We all have that strong willed child that is sometimes hard to get along with, right? ( I hope that I am not just assuming this for everyone to make myself feel better here)...In my family this is Bryce....Bryce has a tall list of things that are sometimes hard to deal with ( like his short man syndrome) but then...he wipes it all away with his random acts of kindness that he shares every once in awhile to throw me a bone so to say ..or he exposes a peice of his heart that reminds you that he actually does have one.( I know he does..but sometimes he frustrates me so...)

Bryce has this knack for reading into people, seeing bad situations he loves little kids ( and special needs kids) ..and all of these kids love him. Bryce would never be seen in public holding hands with a boy..he is far to cool for that ..but if Quinn needs help at Silverwood or any public place for that matter ..Bryce will hold his hand and guide him where he needs to be and that warms my heart. Quinn is special needs and towers over Bryce ..asks him alot of questions and Bryce is very patient with him.....amidst all of the frustrating things Bryce does..this takes away all of the bad....because this shows me that he really loves people and he will go out of his way to help people in need.
As soon as Bryce sees a person holding a sign he will ask if we can give them money...not only that he will ask them..What is that you really need? I love that about him...
So I will let him think that he is so "Cool" and that everyone loves him ..hopefully he will learn in time to reveal the thinsg that really matter to anyone and everyone ..adn be used for his inteded purposes.
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