Tuesday, July 20, 2010

zuchini bread

Well yesterday when I stopped into work to give my schedule ...also had breakfast club ..Thelma had picked some zuchini from her garden to share ..so I took a bunch and Carl and Clarissa are making bread today. Clarissa and I are trying to be patient with him and he is learning but we both lose our patience and want to work around him to speed him up....but neither of us can..so she keeps walking away...and I keep trying to find other things to work on. Whenever he needs to find something I tell him which cupboard it is in and he looks for 30 seconds and then tells me it is not in there...this drives me nuts because he can't ever find anything....he looks for his shoes on the ceiling. All of this is part of his Aspbergers. So I have to be patient and walk away and let him do it his way so he can be functionable. STRESS!

Clarissa has less patience..LOL...she is young has not had to learn to tone it down some.....so she is going to make her own bread when he is done because she can't work at his pace. That was my way of letting her out easy and him as well...he will get stressed when we hover and he will just give up and be mad.

I was going to take the kids to the free movie in MOses Lake today but ROb took all the car keys with him to work..so we are stuck...UGH! SO I guess I could work on my laundry that I have been neglecting?
I have been working in the kitchen all morning ..cutting vegetables.....cooking brown rice...brown pasta and planning. Jeri had a talk with the counselor yesterday about diet and exercise and I commited to working with her to accomplish her goals. It is actually going to be harder for her becuase she does not like fruits and veggies. She also needs to cut out the sugar.....she says that will be the hardest part for her.... I say Welcome to the club!

I Actually like veggies and fruit...so doesn't bother me. Although she is upset that she can't have any of the zucchini bread that is baking......no good things come without sacrifice.

Well I am going to go do some work before Rob gets home and sees...hmmm nothing I have done? Except dinner? LOL

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