Thursday, we decided to go to a show, go to the bodies exhibit and pick up the rest of our souvenirs and hit the Fremont experience.
The show was a called the V-show which was a variety show and it was really good..we laughed out heads off and it was all clean good fun. They had comedians, a guy who did impersonations, and a few different acrobat type shows and then the host was a juggler and comedian. If you have a chance go see it!
But the BODIES EXHIBIT was my favorite thing. I am studying to be a nurse so this was really appropriate. It has actual human bodies dissected and labeled...in all different forms, slides, full form , and organs that are in cases ...or bones etc. It sounds kind of morbid but it isn't. What is phenomenal is how they were able to preserve the blood vessels so that is all you see it is so beautiful it is amazing to see how all of these systems work together. It also had an exhibit full of fetus...which was beautiful..it is sad because they all died for some reason or another but they had everything from a tiny cell to a full grown fetus and they even had conjoined twins that didn't make it and they also showed those is different forms as in whole bodies, blood vessel systems ect. This is a must see if you are in VEGAS!
The free mont experience was great--we had so many laughs on the ride there and back..and it was such beautiful weather ...we took a bunch of silly photos--I think people thought we were drunk--in fact I know they did...but I assure you we were not--I can't imagine if we were drunk how people would have perceived us! The old part of Vegas (I think) if far more glamorous and beautiful than the new part. I love the old lights and the movie feel it has...but there is always something for everyone anywhere you go in Vegas.
Friday was our last day--we flew home that night. We decided to do the Paris experience and I rode the roller coaster on top of New York New York...it wasn't worth the 12$ it cost me--it was lame ...I think the one at Silver wood is far better..just in case anyone wanted to know! hehe. I kept losing batteries in my camer so my friends have the pictures on these last 2 days as I got into an argument with the lady at the souvenir counter about the batteries so I didn't buy anymore and I wasn't going to pay 8$ for 2 batteries..so I went a few days without a camera..but that's OK cause I just used Melissa's. Well..we had a great time I was ready to come home to my family I missed them terribly and I have decided it is way to hard to be away from them for that long.
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