Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day!

WEll over this weekend we have tried to get alot of yard work done( going to work on some more today) We have flooded our basement , after our washer broke down, we have had a birthday party for Clarissa and we have gone to a movie--I would say we have done alot considering we havn't really started our day today! I can't believe CLarissa is 4 years old! WE are thinking of maybe selling our house so we are trying to update some things and waiting to hear from some potential jobs for my husband. I will be sad if we leave in many ways, but also happy to start a new chapter in our lives. We brought Clarissa home to this house after she was born and we hadn't lived here but a few weeks before that, this has been her only home.

Today Rob is going to try and put up the pool and I am going to put in some more stepping stones into regular walk areas--b/c I need to grow some more grass and it is to hard with all of these kids running around. SO I will came back later to update! HEre are some pictures of clarissa and her party!

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