Well let's see....It's been awhile. Rob had back surgery. It was successful. I think I have my husband back. He is a much better mood not being in so much pain and he is stretching more than he has in years and he is moving better than he has in a very long time! What a blessing!
We had Preston's 9th birthday....and he had friends over for a trampoline/pinata party...what chaos but kids love that! I can't believe my little guy is 9! Doesn't seem possible.
We also had our annual Flashlight egg hunt the night before Easter ...it was smaller than usual but that was also a blessing because of everything happening around here lately. Small is a relative term...because the people that were here thought there was alot ..lol...
We are having some issues with one of the schools here and I am hoping to resolve that soon.
Rob and I are going to school full-time but on-line so things around the house have been getting the help it needs....I have gone through and unpacked everything that was in storage, gone through all the rooms in the house except mine---which still needs to be done. We have a TON of stuff to donate to the mission yard sale. I just need to do some deep cleaning...I haven't gotten that far yet. I organized and put up new shelves for my crafting scrapbooking stuff and cleaned out "stuff" got rid of a ton of crafting books on amazon and such...I love that site! But I replaced them with new books--can't help myself. They should do a swap...that would be awesome!
I have been working in the flower beds alot ..all of this sunshine makes me want to work in the yard....my tulips and daffodils are bloomed and so pretty..just waiting for my iris' next.... trying to get my lawn fertilized and full....especially after the hit it took in fall with the construction from the city ..ugh!
So many things to do ..so little time!
Well I hope you are all finding sunshine in your day!
Our family is huge! And I can't imagine life being any different --we have struggles everyday and we get through them stronger in our faith and love for GOd and life! We love to be together and we love to be with friends and family!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I forgot....preaching in Vegas!

I forgot to post a picture of the only spiritual thing I saw in Vegas....I felt many spiritual things but they don't exactly have any churches on the Vegas Strip....but I saw these guys with microphones and everything! Despite the fact that I know their hearts are in the right place..I feel ( no judgement) that they were probably not winning much for God that day. I think preaching fire and brimstone to people who think they are have a great time in Sin city isn't exactly the way to lead people to GOd..but maybe I am wrong.
They handed me a flyer but I told the " I AM A BELIEVER!" and kept walking..they were actually the only people handing out things that I would touch..I am sure any of you who have been to Vegas know what I am talking about!
VEgas Part 4

Thursday, we decided to go to a show, go to the bodies exhibit and pick up the rest of our souvenirs and hit the Fremont experience.
The show was a called the V-show which was a variety show and it was really good..we laughed out heads off and it was all clean good fun. They had comedians, a guy who did impersonations, and a few different acrobat type shows and then the host was a juggler and comedian. If you have a chance go see it!
But the BODIES EXHIBIT was my favorite thing. I am studying to be a nurse so this was really appropriate. It has actual human bodies dissected and labeled...in all different forms, slides, full form , and organs that are in cases ...or bones etc. It sounds kind of morbid but it isn't. What is phenomenal is how they were able to preserve the blood vessels so that is all you see it is so beautiful it is amazing to see how all of these systems work together. It also had an exhibit full of fetus...which was beautiful..it is sad because they all died for some reason or another but they had everything from a tiny cell to a full grown fetus and they even had conjoined twins that didn't make it and they also showed those is different forms as in whole bodies, blood vessel systems ect. This is a must see if you are in VEGAS!
The free mont experience was great--we had so many laughs on the ride there and back..and it was such beautiful weather ...we took a bunch of silly photos--I think people thought we were drunk--in fact I know they did...but I assure you we were not--I can't imagine if we were drunk how people would have perceived us! The old part of Vegas (I think) if far more glamorous and beautiful than the new part. I love the old lights and the movie feel it has...but there is always something for everyone anywhere you go in Vegas.
Friday was our last day--we flew home that night. We decided to do the Paris experience and I rode the roller coaster on top of New York New York...it wasn't worth the 12$ it cost me--it was lame ...I think the one at Silver wood is far better..just in case anyone wanted to know! hehe. I kept losing batteries in my camer so my friends have the pictures on these last 2 days as I got into an argument with the lady at the souvenir counter about the batteries so I didn't buy anymore and I wasn't going to pay 8$ for 2 batteries..so I went a few days without a camera..but that's OK cause I just used Melissa's. Well..we had a great time I was ready to come home to my family I missed them terribly and I have decided it is way to hard to be away from them for that long.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Vegas Part 3

Hoover Dam

Wednesday we took a tour to the grand Canyon. We lucked out with our tour bus guide he was fabulous! We also got to have 3 hours at the Grand Canyon which was nice because some of the competing buses didn't stay that long--they would stay for a half an hour and then leave. I can't imagine not getting at least 3 hours time, I could have stayed there all night.
It was so Amazing, it looked almost fake like a back drop or something because it was so beautiful. When I see a wonder of the world like that it makes me wonder how some people don't believe in God...because it was so magnificent.
I was living on about 3 hours of sleep. But All of us girls sat next to someone different on the bus..it was kind of funny because i think we all sat next to people that complimented us.
I sat next to a man who was a geologist and he was here on business, but on the other side of me was a southern couple that were just sweet as can be Christians and they were using there timeshare to vacation never had been to Vegas and don't plan on ever coming back. HAHA! just an enjoyable couple to be with during such a great trip.
Melissa sat next to a spunky old single gal who was vacationing alone and kind of had a man hating streak about her but she was also very in dependant and wanted to live life to the fullest. Carla sat next to a gal traveling by herself I think she had raised a son as well and they seemed to be teamed up appropriately..isn't it funny how God works?
We stopped at the hoover dam on the way there and on the way back so I have pictures during the day and at night.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Today my oldest child is 14!
We had her party on Friday night..it was a little bit of a bummer because it was Spring break and only a few friends showed up ..but I almost think it was better for our house and the kind ladies that hosted our Mary Kay party.
We had a TON of food. we made sub sandwiches, chips, pasta salad and green salad. Jeri requested a chocolate cherry cake and of course soda.
The ladies came and taught the girls how to scrub their faces and put on moisturizer and then apply make-up. It was a good experience and I think that some of us old rookies will even be making some switches on some of our products because we liked alot of Mary Kay products.
Jeri has been practicing for some time on how to apply her make-up, so she did really well.
AS much as teenagers are such a pain in the neck...I am thankful to be experiencing all of this and I see what a blessing Jeri is in my life...
SO happy birthday to my Sweet Girl! I hope this next year is FABULOUS!
We had a TON of food. we made sub sandwiches, chips, pasta salad and green salad. Jeri requested a chocolate cherry cake and of course soda.
The ladies came and taught the girls how to scrub their faces and put on moisturizer and then apply make-up. It was a good experience and I think that some of us old rookies will even be making some switches on some of our products because we liked alot of Mary Kay products.
Jeri has been practicing for some time on how to apply her make-up, so she did really well.
AS much as teenagers are such a pain in the neck...I am thankful to be experiencing all of this and I see what a blessing Jeri is in my life...
SO happy birthday to my Sweet Girl! I hope this next year is FABULOUS!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Vegas Part 2

We arrive in Vegas and we decide not to waste a day (or night since we got there so late) we get our outfits on and walk through all of the hotels surrounding us and decide to make our plans for the following day. We kind of get out our compasses out and look around to see what is around us. We decide to get our passes...
We bought these passes called the Explorer pass. Seemed like a great idea..because it included The grand canyon tour, 2 extra shows or attractions and discounts on other things. We decide for our extra features we would go to the Bodies exhibit and the dolphin habitat.
ON Tuesday we went to the dolphin habitat after picking up our passes at one location ...which seemed weird because the girl at the counter seemed to not know what the explorer pass was??? hmm..that was weird.
Then when we got our card..they had little microchips on them..we walked to the Dolphin habitat..went up to the booth...the lady behind the booth said that these passes have been nothing but problems and we would have to walk back to the location of the pass (where we picked them up and get tickets)..later we found out it did say that in fine print--but it would have been nice if the original lady had told us that..but all in all it worked out because they let us in the dolphin habitat anyway because we were not the first ones to have problems.
The Dolphin family had just had a baby four months ago it was so cute..and the tigers had a little 2 month old cub..that was so darling. I didn't bring my camera--but the girls are supposed to email me the pics at some point.
More on the pass....We decide to get our tickets for the Bodies exhibit--we go to the original counter.....the same gal is there. she can't find any tickets...so she says she will try to find another location that has them.....
Then she comes back to tell us that they no longer offer that feature?? that was weird. So we decide to get tickets for the variety show.
I call the 800 # for the pass to complain about the Bodies exhibit because it seems strange all of a sudden that they don't offer it...the lady on the phone says that they do....OK, I am getting really tired of these people at this point. The lady her name is Lyndsey says she will investigate.
She calls the manager of the Ticket booth in Vegas..apparently they had tickets because they buy them from the attractions at a discount so they can offer them to pass buyers..right...well theirs had expired and they would not be getting any until the day we were leaving..so they basically lied to us and didn't tell us the full story?? I think, I am an understanding person until you lie to me!
SO basically we got the passes to the variety show and we just have to mail in the tickets stubs from the bodies exhibit that we had to pay for out of our pockets and they will issue us a refund for our inconvenience. So we got an extra attraction.
What a hassle this pass was but I have to say all in all it was worth it all because of our grand canyon experience. We did not have one problem on the tour they swiped our card and we got the best bus driver in town I think..not to mention we got more time at the canyon than any of the other tour buses...and I am so thankful for that.
More on that later.

We did most of our shopping on this day as well..bought all of the stuff to bring home to our family. We did the M&M tour and Show. We went to the coca-cola factory and then we even caught a movie. I can't believe we went to a movie in Vegas but Melissa's feet were to sore to keep walking about....and we were wanting to see Duplicity. I wouldn't waste my money if I were you.....It was slow going and I didn't think it was any good.
I did gamble a bit on this day..lost it all but it is Vegas..the odds are not in my favor and I kept thinking of a sentence I read in my statistics book..."There is no law of averages!"...so no matter how much money I stuck into those machines....it was never going to even out. I guess I learned something from that class!
There was no drinking on my trip....I had a bad experience a couple years back..and decided I didn't need to drink to have a good time and while in Vegas..I think it is to risky to drink anyway because you never know what kind of creep may be lurking around a corner to take advantage of a situation. SO that is my bit of paranoia coming through.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
another post for today..interrupting the Vegas Series....
I took Rob to his pre-op for the surgeon today. We originally started out thinking we could stretch this out and maybe not have surgery. ROb was really trying to avoid it...and the physical therapist told us not to rush into anything...well after a couple weeks of therapy Rob felt worse. I kept telling him that it is because he is going to be sore from working things he hasn't worked in a long time..the therapist was telling him the same thing..then he started feeling more numbness is his feet..not a good sign. So we went back for an MRI. That revealed not a bulged disc but a RUPTURED One...my poor husband.
So needless to say he has to have surgery. Fortunately there will be no long term damage ..the neurologist says....and once he gets the surgery..all of the damage that has happened will eventually heal..it isn't bothering his spine to much..or I should say the fluid around his spine. The surgeon says he can choose to wait it out and start taking some pain pills or anti-inflammatory meds ..but eventually he will have to get it done..since this injury is already 9 years old..it will not get better. SO it is scheduled for April 20th. Which had to be negotiated by Rob's work schedule cause he felt he couldn't do it now because they have to much stuff going on right now..God Bless that man always thinking of everyone but himself.
Anyway, HE is supposed to be out of work a minimum of a month..he is thinking that won't be the case..but we will see how he feels after the procedure.
Pray for us and our family.
So needless to say he has to have surgery. Fortunately there will be no long term damage ..the neurologist says....and once he gets the surgery..all of the damage that has happened will eventually heal..it isn't bothering his spine to much..or I should say the fluid around his spine. The surgeon says he can choose to wait it out and start taking some pain pills or anti-inflammatory meds ..but eventually he will have to get it done..since this injury is already 9 years old..it will not get better. SO it is scheduled for April 20th. Which had to be negotiated by Rob's work schedule cause he felt he couldn't do it now because they have to much stuff going on right now..God Bless that man always thinking of everyone but himself.
Anyway, HE is supposed to be out of work a minimum of a month..he is thinking that won't be the case..but we will see how he feels after the procedure.
Pray for us and our family.
I went to Vegas last week. Monday through Friday. I was actually gone a week because I spent the weekend in Tri-cities with my girlfriends shopping, sewing, scrapping and talking.
We went to Carla's house on Sunday to stay the night before we caught a plane to Vegas on Monday... so we decided to get pedicures before we left since we knew we would be wearing capris and shorts. We went to this fabulous place that also gave us sugar rubs and hot waxed our feet and massaged them forever...HEAVEN!

So after we got to the airport we found out due to weather back east our flight was delayed and we would most likely be missing out connecting flight out of Utah. There was a later flight but it was over booked..so the chances of us getting on it were pretty slim. I wasn't really worried about it..I knew God would do what was best for us. There is always a reason for everything. Well we did miss our connection and then we had to be put on stand by for the following flight...the attendant calls us up and asked if 2 of us were willing to go and leave the third behind..because 2 seats had opened up. I didn't say anything..but the other girls said "no." SO we waited for a third seat to open...it came down to the last minute and the guy told us a third was available...but the third person would have to sit alone. I volunteered for that seat because Melissa needed someone to comfort her on the flight because she was scared of flying.....I am not good at that because I just read my book and what not...so anyway...that seat was *first* class I got bumped to FIRST CLASS! hahahaha! YIppeee for me! It actually wasn't a big deal....but it was fun to say that!
But I had to say ..there was this crazy ( white trash kind ) set of gals that was upset because they missed the flight as well and they wanted on our flight also but they got there after we did....and they actually asked the attendant ( who was in his 60's and looked like the nicest grandpa ever) that if they missed this flight could they sleep with him at his place??..I thought OH NO....Did I just hear that right? That is just horrible. Who actually says stuff like that?
Well those 2 women actually made the flight as well and I guess they ticked off everyone around them because when we got off of the flight I heard them and their neighboring passengers arguing..I thought to myself..WHEW! we really dodged a bullet with those ones.
Well when we got off the flight I asked the attendant if our luggage was on the flight..because the chances of that actually happening since we boarded so late was null. HE said they could be.
Carla and Melissa kept saying we shouldn't even bother going to baggage claim because it is not likely that they would be there...I told them not to doubt...I knew it would be ...God had carried us that far..what a long day of traveling..but I just knew our bags were fine...I WAS RIGHT!
You know when you go to Vegas you fantasize about winning big right?? I mean I think, I am normal that is what Vegas is about...all the glitz glamour and winning...I felt I had already hit the jackpot at that point.....ding..ding...ding.
We went to Carla's house on Sunday to stay the night before we caught a plane to Vegas on Monday... so we decided to get pedicures before we left since we knew we would be wearing capris and shorts. We went to this fabulous place that also gave us sugar rubs and hot waxed our feet and massaged them forever...HEAVEN!

So after we got to the airport we found out due to weather back east our flight was delayed and we would most likely be missing out connecting flight out of Utah. There was a later flight but it was over booked..so the chances of us getting on it were pretty slim. I wasn't really worried about it..I knew God would do what was best for us. There is always a reason for everything. Well we did miss our connection and then we had to be put on stand by for the following flight...the attendant calls us up and asked if 2 of us were willing to go and leave the third behind..because 2 seats had opened up. I didn't say anything..but the other girls said "no." SO we waited for a third seat to open...it came down to the last minute and the guy told us a third was available...but the third person would have to sit alone. I volunteered for that seat because Melissa needed someone to comfort her on the flight because she was scared of flying.....I am not good at that because I just read my book and what not...so anyway...that seat was *first* class I got bumped to FIRST CLASS! hahahaha! YIppeee for me! It actually wasn't a big deal....but it was fun to say that!
But I had to say ..there was this crazy ( white trash kind ) set of gals that was upset because they missed the flight as well and they wanted on our flight also but they got there after we did....and they actually asked the attendant ( who was in his 60's and looked like the nicest grandpa ever) that if they missed this flight could they sleep with him at his place??..I thought OH NO....Did I just hear that right? That is just horrible. Who actually says stuff like that?
Well those 2 women actually made the flight as well and I guess they ticked off everyone around them because when we got off of the flight I heard them and their neighboring passengers arguing..I thought to myself..WHEW! we really dodged a bullet with those ones.
Well when we got off the flight I asked the attendant if our luggage was on the flight..because the chances of that actually happening since we boarded so late was null. HE said they could be.
Carla and Melissa kept saying we shouldn't even bother going to baggage claim because it is not likely that they would be there...I told them not to doubt...I knew it would be ...God had carried us that far..what a long day of traveling..but I just knew our bags were fine...I WAS RIGHT!
You know when you go to Vegas you fantasize about winning big right?? I mean I think, I am normal that is what Vegas is about...all the glitz glamour and winning...I felt I had already hit the jackpot at that point.....ding..ding...ding.
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