1. I need to realize the things I worry about today...aren't as important as I think they are......SO I should quit worrying about things.
2. Clarissa colored her new shoes with permenent marker.......I hope this stage ends soon.
3. Fall is my most favorite time of the year...the smell of apples and cinnamon..yummy!
4. I have been eating healthy for 3 weeks...( minus a few days) and it takes 6 weeks to implement a plan..so I am half-way there..I need to learn how to not sabatoge myself.
5. I have a really supportive family and I am lucky to be married to Rob ...who tells me he doesn't care how long it takes me to graduate a nurse..he will support me financially and mentally!
SO these are the things I am pondering today.....any bits of wisdom?
Our family is huge! And I can't imagine life being any different --we have struggles everyday and we get through them stronger in our faith and love for GOd and life! We love to be together and we love to be with friends and family!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back to School Again......
Well, School started for me on Monday. I originally signed up for 23 credits 18 credits at BBCC which is 30 minutes away from my home in Moses lake and 5 credits at WVC which is an hour from my home..I take my Biology class at night in Wenatchee 2 nights a week. I dropped my college allgebra class from BBCC , I am worried about missing a week when I go on my mission and I can always make up a math class somewhere...but I can't make up science b/c I need to take 2 science classes one quarter as it is..to be able to apply for the nursing program spring quarter. I have been talking to other students and it looks as if I won't be accepted in the spring anyway..but I am going to give it my best shot.
I am excited about my biology class in WVC...I have a young teacher, he is easy on the eyes and I think he is going to be able to actually teach me science unlike my last chemistry teacher who was a bit weird. I am taking one class every semester at WVC to keep my options open for the nursing program..plus WVC college offers several classes of the same subjects so it is easier to get into a class you need at that college...rather than BBCC ..it is so small and it is hard to get into some classes...so this helps me get what I need.
Other than science..all of my classes are really easy classes and I am excited to actually have an easier quarter...I am still taking 18 credits but I am taking spanish, Lifetime wellness and Art appreciation....and of course Cell Biology.
YEsterday was my first science class and things didn't go very well with me leaving at 3:00 at night and coming home at 10...things didn't go as I had planned..I had everything set out and organized for my family..but they didn't comply--so we will try again tomorrow.
The kids are all doing well..the 4 boys are playing football and they love it....trying to make sure everything gets done before practices..is no easy feat...but somehow we manage everything!
JEri has been keeping up on her grades and Clarissa is testing her limits with her new found freedom of school ....I think this never ends.
Well I hope you all have a good week!
Well, School started for me on Monday. I originally signed up for 23 credits 18 credits at BBCC which is 30 minutes away from my home in Moses lake and 5 credits at WVC which is an hour from my home..I take my Biology class at night in Wenatchee 2 nights a week. I dropped my college allgebra class from BBCC , I am worried about missing a week when I go on my mission and I can always make up a math class somewhere...but I can't make up science b/c I need to take 2 science classes one quarter as it is..to be able to apply for the nursing program spring quarter. I have been talking to other students and it looks as if I won't be accepted in the spring anyway..but I am going to give it my best shot.
I am excited about my biology class in WVC...I have a young teacher, he is easy on the eyes and I think he is going to be able to actually teach me science unlike my last chemistry teacher who was a bit weird. I am taking one class every semester at WVC to keep my options open for the nursing program..plus WVC college offers several classes of the same subjects so it is easier to get into a class you need at that college...rather than BBCC ..it is so small and it is hard to get into some classes...so this helps me get what I need.
Other than science..all of my classes are really easy classes and I am excited to actually have an easier quarter...I am still taking 18 credits but I am taking spanish, Lifetime wellness and Art appreciation....and of course Cell Biology.
YEsterday was my first science class and things didn't go very well with me leaving at 3:00 at night and coming home at 10...things didn't go as I had planned..I had everything set out and organized for my family..but they didn't comply--so we will try again tomorrow.
The kids are all doing well..the 4 boys are playing football and they love it....trying to make sure everything gets done before practices..is no easy feat...but somehow we manage everything!
JEri has been keeping up on her grades and Clarissa is testing her limits with her new found freedom of school ....I think this never ends.
Well I hope you all have a good week!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Most Romantic Weekend of My Life.......
Only it was with "THE GIRLS!"

Oh the four of us had such a good time I didn't want it to end...We went to Leavenworth for the weekend ..we started it off with an OK dinner at ( I can't remember the name) ..didn't have a great selection of food but we were together...then we went for a carriage ride about the town..we had always wanted to do this and we never got around to it the other time..so we went right at the end and during the time the sun went down...perfect weather ... we laughed and enjoyed our ride.

The next morning we got up...went for breakfast did some light shopping...then got ready for our big adventure..we had booked a wine tour..we thought we would be getting a stretch Hummer..it turned out to be a stretch excursion..either way ..I thought it was nice and we toured 3 different winery's however--by the time we finished with the first wine tasting..they had given us 5 or 6 different tastes...so I was really warm by the time we left there. The other 2 winery's were really beautiful and we learned alot about wine. This was a blast..and we can't wait to do another one.

After we left the tour......We decided to go to a place called Katzenjammers for Dinner and it was so YUMMY! We had steak and Lobster ..it was so Yummy! It was the best dinner I have had in such a long time. After dinner we went back to our hotel room, enjoyed the hot tub and laughed, talked, shared secrets and dreams...and really enjoyed each others company....by the time Sunday came.....we had decided to get lunch in Wenatchee and then go see the movie called "The Women" on our way home...All I can say about this movie is that it was so beautiful in the way it depicts women relationships and I loved it..I will definatly buy this movie when it comes out...I cried during many scenes in this movie because it was all so true.

All I can say for the girls that went on this trip with me is that I love you all..I am glad we got to share all of those experiences together and I couldn't ask for better friends in my life. We were missing a few ....Hopefully we can catch up with them next time...and I hope everyone has a great week this week.

Oh the four of us had such a good time I didn't want it to end...We went to Leavenworth for the weekend ..we started it off with an OK dinner at ( I can't remember the name) ..didn't have a great selection of food but we were together...then we went for a carriage ride about the town..we had always wanted to do this and we never got around to it the other time..so we went right at the end and during the time the sun went down...perfect weather ... we laughed and enjoyed our ride.

The next morning we got up...went for breakfast did some light shopping...then got ready for our big adventure..we had booked a wine tour..we thought we would be getting a stretch Hummer..it turned out to be a stretch excursion..either way ..I thought it was nice and we toured 3 different winery's however--by the time we finished with the first wine tasting..they had given us 5 or 6 different tastes...so I was really warm by the time we left there. The other 2 winery's were really beautiful and we learned alot about wine. This was a blast..and we can't wait to do another one.

After we left the tour......We decided to go to a place called Katzenjammers for Dinner and it was so YUMMY! We had steak and Lobster ..it was so Yummy! It was the best dinner I have had in such a long time. After dinner we went back to our hotel room, enjoyed the hot tub and laughed, talked, shared secrets and dreams...and really enjoyed each others company....by the time Sunday came.....we had decided to get lunch in Wenatchee and then go see the movie called "The Women" on our way home...All I can say about this movie is that it was so beautiful in the way it depicts women relationships and I loved it..I will definatly buy this movie when it comes out...I cried during many scenes in this movie because it was all so true.

All I can say for the girls that went on this trip with me is that I love you all..I am glad we got to share all of those experiences together and I couldn't ask for better friends in my life. We were missing a few ....Hopefully we can catch up with them next time...and I hope everyone has a great week this week.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Clarissa the Cutie

Well, in our house we have 3 children that have mild personalities and are somewhat easy to get along with...and then we have the 3 that have strong personalities...Clarissa is one of the head strong children..I have no idea where she got this from??? The German side or MY side?? I thinks he didn't really have a chance to be easy going.

This summer was really a turning point for her..as soon as she cut all her hair off everyone got to see her personality ..not just the ones close to her. Until she cut her hair..the only ones that knew the "real" Clarissa was Linda ( her daycare provider), The Dawsons and all of us, of course!
Now she will talk to some strangers..usually not men ( I wonder if I have a man hater in the making?)and she is singing louder, laughing louder and cracking jokes. She has an odd sense of humor like her brother Carl..Not sure where they get that from?? She does have reservations about certain situations...problem is she doesn't give into peer pressure and there is no convincing her of anything once she makes up her mind. It is hard for me not to break this spirit she has..because i want her to do what I want sometimes and she refuses..but we are learning to deal with each other.

AS young as Clarissa is she has an unshakable Faith and she will tell people she is around very often that Jesus lives in your heart.I love that about her! If you talk about Jesus she listens intently..and she has the memory of an elephant! She is just like Bryce with that kind of stuff. She also has a great imagination. She loves communicating and doing domestic duties..as of now..because she is young.

Clarissa is stubborn, shy at times, loving and she will let you know when she is unhappy with something. She is a true girly-girl.. she loves it when Jeri dresses her up and makes a big deal about her. Clarissa is also an animal lover and over the summer we have given her the chore of taking care of all the animals.

I know she is so young and I have no idea how God will use her in this life..but I know she will always be a leader and a strong one at that!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pretty Preston

I know most boys, including Preston hate being called "Pretty" , but I can't help it ..HE is so Pretty. When I was pregnant ( with Preston) I prayed that one of my children would get my eyes. Preston did...When I ask him where he got those Blue eyes..he responds with .."God gave them to me.." I love that.

Preston is the youngest of the four boys and tries very hard to keep up with all of them..so much so that people around us or that don't know us very well...forget how old he really is...which is hard on him sometimes because we are all used to him being able to keep up with everyone.
Preston is still my baby boy...It is hard for me to think of him any other way. Preston is funny, likes to be a show boat and always needs that pat on the back to say that he is doing well or fine. He has a strong personality ( just as Bryce ..although Different)that makes it easier for him to defend himself..but also a weakness of using it in the improper ways..I hope this comes with maturity.

Preston is very loving and kind to everyone around him..he loves animals and attention. He does well at all sports because he has trained with the best ( his brothers) and he is very social..he can never have to many friends. HE is always trying to bring home someone ..even if he doesn't necessarily like them just because they want to come over..he will put up with just about anything or anyway someone will treat him.....I like this about him because I know he will help anyone in need..but I also don't want him to lose himself in the process of helping others. I think Preston has the ability to charm anyone with his big blue eyes and charming smile.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Confident Cole

I have this wonderfully confident child, Cole. Cole is confident but he doesn't rub it in your face. HE is a very hard worker and he is sensitive and good at most things he does or tries for the first time. Cole is that one child that can get along in any situation you put him..that doesn't mean he always wants to be in certain situations..but he will always make do ..so to say.
I have been having issues with Cole lately. I think he is just trying to find his way in the world and within our family structure..he is pressing buttons a little more and getting frustrated because we give him alot of responsibility because we know he can handle it and will do what we ask...for the most part.

Cole is also artistic and organized, I never have to worry about what he looks like because he knows how to match his clothes and he organizes everything in his room so he can find it..I love that about him.
I imagine Cole when he grows up as being the one that will stay close to home to be near his family..he will take care of me in my old age and he will be the stable one that everyone turns to when they have a problem. HE is on a very even keel. I think he will be an example to all of us..once he gets out of this "stage." GOd has blessed him with these qualities and I am thankful his family will have this to rely on.

Monday, September 8, 2008
Creative Carl

I have this most amazingly creative child..that is so unsure of himself..he is always so afraid of everything. Carl is the easiest child to get along with he is so afraid of any tension that he stays constantly under the radar. You know when something is bothering him..he starts to studder, his eyes start to squint shut for the tears and you can almost see the uncertainty in his body.
Carl refuses to do homework yet he scores so high on all of his tests that it is hard to get mad at him ..other than the fact that he can't be so lazy..( he is so much like his father ..it is spooky!) I had a hard time punishing Carl for such a long time ( we are talking years..I know..I know ..it was bad, I still punished him.... it took me awhile) because he has such a wounded look on his face all of the time..but I had to get over it because he started getting a bit sassy and he would walk away from me and do the opposite of what I told him...I know again..this was my fault..but I have made the change. I get so frustrated with him at times because he is this way..but then..I see him in his LIGHT.....

Carl is artful and soulful if you look and listen...on top of that he is getting some of the "systems" as I say it.....he will organize things sometimes and come up with patterns and faster ways to accomplish things..which is what I do ..so I love that he is getting some of my OCD issues..( I am not sure I should be proud of this in any other case ..other than he is so much like Rob and his future wife will appreciate this). I also love art..it was my dream as a youth ..so to see that Carl has these talents ..warms my heart.

Carl will read poetry for longer periods of time than he is assigned and he will spend a little extra time drawing pictures and he sees things that others don't see and I love that about him. HE will often catch me off guard with some of his strategies..and I will have to honor them just for the sheer cleverness of his mind....His imagination is endless.....Just as his insecurities..I wonder if he will ever become secure in any situation....that is my biggest fear for him.
HE and I had a talk about his fears..and I told him since he has God in his heart he has nothing to fear...at the time i didn't know how dear he would take this to heart...you never know how children react to the things you say...and we talked about a night mare a few months back..he told me ---
" Mom, I just did what you told me, I prayed."
I said " Did it work?"
Carl said " I fell right back to sleep."
I am glad he listened and that his faith is strengthening and all I can do is hope that I can use as much faith as he in my everyday struggles to keep him safe and make him feel secure.
God will protect him and use these fears for something good along with with special talents.

Friday, September 5, 2008
The "Famous" Bryce

We all have that strong willed child that is sometimes hard to get along with, right? ( I hope that I am not just assuming this for everyone to make myself feel better here)...In my family this is Bryce....Bryce has a tall list of things that are sometimes hard to deal with ( like his short man syndrome) but then...he wipes it all away with his random acts of kindness that he shares every once in awhile to throw me a bone so to say ..or he exposes a peice of his heart that reminds you that he actually does have one.( I know he does..but sometimes he frustrates me so...)

Bryce has this knack for reading into people, seeing bad situations he loves little kids ( and special needs kids) ..and all of these kids love him. Bryce would never be seen in public holding hands with a boy..he is far to cool for that ..but if Quinn needs help at Silverwood or any public place for that matter ..Bryce will hold his hand and guide him where he needs to be and that warms my heart. Quinn is special needs and towers over Bryce ..asks him alot of questions and Bryce is very patient with him.....amidst all of the frustrating things Bryce does..this takes away all of the bad....because this shows me that he really loves people and he will go out of his way to help people in need.
As soon as Bryce sees a person holding a sign he will ask if we can give them money...not only that he will ask them..What is that you really need? I love that about him...
So I will let him think that he is so "Cool" and that everyone loves him ..hopefully he will learn in time to reveal the thinsg that really matter to anyone and everyone ..adn be used for his inteded purposes.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My Sweet Daughter, Jeralyn

I know Jeri and I have had our struggles..trying to find a common ground with eachother and we finally got there awhile ago and with all of the suffereing she has been through it is amazing how brave and strong a person of her age can be. Thru this summer there has been a slight change...( I am sure it has been coming for quite some time..just hard for me to face) ..she has now officially grown taller than me...I keep saying I am of average height but no one in my family believes me....

Jerlayn has become obsessed with clothing ( she has been for quite some time..but it is getting worse)...she loves to make -up her little sister and all of her friends..are always painting their nails and playing dress-up. There is something more grown-up about her lately--I mean all of teh hard work and struggles it seems are paying off..she seems to be taking more responsibility for her self and telling me everything I want to hear..I so hope she follows through..so we can trust eachother. Why do we always have to struggle with our parents when we become teenagers?
My favorite thing about Jeri ia that she loves everyone..even though she has been hurt by many..she loves many more ..that is her worse and best trait...I wish I could be as loving as she.
It is so hard to let her go..I know I have to balance things and let her live..
When I see Jeri react with her friends it takes me back to a time in my life when we ran in packs and we cared so much about what other people thought about us.. Jeri is going through all of that same trauma..you don't know who you can trust...you don't value your parents thoughts and you want more freedom that you can think about.....I would never want to return to this awkward time of my life...for those reasons...but also.... I remember the carefree days of adolescence and wonder why when we are young we never truly enjoy those days. As jeri is fighting pimples (that she will only let me pop...thanks HOney...I guess that is a mom's job!), trying to battle her weight and figuring out who she is ...I wonder--when does it all stop? I am fighting all of these things along with wrinkles and gray hairs!! How come us ladies never get a break?
These are pictures in the last couple of weeks and Jeri's first day of 8th grade..before you know it she will be in high school...and I know my days are numbered...I get misty eyed thinking about letting her go and experiencing more hurt the world has to offer..I just have to hope that with God's protection and my love ..she will float through life and live life for all it's worth and not be afraid of what is coming...because I know God will use her for something powerful and I would love to see what he unfolds for her.....I love you, Jeri!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
catchin up
HI everyone,
It has been such a long time since I have blogged.....and I haven't even loaded any new pictures on the computer to post on here...I have been a little busy....Yesterday was Clarissa's first day of kindergarten..I thought I was OK until I got there and delivered her...then all I could do was cry because my last little baby is gone...she was so ready to go ...she didn't even beg me to stay , she wasn't nervous or anything...it doesn't seem so long ago that she told me she didn't ever want to leave me to go to school ..and now she is....although she only wanted me to take her ..she made Rob stay home..I am not sure why that is..I tried to talk her into it but she refused to let him go to school with her.
The other kids' first day of school was August 27th and the night before was the open house...we went to the open house then out to dinner..we came home and Chi chi was limping...we took her to our neighbor ...who also happens to be our Vet and he told us to go to the office. HE followed us down there..she has a spiral fracture and he leg was broken in three places...there were no puncture wounds or bruises...so we don't know what happened. The break was in a difficult spot to fix so even with 1000's of dollars worth of surgeries it would most likely not be fixable. So we would have to amputate....I didn't know what to do...I was home with the kids..so I told Rob to decide..he opted for "The Sleep Shot" ( that is how we explained it to our kids) The kids were devastated and didn't even want to go to school..I feel guilty killing a dog over a leg.....but what do you do?
SO the next weekend we got a kitten to ease the pain..I refuse to get any more dogs....and a cat is WAY less work...so it was a compromise ...and it worked to make the kids feel better.
My house feels empty without Clarissa during the day...in 11 years I have never had an empty house like this...maybe if the kids were gone for short periods of time or something...but there is a finality to it all..I know she is only 5 and I have many more years...but there is still this little piece of me that knows that things will never be the same and it makes me think about my future and what things will be like without all of the chaos...I will surely miss these days in my life no matter how hectic it sometimes is...I love the noise and the familiar sounds of my home.
It has been such a long time since I have blogged.....and I haven't even loaded any new pictures on the computer to post on here...I have been a little busy....Yesterday was Clarissa's first day of kindergarten..I thought I was OK until I got there and delivered her...then all I could do was cry because my last little baby is gone...she was so ready to go ...she didn't even beg me to stay , she wasn't nervous or anything...it doesn't seem so long ago that she told me she didn't ever want to leave me to go to school ..and now she is....although she only wanted me to take her ..she made Rob stay home..I am not sure why that is..I tried to talk her into it but she refused to let him go to school with her.
The other kids' first day of school was August 27th and the night before was the open house...we went to the open house then out to dinner..we came home and Chi chi was limping...we took her to our neighbor ...who also happens to be our Vet and he told us to go to the office. HE followed us down there..she has a spiral fracture and he leg was broken in three places...there were no puncture wounds or bruises...so we don't know what happened. The break was in a difficult spot to fix so even with 1000's of dollars worth of surgeries it would most likely not be fixable. So we would have to amputate....I didn't know what to do...I was home with the kids..so I told Rob to decide..he opted for "The Sleep Shot" ( that is how we explained it to our kids) The kids were devastated and didn't even want to go to school..I feel guilty killing a dog over a leg.....but what do you do?
SO the next weekend we got a kitten to ease the pain..I refuse to get any more dogs....and a cat is WAY less work...so it was a compromise ...and it worked to make the kids feel better.
My house feels empty without Clarissa during the day...in 11 years I have never had an empty house like this...maybe if the kids were gone for short periods of time or something...but there is a finality to it all..I know she is only 5 and I have many more years...but there is still this little piece of me that knows that things will never be the same and it makes me think about my future and what things will be like without all of the chaos...I will surely miss these days in my life no matter how hectic it sometimes is...I love the noise and the familiar sounds of my home.
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