This is the crime scene that we had to compare all evidence against.
It is so annoying--I went to post this on Sunday and for some reason I lost it when I went to post it--you would think I would learn to save things sometimes--you have no idea how many times I type something for homework and then lose it....I guess it takes awhile to learn ...when I am special:)!
SO here we go again!
On Thursday night we went to Bryce and Carl's school ( for all my friends and family ..here in Ephrata grade school is k-4th ( and there are 2 grade schools in town) , then Parkway is for 5th-6th grade..then middle school is 7th-8th and then of course high school...so once the kids are in 5th grade they go to school with all of the kids in town that are in their grade.)
So anyway, We went to school for murder mystery night...they had a crime scene and set the stage for a story of events that took place and listed the names of the victim and all his friends that are listed as suspects.
After they introduced the plot they gave each child a packet of paper (in the case of my family I must say sorry to the family of the tree we had to use!)then sent us on our way to 10 different rooms throughout the school to analyze the evidence. Most of the older kids went their own separate ways ..so Rob and I stayed with Preston and Clarissa.
Each room had different things it was AWESOME! Ph balance of soda, clothing that you had to inspect for different materials, DNA analysis, alot of chemistry type things...it is funny because some of these things I am doing in my college level classes..so I think it is great that my kids are getting this stuff early...that way they won't have to learn everything at my old age!
Science changes so much and they will be learning it all as they go. I took a sabbatical. hehe.
We had many theories in this house of who actually commited the crime....I think Carl is the one who got it right.

After the mystery we decided to go out for ice cream..as we were sitting there we were talking about Bryce and his distate for this one girl in his class..who at one point had a crush on him..SO Rob asked him why he disliked her so much
he said : "Because she farts and burps like a guy"
I said "But you do that?"
Bryce: " YEah, but I am guy, Girls don't do that!"
Cole pipes up to say "yeah, Girls don't do that!"
What a double standard..these boys are so mean!
Bryce is disinterested in girsl if they can't keep up in sports..but he doesn't want them to act like him either..I think everyday he becomes more and more like someone I used to know......
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