This last week we gained a dog..only temporarily..some Friends sold their house and bought a new one but have a week of transition and they are homeless so we are "dog sitting". In return they brought us a big bag of fresh apples and onions. I had just gotten back from the store where I had purchased 3 bags of what do you do when you have apple overload?
I am not sure if any of remember about 3.5 years ago when we processed apples at my house for 2 months straight and we had 100's of jars of applesauce? I think I made every recipe out of apples that I could google. Anyway. as Carl was having nightmares of more applesauce last night..I had to re-assure him..I was not making any..haha...we decided to have a baking party.
Trina came over, so she and I worked with the kids and we made a pie, and 2 apple crisps. If you could imagine 8 of us working in my somewhat small kitchen it was a sight to see..( more like a 3 ring circus!) as I think about it I wish I would have taken pictures ( but I was living in the moment not taking pictures of I won't beat myself up about it). By the time it all ended Trina and I had to take 40 minutes to clean everything..
there was sugar spilled on the floor in an accident ( poor Carl) and then the rest of the kids proceeded to walk through it. Then Carl had an accident with the allspice so a teaspoon of that ended up on the floor by the table..of course that is where majority of us were working and walking that is being sifted around. Cole, Bryce, and Preston are peeling apples and the peelings are being dropped into a bowl on the floor so apple "sprayings" are being tossed all over another section of the floor...and keep in mind the volume is getting louder and louder....Clarissa isn't really assigned a job so she is just going to all the stations and sampling every ones part of the food ..hand full here and a pinch she has flour and her clothes and she has a really large smile on her face. Trina and Jeri are working on the same projects...and I am making a pie....and during this time I am thinking of all the memories..those few years ago Cole was helping me make pies one day and he said to me..
"Mom, Do you know what?"
I said " no, what Cole?"
Cole: " I am always going to remember this day when I baked pies with you..."
Wasn't that sweet? I don't know if he really remembered it but I thought it was so sweet at the time and every time I make an apple pie, I think of him on that day when he was so little and it was a special time for he and I.
SO on top of the fact that I LOVE fall and the apple season that it always brings I love all of the chaos that happens when my family gets together inside my little house and start to do inside activities together ..we used to do these types of things all of the time and it seems life it gets in the way of the things that are so important to this will be another night that I will always remember because all of that chaos brings me such happiness.
We finished the night with Clue and I just have to say I am disappointed with the new clue game because they changed the name of the characters and some of the rooms ..out with the old in with the new I guess...but do they have to change everything? My grandkids will never know professor plum, colonel mustard ect....I guess it isn't the end of the world.
I Hope you all are enjoying your days and I pray for many blessings to you all!
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