Well the 26th ( last thursday ) was the first day of school for the kiddos.....I never know how I will handle the first day of school until it comes. I hate sending the kids back to school every year.....just becuase I know it is one step closer to them getting older....I like having them at home and I know now on all of my days off I won't be taking them to the lake...or bowling or to the free movie. So once again back to routines and schedules. I thrive in that environment as well but there is something nice about having the kids home to distract me from everything else and spending lots of time with them.
So I got pictures.....the boys are hard to get pictures of..I get one chance and I have to be fast. The girls area bit better but not by much. Clarissa is the baby and she is in second grade now...she would not let me walk her to her class...Why can't she let me baby her on "special" days? She is so independant and she refuses to carry a back pack ..she wants a handled bag like Sissy. I have noticed this year she is matching her earings to her outfit everyday and she is fixing her own hair..she only wants me to fix her hair when she wants something specific she can't do herself. She is getting really good at making her own pony tails and that sort of a thing. I can't beleive how much she has changed recently.
JEri is a sophmore and before school started Clarissa and I made about 20 HUGE flower hair clips for all of us girls to share/wear. Jeri has worn one to school everyday and now the kids are calling her "Flower Girl" ...I think she is darling and she had me make her school bag this year..which I was only happy to do and of course I used Amy Butler fabric..only the BEST designer EVER!
The boys are ......The boys. They are happy with new tennis shoes...jeans and funny 8$ shirts. Everyday is a new day...they are at a funny age where they want to be grown up and treated so..but then they throw fits about chores....want to play video games and bionicles. BRyce is in 8th, Carl is in 7th, Cole is 6th and Preston is in 5th grade. It is hard to believe this is where we are and I am in the thick if parenting but I think we are all managing and life is GOOD!
Football starts today .....for COle and Preston. My QFL ends today and I am ready to start fall cleaning and getting better organized for our routine. I hope you all have a great week.