Well--we went to a few places that you were supposed to be able to dig for your own sand ( and it was free) and apparently they no longer offer that because everything was closed off--so we are going to call tomorrow to see if we can just have some delivered. So we wasted alot of time driving around when we could have been working on other things. SO we came home and cleaned up a bit of our mess from working yesterday and MElissa and I were planning all of the other things we are going to start once the lawn is in---and growing. I am getting overwhelmed because while we are working hard outside--all of my kids are tracking in so much dirt--I can't very well keep up on the inside of the house--it is hard enough with all of the doors in the house to keep them closed while the air conditioning is running , We have a a slider upstairs and downstairs and then the front door and all of the windows the kids seem to think they need everything open. So it is always this catch 22 --if I work on the inside of the house the outside gets neglected or vise versa. Although amazingly today Rob decided he doesnt want to go thru this much work ever again so it may just be easier to maintain and mow every week , rather than go through all of this every year( This would be the first year he has done it)--I Looked at him and said " NO Kidding" --And I am thinking to myself " why , do you think I beg you to hire someone every year" SO that way I don't have to go through this--but As his Step -Mom and Sister tell me---He is a Dickinson and they are all like this--and you can try to raise it our of them but it doesn't change--so I feel sorry for Carl's future wife--I can't stop the cycle. That is a gene that gets passed on......without fail.
There is this Veggie Tales song ---it is on "the ultimate silly songs" video and the jonah movie--Anyway it is Called " The pirates who don't do anything" and we played this video one time at the Dickinson house--and all of the Dickinson men claimed this as their theme song--They are so RIGHT! At least they own up to their own faults and recognize them--now if we can do something to change it! In the meantime I will be overwhelmed and think about laying off of the Mountain dew so I can slow down!
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