Wednesday, April 1, 2009

another post for today..interrupting the Vegas Series....

I took Rob to his pre-op for the surgeon today. We originally started out thinking we could stretch this out and maybe not have surgery. ROb was really trying to avoid it...and the physical therapist told us not to rush into anything...well after a couple weeks of therapy Rob felt worse. I kept telling him that it is because he is going to be sore from working things he hasn't worked in a long time..the therapist was telling him the same thing..then he started feeling more numbness is his feet..not a good sign. So we went back for an MRI. That revealed not a bulged disc but a RUPTURED poor husband.
So needless to say he has to have surgery. Fortunately there will be no long term damage ..the neurologist says....and once he gets the surgery..all of the damage that has happened will eventually isn't bothering his spine to much..or I should say the fluid around his spine. The surgeon says he can choose to wait it out and start taking some pain pills or anti-inflammatory meds ..but eventually he will have to get it done..since this injury is already 9 years will not get better. SO it is scheduled for April 20th. Which had to be negotiated by Rob's work schedule cause he felt he couldn't do it now because they have to much stuff going on right now..God Bless that man always thinking of everyone but himself.
Anyway, HE is supposed to be out of work a minimum of a month..he is thinking that won't be the case..but we will see how he feels after the procedure.
Pray for us and our family.

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