Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh...How times escapes me......

Well here we are already in the middle of January. School has started and I am excited about some of my classes...but have not gotten all of my STRESS! because we are in week two of classes.

I posted some pictures of recent quilts on some forums that I am part of and got a HUGE quilting machine should be paid off in no time!

We are going to re-arrange the house in the next couple of months so I can have a bigger studio and the kids can have more room. We re converting my garage into my studio. It should be nice to have so much space.

Rob is having surgery next week...I am also have oral surgery next week. They are going to knock me out..thank GOd!

The kids are out of school today and was 45 degrees outside today and all the snow is now melted. It will probably snow by the weekend? Weather has been so strange this year.

Well I hope you all feel the blessings for the new year. I will post some pictures of my most recent quilts.


Courtneyscrapper said...

Those quilts are gorgeous my friend!! You do awesome work!! Miss you!

karen said...

You are amazing, sweet lady. Your quilting gift is truly our gift as you create beauty out of things created in beauty! So grateful you are my sister in Christ, and quilting friend!