Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Well I don't have alot to talk about, the last couple of days I have been going to work , coming home and working on MATH! yuck! anyhow, I am trying to get thru this math book so I can start on algebra, I am not going all that fast, so at this point I am just praying that I get into MATH 95 I was trying to shoot for MATH 99. SO we will see what happens by the time I go take my placement test. But if I don't get in in won't be because of a lack of effort. I worked on math about 10 hours the last 2 days, and I am going to put in my time today.
Clarissa has been in speech therapy for about 3 weeks now, yesterday she was doing so well at her lesson, we can move on to her "L" sounds now. She is picking it up very well, so I don't anticipate her being in speech very long.
The kids are doing well in school, we had conferences last week, the only one with an issue is Carl b/c he is not turning in his homework as I suspected and he also isn't doing any A/R tests. However he also got a letter from the gov. stating his WASL scores were above average. So we have one student who isn't even passing the WASL and she only has 3 years to get her butt in gear or she won't graduate and then the other 2 that are old enough to take the WASL's are scoring way above average. I hate the WASL's, I have a hard enough time getting JEri to turn in her homework , so I have that down, and now she is not even getting passing grades on the WASL and that is all that seems to matter , if she doesn't score high on the WASL in 10th grade she will have to take it ever year until she passes to graduate. So what does school work matter?? Anyway, we will see how it all plays out. Carl is grounded until he turns in all of his missing work. JEri had to go thru the same things every other year and this year with her being in 7th grade some of her teachers don't accept late assignments, good for teaching responsibility, not good for JEri!
As far as the house is concerned, we have not had any lookers since the first weekend in OCtober, I think this is the slow time of year to sell a house, so we won't be getting alot of traffic , I am not upset by that. My house has been trashed for days and today will be my first chance to clean it! I hope you all have a great day while I am cleaning!

1 comment:

Donna Hodgson said...

Those darn kids! Ship the lot of them all off to boarding school in Switzerland. Wait...send the boys to boot camp instead. Just send Jeri and Clarissa to Switzerland. The culture will do them good and think about how much MORE time you'll have for scrapbooking and sewing!!!!
Love you!