Monday, August 9, 2010

My Family

At the space you can see? We are a funny bunch! Carl was wearing a green he is lost in digital imagery.

Things to remember:

1.DOn't make specific plans..or better yet..pack for unexpected plans...I had only packed flip feet were killing me...Thank Goodness Cole had packed extra shoes..I wore his sandals the second half of sunday..or I would be crippled today for sure!

2. Kids like to eat in food courts...get cash...sometimes it is better so you can wait in one line..instead of 3?

3. Experiences are worth more than gold...and making a dream come true for someone is worth fortune!

4. Sometimes being flexable is key to success.

4. Don't ever eat octopus..they have a brain.....only live for three years..long enough to mate...they like to play... They change colors with their moods...they are pretty and I fell in love with Fi-Fi from the aquarium......Poor Fi-fi is being released back into the wild to mate and die..I feel so bad for her.

-she has 200 suction cups on each of her 8 arms
-she likes to sleep during the day
- she will lay 100's of eggs and only 3 babies will live

She won't even be able to see her babies grow....amd she dies for them.....I am forunate not to be an octopus.

5. I found out some sort of weird Eel fish ) can't remember the name of him)....he mates for a season or a lifetime? ISn't that much like human males?? Just making sure? *wink*

6. JImmy Hendrix -----so many facts I read about him....but the jist of the smashing guitar ....he painted symbols and poetry on the guitars he smashed as a sacrifice to his music...kind of interesting.....He also served in the military..also from Seattle.

7. There was a recording studio in the music experience..well several of them..anyway one of them tourists could go in and record a profound moment of their own personal music history they wanted to share..I didn't go in and share but I thought I would share all of this with you...When I was a freshman in high school ..Nirvana had made their "movement". I was not into grunge. I didn't know who Curt Cobain was? ...I was on the school bus and a fellow student was listing to a CD in his discman..yeah remember those? Expensive back then. I asked what he was listeing to..he told me NIrvana? I said "who"..he said "Have you ever heard Teen Spirit?"...I said "Well I have the deoderant..if that is what you mean?"..he looked at me like I was from outer space..LOL. I still don't listen to that music ..but I know who he is...although not a profound moment in music..a funny one!

8.Clarissa and I could be traveling partners...she liked all the same things I did and lingered in all the same places even if I wasn't paired with her...her favroite part of teh music experience..was the fancy costumes they displayed of the Supremes..they were gorgeous...Clarissa's favourite was called "Cotton Candy"..she didn't know the name before she decided it was her favorite..but very fitting all the same. He otehr favorite thing was the space needle...her teacher was talking about it one day in class..and Clarissa has been talking about it ever since...and she couldn't fathom leaving seattle and not going to the top of it before we left..Saturday night I tried explaining to her that we probably would not go up because we had other plans....when we changed plans her dream had come true and she was elated.

9. On the cruise we learned that Seattle is not the rainiest city in the USA??
- The Space needle is the only structure they have left from the worlds fair...and it is the most secure structure in the city.
- The only episode of Frazier that was actually filmed in Seattle was the very last episode when Frazire Crane was mugged.

10. Did you know that I had the same reaction in the sci-fi museum as Carl and ROb?..My eyes kind of glazed over and I started drooling? ALthough for two very different reasons. I didn't know anyone in there excepy "yoga" from Star wars...and E.T.. I think I saw a bit on the JEtsons...who knows?

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