Thursday, August 9, 2007

The day before my 30th birthday!

Hi all,
Well today I went to lunch with my friend Donna and she had made me a gift--this really cute purse! with Amy butler fabric! sensational! Really cute you can see it on her blog at It is so me and I have already transferred all of my make-up and cards into it. Rob is supposed to come home tonight and then he will have the next 2 days off. I need to start working on kitchen cabinet doors as everything else is done--I was just waiting until I borrowed an electric sander from somebody b/c my arms were very tired after sanding everything yesterday. So of course, since I have everything torn down and wrecked, a family wanted to come see the house today! I knew that was going to happen to me! Well hopefully if they liked the house , they can over look the kitchen for now. SO pray for us! Anyhow that is all I have to say for now , have a great day!


Gladden Family said...

That purse is so cute and charisma-ee. Happy Birthday a day early. Are you gonna do anything exciting?

Donna Hodgson said...

Charisma, I am SO glad you like your gift. It was made with love especially for you! Happy Birthday...30...boy are you getting old! (ask me how I know) :)
PS. I need to show you how to do links in your blog! :)