Well, in our house we have 3 children that have mild personalities and are somewhat easy to get along with...and then we have the 3 that have strong personalities...Clarissa is one of the head strong children..I have no idea where she got this from??? The German side or MY side?? I thinks he didn't really have a chance to be easy going.

This summer was really a turning point for her..as soon as she cut all her hair off everyone got to see her personality ..not just the ones close to her. Until she cut her hair..the only ones that knew the "real" Clarissa was Linda ( her daycare provider), The Dawsons and all of us, of course!
Now she will talk to some strangers..usually not men ( I wonder if I have a man hater in the making?)and she is singing louder, laughing louder and cracking jokes. She has an odd sense of humor like her brother Carl..Not sure where they get that from?? She does have reservations about certain situations...problem is she doesn't give into peer pressure and there is no convincing her of anything once she makes up her mind. It is hard for me not to break this spirit she has..because i want her to do what I want sometimes and she refuses..but we are learning to deal with each other.

AS young as Clarissa is she has an unshakable Faith and she will tell people she is around very often that Jesus lives in your heart.I love that about her! If you talk about Jesus she listens intently..and she has the memory of an elephant! She is just like Bryce with that kind of stuff. She also has a great imagination. She loves communicating and doing domestic duties..as of now..because she is young.

Clarissa is stubborn, shy at times, loving and she will let you know when she is unhappy with something. She is a true girly-girl.. she loves it when Jeri dresses her up and makes a big deal about her. Clarissa is also an animal lover and over the summer we have given her the chore of taking care of all the animals.

I know she is so young and I have no idea how God will use her in this life..but I know she will always be a leader and a strong one at that!

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