Thursday, May 31, 2007

May 31st

Well--I am getting ready to start my day and I am looking forward to my lunch date! ( I will not forget today!) I feel like I have so much to do for our company tonight--I scrubbed the bathroom last night and put all of my clean clothes away after we worked in the yard. And I still feel as if I have so much cleaning to do --Rob cleaned the Kitchen--woohoo!

After we hauled all of that sand to the pool area last night Rob decided he needs more sand--so I guess we will be working on that again today also--and I am over all of that sand! I keep thinking it will be over soon---HAHA! MElissa & Rob Rototilled about half of the backyard last night so it shouldn't take long to finish all of that--tonight. We were supposed to go to Gabe's wedding on Friday , now Rob is saying he doesn't want to go --so I guess I will be able to work on the yard for a few extra days then--I really just want to be done with all of this and be able to just maintain--I am tired ! Well I am heading off to work--and I will check back later!
Well today--I didn't do any work in the yard--other than watering--I decided to take a break--I went grocery shopping and I went to dinner at Michelle's house instead of hosting at mine b/c I needed a break! The kids played on her big water slide and everyone had fun! I get home to water the lawn and I find another broken window--and it is double pain glass and it is broken from the inside and it is in the boys' room --this is the 5th broken window and I am tired of replacing windows--and it is always a big mystery as to how the windows get broken--we usually find out months later after the kids think we have calmed down--I am have tempted to just board them up until the kids leave home! So for every step we take towards getting things done we take 3 steps back--today I found out that we won't be able to get sod either, b/c they changed the way they run the operation at the sod farm and I can no longer afford to get sod! So I am in the process of finding out how much hydro seeding will cost--I hope it is cheaper!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

May 30th

Well Today I am heading off to work, and then the laundry mat --I love going to laundry mat b/c all of my laundry takes about 2 hours to complete--HOwever--the cost is expensive with this much laundry--and I don't have a choice since our washer is broken. So the 4 boys and I will get it all done before dinner--whew!

WE are also having company for dinner tomorrow night so on top of all the yard work I have to get done tonight--Rob and I will be scrubbing everything on the inside tonight--well as much as we will possibly be able to do anyway--with all of these kids running around it gets pretty hard!

LAst night was so fuuny --I forgot to mention it---While MElissa and I were working to get a tree stump out of the back garden---a few of the boys were hanging around talking to us and BRyce just starts singing this song" TAke a look at my Girlfriend" it is so funny--then a few of the other kids start chiming in--hahaha--you just have to hear them---it reminds me of when I was a kid and I would sing the songs off of the radio.

Today I feel so bad--for the last year--every wed. I go to lunch with my friend,Donna and today I kept thinking it was thursday for some reason and I totally forgot our lunch date--I am so spacey sometimes! I feel terrible and I am going to make that up to her somehow--but we are going to have lunch tomorrow! Sorry Donna!
We got out sand today and picked up the rototiller--so half of us will be working on the sand while the other half is working on the lawn--My yard is going to look so nice by next week--I can already see it coming together--our neighbors probably can't cuz it looks as if a tornado has hit--but they will love us again in a few weeks after we get everything in order! And this weekend we should have the pool up and running which will be really nice b/c it is already getting into the 90's here--YUCK! I keep looking at our grass spot in the front hoping to see some little sprouts--but nothing yet--I know I am a little in-patient--but I am working on it!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Yard work!

OK--everyone who is around Rob and I know--we dont enjoy yard work--we have no interest in that what so ever--if not for MElissa helping me--we would be totally lost--well today we are going to go pick up a load of sand so Rob can finish the pool--so we will be spending our night shoveling sand to and from the truck to the back yard--WHAT FUN! I wish I could afford to hire cheap labor! I have kids but they aren't laborers--so I have to do it myself! Well I am going to get to work!

Well--we went to a few places that you were supposed to be able to dig for your own sand ( and it was free) and apparently they no longer offer that because everything was closed off--so we are going to call tomorrow to see if we can just have some delivered. So we wasted alot of time driving around when we could have been working on other things. SO we came home and cleaned up a bit of our mess from working yesterday and MElissa and I were planning all of the other things we are going to start once the lawn is in---and growing. I am getting overwhelmed because while we are working hard outside--all of my kids are tracking in so much dirt--I can't very well keep up on the inside of the house--it is hard enough with all of the doors in the house to keep them closed while the air conditioning is running , We have a a slider upstairs and downstairs and then the front door and all of the windows the kids seem to think they need everything open. So it is always this catch 22 --if I work on the inside of the house the outside gets neglected or vise versa. Although amazingly today Rob decided he doesnt want to go thru this much work ever again so it may just be easier to maintain and mow every week , rather than go through all of this every year( This would be the first year he has done it)--I Looked at him and said " NO Kidding" --And I am thinking to myself " why , do you think I beg you to hire someone every year" SO that way I don't have to go through this--but As his Step -Mom and Sister tell me---He is a Dickinson and they are all like this--and you can try to raise it our of them but it doesn't change--so I feel sorry for Carl's future wife--I can't stop the cycle. That is a gene that gets passed on......without fail.

There is this Veggie Tales song ---it is on "the ultimate silly songs" video and the jonah movie--Anyway it is Called " The pirates who don't do anything" and we played this video one time at the Dickinson house--and all of the Dickinson men claimed this as their theme song--They are so RIGHT! At least they own up to their own faults and recognize them--now if we can do something to change it! In the meantime I will be overwhelmed and think about laying off of the Mountain dew so I can slow down!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Continuation of Memorial Day

SO we actually got all of the flower beds planted --I big Thanks to LOri! SHe came over to pick up her car and offered for MElissa and I to come out to her place to get a bunch of her flowers since she needed to thin hers out--hurray for me! B/c my yard is looking so nice --part of it anyway!
Rob made progress on the pool -however we need to go get some more sand so we are hoping to do that tomorrow--so once we get all of the sand down --it will be a piece of cake--to get the pool going--HUrray! NO more going to Sun lakes and being eaten alive by the water bugs! We go there one day for Clarissa's birthday and the kids have bites all over. ONce we get the pool going MElissa nad I are going to make a nice little retreat area for us on the patio so we can sit and watch the kids play ! that will be so nice!

WE also found out today form Lori how much it will cost to just lay down sod for our back yard--so MElissa and I are going to lay sod next saturday hopefully--I am going to really try to come home Friday night from GAbe's wedding. SO sometime this week we are going to rototill the yard. Tonight we put down grass seed and fertalizer for our front yard since it has a bit of grass--just needed some touch ups. We also put in 15 stepping stones--we need 8 more--and we will have a walkway to our new pool---So we have alot of work to go--but I think we made alot of progress in 2 days!! HUrray!! SO if we do stay here we will at least not look like white trash anymore---hehe--NOw if we can just keep all nine kids off of the front lawn for a few weeks that will be a miracle!

Memorial Day!

WEll over this weekend we have tried to get alot of yard work done( going to work on some more today) We have flooded our basement , after our washer broke down, we have had a birthday party for Clarissa and we have gone to a movie--I would say we have done alot considering we havn't really started our day today! I can't believe CLarissa is 4 years old! WE are thinking of maybe selling our house so we are trying to update some things and waiting to hear from some potential jobs for my husband. I will be sad if we leave in many ways, but also happy to start a new chapter in our lives. We brought Clarissa home to this house after she was born and we hadn't lived here but a few weeks before that, this has been her only home.

Today Rob is going to try and put up the pool and I am going to put in some more stepping stones into regular walk areas--b/c I need to grow some more grass and it is to hard with all of these kids running around. SO I will came back later to update! HEre are some pictures of clarissa and her party!