork??? I always worry about his diet--but he doesn't so I guess I have to let him do what he wants. Anyway--everyone have a great night! I am off!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Well ROb is coming home tonight and he is bringing 3 of our boys home with him--I hate the summer b/c I have to share more time with Landon--I know that is selfish but it is what it is..I like it better when they are home with me and as much as sometimes they get on my nerves I prefer to have them home--they brighten my moods and my days--I just know that is why I am a mom!
SO anyhow--no offers on the house yet and today I have decided I am going to start working on myself--I have been working on my home, my relationship with my husband and children and everything around me except me--so I am going to be selfish and find myself--I am going to work on some self help books and my weight issues and get to the root of my issues--I know this is going to be a deep, long drawn out process--but I have nothing but time on my hands folks! My husband is gone , I work part-time and I have pretty much given up on trying to keep the house clean for potential buyers--so I will probably be here for a long time:)
So I will have about 6 more weeks of summer before kids are in school and then I will have even more time ! Any helpful hints from my old and wise friends??
As Dr, Phil would say " this is a changing time in you r life" ( I think this is what he says--something to that effect anyway) SO I hope this is true!
I will update you on my progress or depression whatever the case may be--haha!
SO anyhow--no offers on the house yet and today I have decided I am going to start working on myself--I have been working on my home, my relationship with my husband and children and everything around me except me--so I am going to be selfish and find myself--I am going to work on some self help books and my weight issues and get to the root of my issues--I know this is going to be a deep, long drawn out process--but I have nothing but time on my hands folks! My husband is gone , I work part-time and I have pretty much given up on trying to keep the house clean for potential buyers--so I will probably be here for a long time:)
So I will have about 6 more weeks of summer before kids are in school and then I will have even more time ! Any helpful hints from my old and wise friends??
As Dr, Phil would say " this is a changing time in you r life" ( I think this is what he says--something to that effect anyway) SO I hope this is true!
I will update you on my progress or depression whatever the case may be--haha!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
AUgust 1st
I Can't believe August is here already, this is amazing to me --I feel like time is going by so fast and I haven't accomplished much at all. I am going to be 30 in 10 days and I don't feel a day over 65--Strange! I know some people get stressed over their 30th birthday but I think 30 is the new 20 , like pink is the new black! So , I am actually looking forward to being 30 , b/c I know I am one step closer to being old and wise--hahahahah! Anyway--we had a new family come and look at the house today--I hope we get an offer--I am living on pins and needles everytime someone comes to see the house. I feel like a single mom --and the kids are just getting worse and worse the longer Rob is gone and JEri the oldest ,who I expect to try and help me some( IDK why I ever expect her to help me) has been getting into more trouble. I have a cell phone for the kids to use , for when they have sleepovers or go somewhere without a parent and to use when I am not home, well JEri seems to think this is her phone not a community phone so she has programmed all of her #'s and addresses in the phone and she tries to talk as much as possible, anywho--she is not supposed to use the phone when a parent is not around--so I looked up phone record she has been using phone--she got grounded from phone--so I look at phone today, apparently-she thought texting would be a good idea since she can't talk on it, we don't have texting on our plan and between yesterday and today she and her friend have text over 70 times--I am very angry!!! I also told her she can't be on computer --her and her friend decided to open their own email accounts--which JEri doesn't need--I was upstairs while this was being done and I found out when I tried to log into my account and could not b/c her email address was in the saved spot, SO we had a little chat about the computer and she was not to be on the computer unless I say so , and I need to know where she is going--well that was 2 weeks ago--I ran a history on the computer and see that she has been on everyday and I had to ground her from the computer, this seems to be never ending, that child does what she wants when she wasn't to do it, and I can't seem to keep up on everything.I am going to invest in some nanny software! I am tired! I have to keep this house clean so we can show it to prospective buyers, which is no small feat, I have to make meals, go to work, and keep up on everything and kids have nothing to do except come up with plans to decieve their parents--this is not fair!
So anyway--once again I feel overwhelmed and I don't know if this keeps up I may have tojust start saving money --so I can pay rent somewhere--so we can start showing teh house vacant b/c it is way to hard to clean everything when I have 6-9 kids running around all of the time.
So anyway--once again I feel overwhelmed and I don't know if this keeps up I may have tojust start saving money --so I can pay rent somewhere--so we can start showing teh house vacant b/c it is way to hard to clean everything when I have 6-9 kids running around all of the time.
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