Last night Clarissa wanted to come to work with me so she raced home to do her chores and got on her apron and Rob drove her down for the last hour to was dead...DEAD! Nobody hardly came into the shop yesterday!
Clarissa is just happy being there and that is fine by me..I like having her be by my side and learning as she goes.
But from the minute we got off of work..we had to go to dinner..SUBWAY last night..then I took Preston to the store to pick out his white elephant gift for his Christmas party today ..and also get his treat. Then off to Jeri's Choir concert..
....Also Dropped Bryce and his friends off at the school dance. Rob left the concert early to go and pick them up and drop all of his friends off at their homes..When I got to the concert Jeri had decided to wear different shoes...and I found my pair of red shoes shoved into her RED shoes that she neglected to ask me to wear???HMMM interesting. I asked her about it..she said she "was gonna ask" LOL..whatever...Teenagers.
But she did a great job singing and while we were waiting for Rob to pick us up...Seth ( the boy she went to homecoming with..whom she also has a crush on)Stopped by to say HI...I spoke with his Mom at the grocery store yesterday in fact..he doesn't really talk to Jeri because he gets to nervous..and his stomach starts to hurt. LOL
Anyway, I asked Seth if his Mom was around and he said could tell he was extremely nervous...then he says "I sure hope my Mom videotaped the Women's choir" ...All I could do is chuckle..what is he going to Jeri? LOL
When Rob picked us up I could tell the boys had been in the car..the cologne cloud that was left from all four of those boys was amazing. LOL I love cologne..but sheesh! They could have left some in the bottle!
When we got home it was homework catastrophes...having to re-wrap Cole's finger..he smashed it in the car door between dinner and concert..the fingernail is going to fall off it is so bad...he handled it well...but I feel bad for him and he had a typing test today...he is probably going to fail that. Hopefully by the time Christmas break is over it will be well enough for him to write and type.
And they were all late getting to bed..all the excitement of Christmas break and missing their friends....and doing all the fun stuff without homework and daily making them giddy! I can't say I blame them.
Well I hope you all are enjoying the chaos of the season as I am...despite the bad things I can't say that I couldn't be more proud of my children or that I would change a thing in my life....this is the way it is supposed to be...and I am thankful!
Our family is huge! And I can't imagine life being any different --we have struggles everyday and we get through them stronger in our faith and love for GOd and life! We love to be together and we love to be with friends and family!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tis the Season
When we say "tis the season"...What do we really mean?
Lets make a list:
Is this the season for family fighting?
The season for bringing out the worst in people?
STRESS! Need I say more?
Tis the season for heavy traffic..heavy shopping and heavy eating? Glutenty?
I have engaged in all of these things they don't miss me despite the fact that I think the real reason for the season is JESUS! His birth ..what his birth meant and what it meant for all of man kind. But I question myself at least..DO I do enough ? am I passing the true message to my children?
IS engagaing in all of this worldly stuff wiping out anything good that I do because the wordly temptations are just that... temptations?
I read the story of JEsus' birth to my children....we have even thrown a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas....Last night we went to the tree of sharing to donate gifts to two that really enough? Couldn't I do more...will they understand everything I want them to know?
What do I really want them to learn.....
The LOVE of jesus..his destiny to give his life for us....GIVING! When we give there are no expectations...The giving is supposed to be from the heart without strings..not because you feel like you have to give to family struggles with that. GOd Gave us his only a parent we know that was the biggest sacrifice that we could ever know..we will give our own lives for our children..just to spare our kids...WHy because the death of a child is the worst thing that could happen to us parents...God did that! GIVING! That should be the theme. Celebrating the REAL reason for the Season...JESUS!
This needs to be a joyous occasion filled with love, happiness, healed hearts, and Hope for what is to come later when you beleive. We need to believe in the right things...or that is out the window. Which is what has happened to many of us.
We need to feel love in our hearts despite the fact that our flesh wants to fight love. LOVE...what does it mean? many things to many people...but today I want it to mean thinking of others before ourselves..unselfish love. Love means to feel....not just feel hurt..that gets in the way but to feel compassion,empathy, and sympathy. If we can walk a mile in someone elses' shoes I belive we can feel all of those elements of love and we would get a whole new perspective of what we should be doing with love. Jesus was a fine expample of that.....healing, laughing, and teaching. We all have gifts..strengths..and we need to use them for which he intended..let's start fighting to use them.
Lets make a list:
Is this the season for family fighting?
The season for bringing out the worst in people?
STRESS! Need I say more?
Tis the season for heavy traffic..heavy shopping and heavy eating? Glutenty?
I have engaged in all of these things they don't miss me despite the fact that I think the real reason for the season is JESUS! His birth ..what his birth meant and what it meant for all of man kind. But I question myself at least..DO I do enough ? am I passing the true message to my children?
IS engagaing in all of this worldly stuff wiping out anything good that I do because the wordly temptations are just that... temptations?
I read the story of JEsus' birth to my children....we have even thrown a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas....Last night we went to the tree of sharing to donate gifts to two that really enough? Couldn't I do more...will they understand everything I want them to know?
What do I really want them to learn.....
The LOVE of jesus..his destiny to give his life for us....GIVING! When we give there are no expectations...The giving is supposed to be from the heart without strings..not because you feel like you have to give to family struggles with that. GOd Gave us his only a parent we know that was the biggest sacrifice that we could ever know..we will give our own lives for our children..just to spare our kids...WHy because the death of a child is the worst thing that could happen to us parents...God did that! GIVING! That should be the theme. Celebrating the REAL reason for the Season...JESUS!
This needs to be a joyous occasion filled with love, happiness, healed hearts, and Hope for what is to come later when you beleive. We need to believe in the right things...or that is out the window. Which is what has happened to many of us.
We need to feel love in our hearts despite the fact that our flesh wants to fight love. LOVE...what does it mean? many things to many people...but today I want it to mean thinking of others before ourselves..unselfish love. Love means to feel....not just feel hurt..that gets in the way but to feel compassion,empathy, and sympathy. If we can walk a mile in someone elses' shoes I belive we can feel all of those elements of love and we would get a whole new perspective of what we should be doing with love. Jesus was a fine expample of that.....healing, laughing, and teaching. We all have gifts..strengths..and we need to use them for which he intended..let's start fighting to use them.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Happy Holidays all!
Well I am finally to the point of enjoying some peace....I passed all of my classes which seems possible...except..I really struggled in one class. I got a C in A&P which isn't all that great but at least I didn't fail.
I spent the weekend with my grandma ...we were supposed to go Christmas shopping but she wasn't feeling up to it so I went with my Aunt..we had a great time..we used to shop when I lived there...our "power" shopping...we are perfect shoppers together!
I finsihed all of the shopping for my kids and now it is nothing but wrapping...I used to enjoy I don't care as long as it gets
I have started reading our traditional Christmas books for the season...."The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" and we also read the story of Jesus Birth from the bible...the kids love it.
I loved that book when I was little so I love to read it to the kids.
I am tring to make new stockings for my family this year..not sure I will have them done in time for Christmas because the most perfect fabric just came in last week for them and I have not technically started them yet...if not I am sure I will get them done before next year. hehe.
Rob and the boys finally got the tree up this year..I have given up on decorating...I would not have even put it up this year they did it. I am not sure why..other than I am tired and by the time break seemed that the holiday was half over...and I felt like I have not been able to breathe until there it is.
It has been snowing all night and day was delayed for 2 hours this morning..the kids were oh so happy about that..Bryce is home sick and I am thankful I don't have to drive an hour to and from school in this stuff....
Well I hope you all haev a great day..and since I am home form school..I willtry to update this more often...we shall see.
I spent the weekend with my grandma ...we were supposed to go Christmas shopping but she wasn't feeling up to it so I went with my Aunt..we had a great time..we used to shop when I lived there...our "power" shopping...we are perfect shoppers together!
I finsihed all of the shopping for my kids and now it is nothing but wrapping...I used to enjoy I don't care as long as it gets
I have started reading our traditional Christmas books for the season...."The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" and we also read the story of Jesus Birth from the bible...the kids love it.
I loved that book when I was little so I love to read it to the kids.
I am tring to make new stockings for my family this year..not sure I will have them done in time for Christmas because the most perfect fabric just came in last week for them and I have not technically started them yet...if not I am sure I will get them done before next year. hehe.
Rob and the boys finally got the tree up this year..I have given up on decorating...I would not have even put it up this year they did it. I am not sure why..other than I am tired and by the time break seemed that the holiday was half over...and I felt like I have not been able to breathe until there it is.
It has been snowing all night and day was delayed for 2 hours this morning..the kids were oh so happy about that..Bryce is home sick and I am thankful I don't have to drive an hour to and from school in this stuff....
Well I hope you all haev a great day..and since I am home form school..I willtry to update this more often...we shall see.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Like Mother, Like this case!
IT was so cute last week...I want to document this becuase in my hectic life I may not remember and I want to scrap this one day....
Last week Clarissa was reading her book to Rob for her nightly reading and I was cooking dinner in the kitchen...I heard her say..."and I want to buy Mom a bunch of flowers"....I knew she was reading from her book but I said "Oh, CLarissa do..You want to buy me a bunch of flowers?" She replies " Mom, I am reading my book." I said " oh, ok." hehe.
Well about 30 minutes later while I was still working in kitchen Clarissa comes up to me and said " here mom" and she had a little note that said " I love my mom so much I want to get her a bunch of flowers" and then there were little flowers and hearts drawn all over that not the cutest thing you have ever heard? That will be the best bunch of flowers I have ever recieved. I hugged her and told her how much I loved her. She smiled.
The following day I called my grandma and we were chatting and she said she had been going through a video book and this peice of paper fell out that made her teary eyed and I asked what it was...she said it was a picture I had drawn for her and the note I had written on it was "TO: Grandma , this is a picture I drew of us we don't have faces but I thought the gesture was enough...please don't hang this up. Love Charisma"
it was a pencil drawing of us hugging with my grandma's hand on my cheek. ISn't that the sweetest?? She said she was going to frame it and hang it up..I told her that was fine....all I can think the time that I drew it I must of thought it was not good enough..because I have always been that way..but I did want to share with my grandma how I felt about her without exposing myself to much...but now that I am an adult I realize how important that kind of a drawing is to a grandma\parent and I am glad she kept it as I will always keep the drawing and note from Clarissa. Isn't timing a funny thing? I don't believe in coincidences..but I do believe that in the times and struggles we experience in our everyday lives sometimes there is that little glimspe of the things we are truly greatful for and God places those things in our path so we don't take things for granted...but we realize it because it is not in our ordinary day....Blessings!
Isn't it funny how we see so many things in our children that are in ourselves..I never realized until recently how much Clarissa is so much like me...the last few months have been so eye opening ..the older she gets the more teary eyed I get for so many reasons but most of all I just want her to be a strong confident woman and I just may get her there with all of these older brothers...But I see so many strong,good and idealistic qualities in her ..yet I know she could be crushed so easily because she sees and feels everything... life will lead her to where she needs to be regardless of how I see her...and I can't worry about all the things I am not and what I want her to be..I have to raise her to be who God wants her to be....just as I am trying to raise myself to be who He wants me to be...
I hope you all recognize those blessings in your everyday life and that you will document them because I now realize that this blog will be a blessing to my kids regardless if I get every memory scrapbooked because they will have them this form and hopefully they will see how much I dearly love them in my everyday life..because they have been my biggest and best blessings.
Last week Clarissa was reading her book to Rob for her nightly reading and I was cooking dinner in the kitchen...I heard her say..."and I want to buy Mom a bunch of flowers"....I knew she was reading from her book but I said "Oh, CLarissa do..You want to buy me a bunch of flowers?" She replies " Mom, I am reading my book." I said " oh, ok." hehe.
Well about 30 minutes later while I was still working in kitchen Clarissa comes up to me and said " here mom" and she had a little note that said " I love my mom so much I want to get her a bunch of flowers" and then there were little flowers and hearts drawn all over that not the cutest thing you have ever heard? That will be the best bunch of flowers I have ever recieved. I hugged her and told her how much I loved her. She smiled.
The following day I called my grandma and we were chatting and she said she had been going through a video book and this peice of paper fell out that made her teary eyed and I asked what it was...she said it was a picture I had drawn for her and the note I had written on it was "TO: Grandma , this is a picture I drew of us we don't have faces but I thought the gesture was enough...please don't hang this up. Love Charisma"
it was a pencil drawing of us hugging with my grandma's hand on my cheek. ISn't that the sweetest?? She said she was going to frame it and hang it up..I told her that was fine....all I can think the time that I drew it I must of thought it was not good enough..because I have always been that way..but I did want to share with my grandma how I felt about her without exposing myself to much...but now that I am an adult I realize how important that kind of a drawing is to a grandma\parent and I am glad she kept it as I will always keep the drawing and note from Clarissa. Isn't timing a funny thing? I don't believe in coincidences..but I do believe that in the times and struggles we experience in our everyday lives sometimes there is that little glimspe of the things we are truly greatful for and God places those things in our path so we don't take things for granted...but we realize it because it is not in our ordinary day....Blessings!
Isn't it funny how we see so many things in our children that are in ourselves..I never realized until recently how much Clarissa is so much like me...the last few months have been so eye opening ..the older she gets the more teary eyed I get for so many reasons but most of all I just want her to be a strong confident woman and I just may get her there with all of these older brothers...But I see so many strong,good and idealistic qualities in her ..yet I know she could be crushed so easily because she sees and feels everything... life will lead her to where she needs to be regardless of how I see her...and I can't worry about all the things I am not and what I want her to be..I have to raise her to be who God wants her to be....just as I am trying to raise myself to be who He wants me to be...
I hope you all recognize those blessings in your everyday life and that you will document them because I now realize that this blog will be a blessing to my kids regardless if I get every memory scrapbooked because they will have them this form and hopefully they will see how much I dearly love them in my everyday life..because they have been my biggest and best blessings.
Monday, October 26, 2009
JEri had homecoming on Saturday night. It was her first date/first dance. She was so beautiful. I found a dark chocolate brown dress a few weeks back and bought that it fit her perfectly. We found a very cute headband on Etsy that complimented the dress perfectly and it took me 5 shops to find some footless nylons to go with her dress so she could wear some bronze beaded sandals with her dress....and while getting her ready all I could think of was meeting her the first time, she was 7 and how much she has grown and how fast the time has gone and how hard it is to let her go on her first date. I cried off and on until she left heart wanted to leap after her but I let her date's mom take her away from me. She went to Michael's in Moses Lake for dinner and then on to the dance. When she came home at midnight she was floating and told me all about her dancing, what she ordered for dinner, and how everyone complimented her on how pretty she was...and tears swelled up again because it was true..she was absolutely beautiful.
Jeri's date was a nice boy that she met last summer during the church program and you know how freshman boys are right? The boy came to the door to pick up Jeri and she looked about 25 with her "sisters" and the make-up I had adorned her with and here comes this poor boy he looked about 12. But the sweetest guy around and very polite and thoughtful. He had brought chocolates for me and 2 different corsages for Jeri to choose from. Rob embarassed all of us...telling the boy not to piss him off?? what the heck? This boy is a dream come true for parents he was literally shaking from nerves and scared to death of Gracie the dog? Gracie is scared of everyone and runs with her tail between her legs if a strangers bends down to pet her? seriously. So anyway it was a success and I hope all future parents of her dates are this easy to work with and up to this type of standard.
SO another step towards my children growing up to fast and me trying to accept it.
but what a great night for Jeri ( and me).
Jeri's date was a nice boy that she met last summer during the church program and you know how freshman boys are right? The boy came to the door to pick up Jeri and she looked about 25 with her "sisters" and the make-up I had adorned her with and here comes this poor boy he looked about 12. But the sweetest guy around and very polite and thoughtful. He had brought chocolates for me and 2 different corsages for Jeri to choose from. Rob embarassed all of us...telling the boy not to piss him off?? what the heck? This boy is a dream come true for parents he was literally shaking from nerves and scared to death of Gracie the dog? Gracie is scared of everyone and runs with her tail between her legs if a strangers bends down to pet her? seriously. So anyway it was a success and I hope all future parents of her dates are this easy to work with and up to this type of standard.
SO another step towards my children growing up to fast and me trying to accept it.
but what a great night for Jeri ( and me).
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Some things to remember.....
ON Saturday night Rob and I went on a date...wooowooo that in itself is a miracle and we had a great time had dinner and saw "Couples Retreat" it was funny. Anyway we had 2 extra boys here and also Jeri's best friend Sammy was here for the night as well. When I got home the kids were all watching a movie and poor Clarissa is wondering because she is not interested in what they are watching and she seems to be left out of those things because she is younger.
I went downstairs and she brought her new card making kit (thanks to Donna who gave it to us!..complete with glitter glue and everything..just what she loves!) I put on the tunes and I started sewing Clarissa was making cards and it felt very comfortable, like we just were in sync. I asked her if she liked the music ..she looked at me nodded yes and we went about our business. Last week we were working on her own sewing machine but she wanted to make cards this night.
Clarissa was making cards to give to people because she can't seem to make something that has no purpose...she is so much like me:) So she made a few for me and Rob and then she made a book for us. One of the pages says I love mommys cooking and then she wrote I love daddy , daddy is funny. Bryce came down at that time and said " The jury is still out on that one" poor
As soon as Bryce came down and saw what Clarissa was doing he sat down right beside her and started making a card. Here the 7th grader and the 1st grader working side by side, it warmed my heart. Clarissa was showing him what she was doing and he was interested. Then as if a memo went out... one by one every boy came down and started working on cards....taking over Clarissa's station. She was willing to share because above everyone else in our house Clarissa....worships " The brothers" as she calls them.
A few weeks ago when school started for me things got crazy because I had started working 2 weeks before, and Rob got a promotion at work so he has been having to work crazy hours and he also had to leave for training in Portland for a week, so I had my girlfriends helping me take kids to soccer and football and other kid activities.. During this time Clarissa was insufferable, would not listen to the kids and when Rob was home late at night she was throwing fits and talking back to him so much so that one night he spanked her..which is the first time he has ever done that to her...not to mention we agreed not to practice corporal punishment on our kids..anyway, I decided that night I would talk to her....I know exactly what she needs because she is so much like me it is scary...I pulled her into my lap and told her that this is just a crazy time right now and that she needs to listen to her brothers and sister and that all the craziness would end wont stay like this and I explained why things were soon as she knew the chaos was not going to stick around and that there would be an end..she was back to her old self. Until recently I knew Clarissa and I were somewhat alike but until lately I didn't realize how much she and I really are alike and it is good on one hand because I can help her when need be but also scary because you never want your children to suffer from your same insecurities or weakness'...I keep trying to tell myself that maybe I can just make everything better for her....but as I already know alot of times the things we suffer from our kids pick up on that...I have already recognized some of that in my other children.
Some other things to remember:
School is is not....
taking time to bake a cake helps keep my kids happy....
Date night is important for me and has set up our whole week...and we are both smiling more.
Don't forget the simple things in life..
We have a little boy that has been hanging at our house and I kept wondering why he was staying so late and he is here all the time. Finally the kids told me he is here because he likes being here his mom leaves out of town most days of the week and leaves him and his brother with a drunk babysitter..that doesn't seem to care where he is and so he stays with us until my kids bedtime. I told this little guy that he could stay with us any night because we have 2 extra beds.( I really want to call his mom but I don't know the "Real" story and I am not judging I just want the kids to be I am going to pray about it before I call and just offer to let them stay here if she needs them to..rather than with someone who is not caring what they do ) ON Sunday night we were getting ready to have Sunday dinner ...he was here and I called the kids up to dinner. Suddenly Rob says we need another place setting and chair..this boy was eating with us. After he left home Rob told me that the boy was standing in the doorway and Rob had asked him if he wanted to eat with us..the boy looked up at Rob and said "really?...nobody else has ever asked me to stay for dinner they always tell me to go home." That makes me cry for so many reasons..that guy ate like he had never had such a great meal before ...I am thankful for so many reasons....
1. that my husband didn't think twice about inviting him
2. that we can always provide a meal for our family and we always have room for one more..thank you to God!
3. That my home is a safe place for him and anyone else
4. That I have such great kids to allow this to happen in my home
5. So many things to be thankful for....I am so blessed. I love being used as a vessel for God!
I went downstairs and she brought her new card making kit (thanks to Donna who gave it to us!..complete with glitter glue and everything..just what she loves!) I put on the tunes and I started sewing Clarissa was making cards and it felt very comfortable, like we just were in sync. I asked her if she liked the music ..she looked at me nodded yes and we went about our business. Last week we were working on her own sewing machine but she wanted to make cards this night.
Clarissa was making cards to give to people because she can't seem to make something that has no purpose...she is so much like me:) So she made a few for me and Rob and then she made a book for us. One of the pages says I love mommys cooking and then she wrote I love daddy , daddy is funny. Bryce came down at that time and said " The jury is still out on that one" poor
As soon as Bryce came down and saw what Clarissa was doing he sat down right beside her and started making a card. Here the 7th grader and the 1st grader working side by side, it warmed my heart. Clarissa was showing him what she was doing and he was interested. Then as if a memo went out... one by one every boy came down and started working on cards....taking over Clarissa's station. She was willing to share because above everyone else in our house Clarissa....worships " The brothers" as she calls them.
A few weeks ago when school started for me things got crazy because I had started working 2 weeks before, and Rob got a promotion at work so he has been having to work crazy hours and he also had to leave for training in Portland for a week, so I had my girlfriends helping me take kids to soccer and football and other kid activities.. During this time Clarissa was insufferable, would not listen to the kids and when Rob was home late at night she was throwing fits and talking back to him so much so that one night he spanked her..which is the first time he has ever done that to her...not to mention we agreed not to practice corporal punishment on our kids..anyway, I decided that night I would talk to her....I know exactly what she needs because she is so much like me it is scary...I pulled her into my lap and told her that this is just a crazy time right now and that she needs to listen to her brothers and sister and that all the craziness would end wont stay like this and I explained why things were soon as she knew the chaos was not going to stick around and that there would be an end..she was back to her old self. Until recently I knew Clarissa and I were somewhat alike but until lately I didn't realize how much she and I really are alike and it is good on one hand because I can help her when need be but also scary because you never want your children to suffer from your same insecurities or weakness'...I keep trying to tell myself that maybe I can just make everything better for her....but as I already know alot of times the things we suffer from our kids pick up on that...I have already recognized some of that in my other children.
Some other things to remember:
School is is not....
taking time to bake a cake helps keep my kids happy....
Date night is important for me and has set up our whole week...and we are both smiling more.
Don't forget the simple things in life..
We have a little boy that has been hanging at our house and I kept wondering why he was staying so late and he is here all the time. Finally the kids told me he is here because he likes being here his mom leaves out of town most days of the week and leaves him and his brother with a drunk babysitter..that doesn't seem to care where he is and so he stays with us until my kids bedtime. I told this little guy that he could stay with us any night because we have 2 extra beds.( I really want to call his mom but I don't know the "Real" story and I am not judging I just want the kids to be I am going to pray about it before I call and just offer to let them stay here if she needs them to..rather than with someone who is not caring what they do ) ON Sunday night we were getting ready to have Sunday dinner ...he was here and I called the kids up to dinner. Suddenly Rob says we need another place setting and chair..this boy was eating with us. After he left home Rob told me that the boy was standing in the doorway and Rob had asked him if he wanted to eat with us..the boy looked up at Rob and said "really?...nobody else has ever asked me to stay for dinner they always tell me to go home." That makes me cry for so many reasons..that guy ate like he had never had such a great meal before ...I am thankful for so many reasons....
1. that my husband didn't think twice about inviting him
2. that we can always provide a meal for our family and we always have room for one more..thank you to God!
3. That my home is a safe place for him and anyone else
4. That I have such great kids to allow this to happen in my home
5. So many things to be thankful for....I am so blessed. I love being used as a vessel for God!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Everyday life happenings
Well life just keeps passing by with each breath. The kids are involved in all their activities.....I got a new car....My friend Carla got a new car and just gave me her old car free and clear isn't that a God send? Rob wrecked the mustang a few months back and we got ripped off by the insurance company because apparently the car had been wrecked previosly and it didn't tell us that on the anyway we still got what we paid into it, but I took the money to pay off most of his medical bills from his back surgery. Rob is tired of driving " Old Faithful" That is what I have named the No matter what happens with our car situation...The honda always seems to be the back-up car is white with a brown radio because it has been robbed so many times...and it still keeps running along. I refuse to have a car payment because you never know what will happen in this economy. Plus, we basically only have one income, 6 kids, and people with health you never we basically have to save for a car and lately things keep coming ROb has been upset about the car issue..and now it is all cleared up. As far as I am concerned.
I love my new is a happy place to be...It is like being in a world of color and texture...and people walk in there want to be there and love all the same things I love.
So many things seem to be falling into place..and school starts for me next week.
Rob got a promotion at work....not sure how much or what is actually happening until Friday....When he has a meeting with the upper management. So things seem to be happening for the better. All that nagging I did to make him get his certification paid
Well, I hope everyone has a good day!
I love my new is a happy place to be...It is like being in a world of color and texture...and people walk in there want to be there and love all the same things I love.
So many things seem to be falling into place..and school starts for me next week.
Rob got a promotion at work....not sure how much or what is actually happening until Friday....When he has a meeting with the upper management. So things seem to be happening for the better. All that nagging I did to make him get his certification paid
Well, I hope everyone has a good day!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fall Beginings
Well football for our family has officially started and Clarissa had her first soccer practice. She was excited and nervous all at the same time. All I could think the whole time is ...She is so much like her mother..she does not have natural grace or athletic abilities. She kept placing the ball perfectly with her hands before she would kick SO obviously we need to work with her...and she runs like a girl...oh well good thing she is one.
We went camping at RimRock last weekend we were rained on but it was fun. They had a live band and also two days of sword fighting, medieval style with foam swords and Shields..That is just what the doctor ordered for the kids! So the boys spent most of their time fighting or in the pool.
Clarissa was in tears because a little boy ( JOsh our friends little guy) had a crush on her and told her she was " one gorgeous wady and he just wanted to kiss her" well obviously like most women she cried and got totally disgusted by much so that you can't even mention it now without the tears spilling freely. How tragic..I know.
I am starting a new job today. I got a job at the local fabric store...very part-time ..I think anyway and she is willing to work around my school it seems to be a perfect fit for me.
Fall is representing so many new beginnings for me that it almost seems like it should be spring...but things are settling down in some areas and the weather is getting colder..Fall is my favorite time of year...I love apples and pie, cider and the warm colors of fall. All those warm colors make me happy and I love to bundle up in nice comfy sweaters...
I hope fall brings everyone the same happiness and comfort it brings me.
We went camping at RimRock last weekend we were rained on but it was fun. They had a live band and also two days of sword fighting, medieval style with foam swords and Shields..That is just what the doctor ordered for the kids! So the boys spent most of their time fighting or in the pool.
Clarissa was in tears because a little boy ( JOsh our friends little guy) had a crush on her and told her she was " one gorgeous wady and he just wanted to kiss her" well obviously like most women she cried and got totally disgusted by much so that you can't even mention it now without the tears spilling freely. How tragic..I know.
I am starting a new job today. I got a job at the local fabric store...very part-time ..I think anyway and she is willing to work around my school it seems to be a perfect fit for me.
Fall is representing so many new beginnings for me that it almost seems like it should be spring...but things are settling down in some areas and the weather is getting colder..Fall is my favorite time of year...I love apples and pie, cider and the warm colors of fall. All those warm colors make me happy and I love to bundle up in nice comfy sweaters...
I hope fall brings everyone the same happiness and comfort it brings me.
Monday, August 24, 2009 more!
Well it has been awhile since I have updated this blog and as school starts in a few days and we are prepared as we can possible be....I somehow have time to blog. We have had such a busy summer it has had it's up and downs and drives here and there and plenty of laughs and cries.
Jeri starts high school this year, Bryce starts junior high and with all of my kids growing and changing ( hormones raging!) it seems that they are getting further an further from me....or not so much further from me but growing faster and developing opinions and likes and dislikes away from me and it hurts to see your babies move further from the next...I can't imagine what kind of drug therapy (or otherwise) I will need when they actually fly from the nest because I can't imagine life without them ..hopefully I will grow with them and it won't hurt so much but I suspect it will still hurt very deeply.
The list of things we did the summer:
1. Silverwood ( Idaho)
2. Wild Waves ( Seattle)
3. Ephrata pool ( to many times to count this was a daily routine)
4. Moses Lake Surf and slide
5. Camping ( Boyer park, Twin lakes Idaho and on labor day we will be hitting Rim Rock)
6. many weekends at the McGee's ( God parents ...The Best ever!!!)
7. Hoopfest ( Horton boys only)
8. Vacation at Grand parents ( Jeri and Carl only)
9. Celebrated 3 birthdays
10. School clothes shopping and supplies!
There is a minor list of our big accomplishments over the summer ( or memorable ones anyway) and I would like to say I got a whole lot of pictures of these experiences but I didn't I pack my camera and then never bring it out...seems weird. But I can't beat myself up about these things because I am experiencing life and not just taking pictures of it all. Plus when your kids get to a certain age they don't pose for pictures very gets to exhausting asking them to let you take a picture or at least ignore it when I am trying to take one...ugh!
As I grow and learn about myself, life and family, Some things you don't need pictures of because the memories are so much better and it is nice to hear my children talk about their vision or version of our trips and memories and sometimes the pictures will take away from that. Of course there is also the fact that you can't take pictures of some memories...early on this summer we were taking a trip to Grand Coulee dam ..stopped at Steam boat for picnic dinner and had a few friends with us...the whole way there my children were singing Christian songs and teaching their friends these songs I will never be able to capture the pride in my soul because my kids were singing these beautiful songs and the sound of them singing is glorious....I thank God for all of my blessings and now I know a bit of what he feels when he hears from me on a daily basis because he is my father.
Jeri starts high school this year, Bryce starts junior high and with all of my kids growing and changing ( hormones raging!) it seems that they are getting further an further from me....or not so much further from me but growing faster and developing opinions and likes and dislikes away from me and it hurts to see your babies move further from the next...I can't imagine what kind of drug therapy (or otherwise) I will need when they actually fly from the nest because I can't imagine life without them ..hopefully I will grow with them and it won't hurt so much but I suspect it will still hurt very deeply.
The list of things we did the summer:
1. Silverwood ( Idaho)
2. Wild Waves ( Seattle)
3. Ephrata pool ( to many times to count this was a daily routine)
4. Moses Lake Surf and slide
5. Camping ( Boyer park, Twin lakes Idaho and on labor day we will be hitting Rim Rock)
6. many weekends at the McGee's ( God parents ...The Best ever!!!)
7. Hoopfest ( Horton boys only)
8. Vacation at Grand parents ( Jeri and Carl only)
9. Celebrated 3 birthdays
10. School clothes shopping and supplies!
There is a minor list of our big accomplishments over the summer ( or memorable ones anyway) and I would like to say I got a whole lot of pictures of these experiences but I didn't I pack my camera and then never bring it out...seems weird. But I can't beat myself up about these things because I am experiencing life and not just taking pictures of it all. Plus when your kids get to a certain age they don't pose for pictures very gets to exhausting asking them to let you take a picture or at least ignore it when I am trying to take one...ugh!
As I grow and learn about myself, life and family, Some things you don't need pictures of because the memories are so much better and it is nice to hear my children talk about their vision or version of our trips and memories and sometimes the pictures will take away from that. Of course there is also the fact that you can't take pictures of some memories...early on this summer we were taking a trip to Grand Coulee dam ..stopped at Steam boat for picnic dinner and had a few friends with us...the whole way there my children were singing Christian songs and teaching their friends these songs I will never be able to capture the pride in my soul because my kids were singing these beautiful songs and the sound of them singing is glorious....I thank God for all of my blessings and now I know a bit of what he feels when he hears from me on a daily basis because he is my father.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Clarissa Turns Six!

Well I am a little behind on things have so much going on and in the last week of classes only one final and one assignment left and my vacation is here ...YIPEE!
We had Clarissa's 6th birthday part a week late because she was invited to her first friend birthday party on the actual day of her birthday.
We had mini pizzas, snacks and we made bunny cakes because that is what she wanted. I was going to make 3 of them, a pink, purple and white one...well she had a different plan she wanted one of the cakes to look like her "real" bunny which is named Ballerina. Ballerina is a black and white rex. SO off to the store to buy chocolate are the cakes.

We also had a sprinkler, and 2 slip and slides going for guests and the trampoline in the back yard. We invited all of her classmates and our family friends. We had between 40-50 people here to celebrate her life. It was kind of funny because only two boys from her class showed up and they were really cute boys but She was only going to hand out the invitations to the girls and stuff the boy invites in the bottom of her back pack like I wouldn't notice..nice huh? Girls! Sheesh!
Fun was had by all but I think my neighbors are going to give up on me! I can't believe my baby is six years doesn't seem possible but we are blessed to have her in our family.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
KFC tonight!
It is the small things that matter...right? Well last week when Oprah announced that she was giving away free meals from KFC we hopped right on the computer and printed out our tickets! we are going to dinner tonight. Just a simple thing to make my kids happy...CHICKEN!
Other than that we have been getting through our dentist appointments, Rob is struggling through his long days at work and on top of the dentist they hit a nerve in his face when working on his mouth and he has a black eye and his face was swollen for a few days..poor guy!
I am getting very frustrated with Gracie...she is really teething right now and getting into everything and I am just at my limit with her chewing on our patio furniture and anything else she finds.
I am loving school this quarter and glad to be home still.....long days at home making fresh bread and slowly getting things organized. Although I can't really wait for summer..I keep thinking of all the time I will have but who are we kidding? IT is already filling up with all of our activities and I won't have time to clean and organize because I will be living life!
The kids are doing well..they want to be outside all of the time and they hate that it is still light out when bedtime rolls around because they want to stay out and play or ride their bikes or whatever else.
I have signed up for a 5K race on fourth of July in Ellensburg. I am not so much concerned about what my time will be as much as I am concerned about just accomplishing the goal of finishing something. I know I can complete 3 miles I do it several times a week. Jeri and Bryce are training with me and I think I will sign Jeri up for the 5K if she continues on with will be good for her to succeed in a race as well.
We have our big tennis tournament this weekend and there is a lot of smack talking going on in the house...but it is all good fun and we will see who will be the reigning champ on Sunday! I think it will be Cole or Rob.
Well I hope you all have a great week!
Other than that we have been getting through our dentist appointments, Rob is struggling through his long days at work and on top of the dentist they hit a nerve in his face when working on his mouth and he has a black eye and his face was swollen for a few days..poor guy!
I am getting very frustrated with Gracie...she is really teething right now and getting into everything and I am just at my limit with her chewing on our patio furniture and anything else she finds.
I am loving school this quarter and glad to be home still.....long days at home making fresh bread and slowly getting things organized. Although I can't really wait for summer..I keep thinking of all the time I will have but who are we kidding? IT is already filling up with all of our activities and I won't have time to clean and organize because I will be living life!
The kids are doing well..they want to be outside all of the time and they hate that it is still light out when bedtime rolls around because they want to stay out and play or ride their bikes or whatever else.
I have signed up for a 5K race on fourth of July in Ellensburg. I am not so much concerned about what my time will be as much as I am concerned about just accomplishing the goal of finishing something. I know I can complete 3 miles I do it several times a week. Jeri and Bryce are training with me and I think I will sign Jeri up for the 5K if she continues on with will be good for her to succeed in a race as well.
We have our big tennis tournament this weekend and there is a lot of smack talking going on in the house...but it is all good fun and we will see who will be the reigning champ on Sunday! I think it will be Cole or Rob.
Well I hope you all have a great week!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Rob is back to work today
yay! Rob is back at work today--I know it will take some getting used to because he has been home for three weeks so he is going to be very tired for the next couple of weeks when he is home but hopefully the recovery will happen quickly.
We have taken up tennis as a family recently. It is so much fun and I played a tiny amount in high school but not Anyway, Bryce thought he would just go on the court and beat me and I BEAT HIM is killing him that his fat , out-of-shape mother beat him on the courts so the competition is ON! and I get bragging rights this whole week. Mind you if I played anyone with skills I would lose...but the fact that I beat BRYCE is a big deal around here because ...oh how he hates to lose.
So we decided we would make a tournament ...2 weeks from last weekend. We are inviting our friends and making a poster board with all the brackets..BRyce is in charge of that part and we will just start out rolling a dice to match up the first set of matches (who plays who to start...I don't want any cheating!) and then the competition is ON! We have prizes for first, second and third place. There will be 16 competitors. The Horton-Dickinson Tournament is in the works! Nothing like a little healthy competition and it gives our family something to work towards and it is fun to have these family activities. Plus the kids love it when we organize these things.
Things are going well with school....the load is light, haven't been stressed at all. That part is nice. I have been working in my yard..trying to get things planted and making a few new flower beds because those are my favorite thing about yards. I have been focusing on the front yard...and that will be done soon--so on to the back...that is a far bigger project and I am a bit overwhelmed as to where I should start...oh well another day.
Well---I think I will be able to post more often now that I will be back into Charisma's routine...and not post-op Rob's routine.
Have a good day!
We have taken up tennis as a family recently. It is so much fun and I played a tiny amount in high school but not Anyway, Bryce thought he would just go on the court and beat me and I BEAT HIM is killing him that his fat , out-of-shape mother beat him on the courts so the competition is ON! and I get bragging rights this whole week. Mind you if I played anyone with skills I would lose...but the fact that I beat BRYCE is a big deal around here because ...oh how he hates to lose.
So we decided we would make a tournament ...2 weeks from last weekend. We are inviting our friends and making a poster board with all the brackets..BRyce is in charge of that part and we will just start out rolling a dice to match up the first set of matches (who plays who to start...I don't want any cheating!) and then the competition is ON! We have prizes for first, second and third place. There will be 16 competitors. The Horton-Dickinson Tournament is in the works! Nothing like a little healthy competition and it gives our family something to work towards and it is fun to have these family activities. Plus the kids love it when we organize these things.
Things are going well with school....the load is light, haven't been stressed at all. That part is nice. I have been working in my yard..trying to get things planted and making a few new flower beds because those are my favorite thing about yards. I have been focusing on the front yard...and that will be done soon--so on to the back...that is a far bigger project and I am a bit overwhelmed as to where I should start...oh well another day.
Well---I think I will be able to post more often now that I will be back into Charisma's routine...and not post-op Rob's routine.
Have a good day!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Oh, How time flies by......
Well let's see....It's been awhile. Rob had back surgery. It was successful. I think I have my husband back. He is a much better mood not being in so much pain and he is stretching more than he has in years and he is moving better than he has in a very long time! What a blessing!
We had Preston's 9th birthday....and he had friends over for a trampoline/pinata party...what chaos but kids love that! I can't believe my little guy is 9! Doesn't seem possible.
We also had our annual Flashlight egg hunt the night before Easter was smaller than usual but that was also a blessing because of everything happening around here lately. Small is a relative term...because the people that were here thought there was alot
We are having some issues with one of the schools here and I am hoping to resolve that soon.
Rob and I are going to school full-time but on-line so things around the house have been getting the help it needs....I have gone through and unpacked everything that was in storage, gone through all the rooms in the house except mine---which still needs to be done. We have a TON of stuff to donate to the mission yard sale. I just need to do some deep cleaning...I haven't gotten that far yet. I organized and put up new shelves for my crafting scrapbooking stuff and cleaned out "stuff" got rid of a ton of crafting books on amazon and such...I love that site! But I replaced them with new books--can't help myself. They should do a swap...that would be awesome!
I have been working in the flower beds alot ..all of this sunshine makes me want to work in the tulips and daffodils are bloomed and so pretty..just waiting for my iris' next.... trying to get my lawn fertilized and full....especially after the hit it took in fall with the construction from the city ..ugh!
So many things to do little time!
Well I hope you are all finding sunshine in your day!
We had Preston's 9th birthday....and he had friends over for a trampoline/pinata party...what chaos but kids love that! I can't believe my little guy is 9! Doesn't seem possible.
We also had our annual Flashlight egg hunt the night before Easter was smaller than usual but that was also a blessing because of everything happening around here lately. Small is a relative term...because the people that were here thought there was alot
We are having some issues with one of the schools here and I am hoping to resolve that soon.
Rob and I are going to school full-time but on-line so things around the house have been getting the help it needs....I have gone through and unpacked everything that was in storage, gone through all the rooms in the house except mine---which still needs to be done. We have a TON of stuff to donate to the mission yard sale. I just need to do some deep cleaning...I haven't gotten that far yet. I organized and put up new shelves for my crafting scrapbooking stuff and cleaned out "stuff" got rid of a ton of crafting books on amazon and such...I love that site! But I replaced them with new books--can't help myself. They should do a swap...that would be awesome!
I have been working in the flower beds alot ..all of this sunshine makes me want to work in the tulips and daffodils are bloomed and so pretty..just waiting for my iris' next.... trying to get my lawn fertilized and full....especially after the hit it took in fall with the construction from the city ..ugh!
So many things to do little time!
Well I hope you are all finding sunshine in your day!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I forgot....preaching in Vegas!

I forgot to post a picture of the only spiritual thing I saw in Vegas....I felt many spiritual things but they don't exactly have any churches on the Vegas Strip....but I saw these guys with microphones and everything! Despite the fact that I know their hearts are in the right place..I feel ( no judgement) that they were probably not winning much for God that day. I think preaching fire and brimstone to people who think they are have a great time in Sin city isn't exactly the way to lead people to GOd..but maybe I am wrong.
They handed me a flyer but I told the " I AM A BELIEVER!" and kept walking..they were actually the only people handing out things that I would touch..I am sure any of you who have been to Vegas know what I am talking about!
VEgas Part 4

Thursday, we decided to go to a show, go to the bodies exhibit and pick up the rest of our souvenirs and hit the Fremont experience.
The show was a called the V-show which was a variety show and it was really good..we laughed out heads off and it was all clean good fun. They had comedians, a guy who did impersonations, and a few different acrobat type shows and then the host was a juggler and comedian. If you have a chance go see it!
But the BODIES EXHIBIT was my favorite thing. I am studying to be a nurse so this was really appropriate. It has actual human bodies dissected and all different forms, slides, full form , and organs that are in cases ...or bones etc. It sounds kind of morbid but it isn't. What is phenomenal is how they were able to preserve the blood vessels so that is all you see it is so beautiful it is amazing to see how all of these systems work together. It also had an exhibit full of fetus...which was is sad because they all died for some reason or another but they had everything from a tiny cell to a full grown fetus and they even had conjoined twins that didn't make it and they also showed those is different forms as in whole bodies, blood vessel systems ect. This is a must see if you are in VEGAS!
The free mont experience was great--we had so many laughs on the ride there and back..and it was such beautiful weather ...we took a bunch of silly photos--I think people thought we were drunk--in fact I know they did...but I assure you we were not--I can't imagine if we were drunk how people would have perceived us! The old part of Vegas (I think) if far more glamorous and beautiful than the new part. I love the old lights and the movie feel it has...but there is always something for everyone anywhere you go in Vegas.
Friday was our last day--we flew home that night. We decided to do the Paris experience and I rode the roller coaster on top of New York New wasn't worth the 12$ it cost me--it was lame ...I think the one at Silver wood is far better..just in case anyone wanted to know! hehe. I kept losing batteries in my camer so my friends have the pictures on these last 2 days as I got into an argument with the lady at the souvenir counter about the batteries so I didn't buy anymore and I wasn't going to pay 8$ for 2 I went a few days without a camera..but that's OK cause I just used Melissa's. Well..we had a great time I was ready to come home to my family I missed them terribly and I have decided it is way to hard to be away from them for that long.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Vegas Part 3

Hoover Dam

Wednesday we took a tour to the grand Canyon. We lucked out with our tour bus guide he was fabulous! We also got to have 3 hours at the Grand Canyon which was nice because some of the competing buses didn't stay that long--they would stay for a half an hour and then leave. I can't imagine not getting at least 3 hours time, I could have stayed there all night.
It was so Amazing, it looked almost fake like a back drop or something because it was so beautiful. When I see a wonder of the world like that it makes me wonder how some people don't believe in God...because it was so magnificent.
I was living on about 3 hours of sleep. But All of us girls sat next to someone different on the was kind of funny because i think we all sat next to people that complimented us.
I sat next to a man who was a geologist and he was here on business, but on the other side of me was a southern couple that were just sweet as can be Christians and they were using there timeshare to vacation never had been to Vegas and don't plan on ever coming back. HAHA! just an enjoyable couple to be with during such a great trip.
Melissa sat next to a spunky old single gal who was vacationing alone and kind of had a man hating streak about her but she was also very in dependant and wanted to live life to the fullest. Carla sat next to a gal traveling by herself I think she had raised a son as well and they seemed to be teamed up appropriately..isn't it funny how God works?
We stopped at the hoover dam on the way there and on the way back so I have pictures during the day and at night.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Today my oldest child is 14!
We had her party on Friday was a little bit of a bummer because it was Spring break and only a few friends showed up ..but I almost think it was better for our house and the kind ladies that hosted our Mary Kay party.
We had a TON of food. we made sub sandwiches, chips, pasta salad and green salad. Jeri requested a chocolate cherry cake and of course soda.
The ladies came and taught the girls how to scrub their faces and put on moisturizer and then apply make-up. It was a good experience and I think that some of us old rookies will even be making some switches on some of our products because we liked alot of Mary Kay products.
Jeri has been practicing for some time on how to apply her make-up, so she did really well.
AS much as teenagers are such a pain in the neck...I am thankful to be experiencing all of this and I see what a blessing Jeri is in my life...
SO happy birthday to my Sweet Girl! I hope this next year is FABULOUS!
We had a TON of food. we made sub sandwiches, chips, pasta salad and green salad. Jeri requested a chocolate cherry cake and of course soda.
The ladies came and taught the girls how to scrub their faces and put on moisturizer and then apply make-up. It was a good experience and I think that some of us old rookies will even be making some switches on some of our products because we liked alot of Mary Kay products.
Jeri has been practicing for some time on how to apply her make-up, so she did really well.
AS much as teenagers are such a pain in the neck...I am thankful to be experiencing all of this and I see what a blessing Jeri is in my life...
SO happy birthday to my Sweet Girl! I hope this next year is FABULOUS!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Vegas Part 2

We arrive in Vegas and we decide not to waste a day (or night since we got there so late) we get our outfits on and walk through all of the hotels surrounding us and decide to make our plans for the following day. We kind of get out our compasses out and look around to see what is around us. We decide to get our passes...
We bought these passes called the Explorer pass. Seemed like a great idea..because it included The grand canyon tour, 2 extra shows or attractions and discounts on other things. We decide for our extra features we would go to the Bodies exhibit and the dolphin habitat.
ON Tuesday we went to the dolphin habitat after picking up our passes at one location ...which seemed weird because the girl at the counter seemed to not know what the explorer pass was??? hmm..that was weird.
Then when we got our card..they had little microchips on them..we walked to the Dolphin habitat..went up to the booth...the lady behind the booth said that these passes have been nothing but problems and we would have to walk back to the location of the pass (where we picked them up and get tickets)..later we found out it did say that in fine print--but it would have been nice if the original lady had told us that..but all in all it worked out because they let us in the dolphin habitat anyway because we were not the first ones to have problems.
The Dolphin family had just had a baby four months ago it was so cute..and the tigers had a little 2 month old cub..that was so darling. I didn't bring my camera--but the girls are supposed to email me the pics at some point.
More on the pass....We decide to get our tickets for the Bodies exhibit--we go to the original counter.....the same gal is there. she can't find any she says she will try to find another location that has them.....
Then she comes back to tell us that they no longer offer that feature?? that was weird. So we decide to get tickets for the variety show.
I call the 800 # for the pass to complain about the Bodies exhibit because it seems strange all of a sudden that they don't offer it...the lady on the phone says that they do....OK, I am getting really tired of these people at this point. The lady her name is Lyndsey says she will investigate.
She calls the manager of the Ticket booth in Vegas..apparently they had tickets because they buy them from the attractions at a discount so they can offer them to pass buyers..right...well theirs had expired and they would not be getting any until the day we were they basically lied to us and didn't tell us the full story?? I think, I am an understanding person until you lie to me!
SO basically we got the passes to the variety show and we just have to mail in the tickets stubs from the bodies exhibit that we had to pay for out of our pockets and they will issue us a refund for our inconvenience. So we got an extra attraction.
What a hassle this pass was but I have to say all in all it was worth it all because of our grand canyon experience. We did not have one problem on the tour they swiped our card and we got the best bus driver in town I think..not to mention we got more time at the canyon than any of the other tour buses...and I am so thankful for that.
More on that later.

We did most of our shopping on this day as well..bought all of the stuff to bring home to our family. We did the M&M tour and Show. We went to the coca-cola factory and then we even caught a movie. I can't believe we went to a movie in Vegas but Melissa's feet were to sore to keep walking about....and we were wanting to see Duplicity. I wouldn't waste my money if I were you.....It was slow going and I didn't think it was any good.
I did gamble a bit on this day..lost it all but it is Vegas..the odds are not in my favor and I kept thinking of a sentence I read in my statistics book..."There is no law of averages!" no matter how much money I stuck into those was never going to even out. I guess I learned something from that class!
There was no drinking on my trip....I had a bad experience a couple years back..and decided I didn't need to drink to have a good time and while in Vegas..I think it is to risky to drink anyway because you never know what kind of creep may be lurking around a corner to take advantage of a situation. SO that is my bit of paranoia coming through.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
another post for today..interrupting the Vegas Series....
I took Rob to his pre-op for the surgeon today. We originally started out thinking we could stretch this out and maybe not have surgery. ROb was really trying to avoid it...and the physical therapist told us not to rush into anything...well after a couple weeks of therapy Rob felt worse. I kept telling him that it is because he is going to be sore from working things he hasn't worked in a long time..the therapist was telling him the same thing..then he started feeling more numbness is his feet..not a good sign. So we went back for an MRI. That revealed not a bulged disc but a RUPTURED poor husband.
So needless to say he has to have surgery. Fortunately there will be no long term damage ..the neurologist says....and once he gets the surgery..all of the damage that has happened will eventually isn't bothering his spine to much..or I should say the fluid around his spine. The surgeon says he can choose to wait it out and start taking some pain pills or anti-inflammatory meds ..but eventually he will have to get it done..since this injury is already 9 years will not get better. SO it is scheduled for April 20th. Which had to be negotiated by Rob's work schedule cause he felt he couldn't do it now because they have to much stuff going on right now..God Bless that man always thinking of everyone but himself.
Anyway, HE is supposed to be out of work a minimum of a month..he is thinking that won't be the case..but we will see how he feels after the procedure.
Pray for us and our family.
So needless to say he has to have surgery. Fortunately there will be no long term damage ..the neurologist says....and once he gets the surgery..all of the damage that has happened will eventually isn't bothering his spine to much..or I should say the fluid around his spine. The surgeon says he can choose to wait it out and start taking some pain pills or anti-inflammatory meds ..but eventually he will have to get it done..since this injury is already 9 years will not get better. SO it is scheduled for April 20th. Which had to be negotiated by Rob's work schedule cause he felt he couldn't do it now because they have to much stuff going on right now..God Bless that man always thinking of everyone but himself.
Anyway, HE is supposed to be out of work a minimum of a month..he is thinking that won't be the case..but we will see how he feels after the procedure.
Pray for us and our family.
I went to Vegas last week. Monday through Friday. I was actually gone a week because I spent the weekend in Tri-cities with my girlfriends shopping, sewing, scrapping and talking.
We went to Carla's house on Sunday to stay the night before we caught a plane to Vegas on Monday... so we decided to get pedicures before we left since we knew we would be wearing capris and shorts. We went to this fabulous place that also gave us sugar rubs and hot waxed our feet and massaged them forever...HEAVEN!

So after we got to the airport we found out due to weather back east our flight was delayed and we would most likely be missing out connecting flight out of Utah. There was a later flight but it was over the chances of us getting on it were pretty slim. I wasn't really worried about it..I knew God would do what was best for us. There is always a reason for everything. Well we did miss our connection and then we had to be put on stand by for the following flight...the attendant calls us up and asked if 2 of us were willing to go and leave the third behind..because 2 seats had opened up. I didn't say anything..but the other girls said "no." SO we waited for a third seat to came down to the last minute and the guy told us a third was available...but the third person would have to sit alone. I volunteered for that seat because Melissa needed someone to comfort her on the flight because she was scared of flying.....I am not good at that because I just read my book and what anyway...that seat was *first* class I got bumped to FIRST CLASS! hahahaha! YIppeee for me! It actually wasn't a big deal....but it was fun to say that!
But I had to say ..there was this crazy ( white trash kind ) set of gals that was upset because they missed the flight as well and they wanted on our flight also but they got there after we did....and they actually asked the attendant ( who was in his 60's and looked like the nicest grandpa ever) that if they missed this flight could they sleep with him at his place??..I thought OH NO....Did I just hear that right? That is just horrible. Who actually says stuff like that?
Well those 2 women actually made the flight as well and I guess they ticked off everyone around them because when we got off of the flight I heard them and their neighboring passengers arguing..I thought to myself..WHEW! we really dodged a bullet with those ones.
Well when we got off the flight I asked the attendant if our luggage was on the flight..because the chances of that actually happening since we boarded so late was null. HE said they could be.
Carla and Melissa kept saying we shouldn't even bother going to baggage claim because it is not likely that they would be there...I told them not to doubt...I knew it would be ...God had carried us that far..what a long day of traveling..but I just knew our bags were fine...I WAS RIGHT!
You know when you go to Vegas you fantasize about winning big right?? I mean I think, I am normal that is what Vegas is about...all the glitz glamour and winning...I felt I had already hit the jackpot at that point.....ding..ding...ding.
We went to Carla's house on Sunday to stay the night before we caught a plane to Vegas on Monday... so we decided to get pedicures before we left since we knew we would be wearing capris and shorts. We went to this fabulous place that also gave us sugar rubs and hot waxed our feet and massaged them forever...HEAVEN!

So after we got to the airport we found out due to weather back east our flight was delayed and we would most likely be missing out connecting flight out of Utah. There was a later flight but it was over the chances of us getting on it were pretty slim. I wasn't really worried about it..I knew God would do what was best for us. There is always a reason for everything. Well we did miss our connection and then we had to be put on stand by for the following flight...the attendant calls us up and asked if 2 of us were willing to go and leave the third behind..because 2 seats had opened up. I didn't say anything..but the other girls said "no." SO we waited for a third seat to came down to the last minute and the guy told us a third was available...but the third person would have to sit alone. I volunteered for that seat because Melissa needed someone to comfort her on the flight because she was scared of flying.....I am not good at that because I just read my book and what anyway...that seat was *first* class I got bumped to FIRST CLASS! hahahaha! YIppeee for me! It actually wasn't a big deal....but it was fun to say that!
But I had to say ..there was this crazy ( white trash kind ) set of gals that was upset because they missed the flight as well and they wanted on our flight also but they got there after we did....and they actually asked the attendant ( who was in his 60's and looked like the nicest grandpa ever) that if they missed this flight could they sleep with him at his place??..I thought OH NO....Did I just hear that right? That is just horrible. Who actually says stuff like that?
Well those 2 women actually made the flight as well and I guess they ticked off everyone around them because when we got off of the flight I heard them and their neighboring passengers arguing..I thought to myself..WHEW! we really dodged a bullet with those ones.
Well when we got off the flight I asked the attendant if our luggage was on the flight..because the chances of that actually happening since we boarded so late was null. HE said they could be.
Carla and Melissa kept saying we shouldn't even bother going to baggage claim because it is not likely that they would be there...I told them not to doubt...I knew it would be ...God had carried us that far..what a long day of traveling..but I just knew our bags were fine...I WAS RIGHT!
You know when you go to Vegas you fantasize about winning big right?? I mean I think, I am normal that is what Vegas is about...all the glitz glamour and winning...I felt I had already hit the jackpot at that point.....ding..ding...ding.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
MUSTANG I mean MUSTANG Charisma!

Yesterday ROb and I made an appointment to see a Dodge caravan minivan...we looked at this particular car and a mustang on Sunday..decided to take the minivan for a test drive on Monday. Well I decided too...Rob thought the mustang was a better whatever..although he says he wouldn't drive the mustang since it has a V-6..what does that mean? That it doesn't have as much power...excuse me is supposed to be a commuter car...I thought the minivan was a better type deal because we could always use it as a back up if the suburban breaks down..Rob has a thing about driving a minivan..who cares??? it suits our needs and has good gas mileage.
But I digress.
The people that own the minivan never showed up...but the guy selling the mustang did..after we called (within 10 minutes). So we bought it--it needs some work..we got a good deal ROb says??? It has really low mileage for a 1998...that is what Rob thinks anyway. SO I can't drive it as of now because it needs some new lights and such..Rob will be working on it within the next few days. It also needs new tires and wheels...the ones on it are a little it will be ok during summer--but we will get new ones later on.
So Jeri is happy because in some weird dillusional way she thinks she will get to drive it in a couple years when she turns 16..I am thinking I think not.
I am still going to try to get a hold of the people with the minivan..because I am still interested in looking at that car. So we will see what happens.
**** UPDATE******
SO I went to transfer the title today.....
I think my husband was right! We paid so little for this car that now I have to prove why we paid less than half of it's market value price. I just thought we were getting a good deal because my husband is a car guy and he can fix anything for way cheaper than the average bear....Now I am wondering if we can document enough wrong with the car....we have to take it to a shop for a written estimate...Rob was right..he scored us a deal .....I will never doubt again. I wonder if they consider wheels and tires part of that?? It really has UGLY wheels on the thing!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Kid's Bathroom
Most mornings I come downstairs to the smell of "MAN" is funny to think that my boys are old enough to care about such things. Axe is their best Friend but I quit buying it so much because it is 5$ a can and they sometimes waste it and I don't have that kind of money laying around.
SO they get cheap deodorant and they get spry on cologne. I usually find it in gift packs and I get them on-sale after holidays so it is quite a bit cheaper. But this is how it is--they can't share..they each have to have their own..usually they need to have their own scent so nobody fights..hopefully they are different colors..because there is bound to be a fight over who has been using whom's body spray.

But I think it is never to late to make them smell good..their future wives will thank me! So here is a picture of what these look like! To bad I can't get a picture of the cloud floating in our basement every morning of Body spray!
JEri is getting a collection of flat irons, curling irons and make-up --we are getting to this stage of chaos in the morning with so many people sharinga bathroom and all of the hair products. We need hair gel by the gallon.
SO they get cheap deodorant and they get spry on cologne. I usually find it in gift packs and I get them on-sale after holidays so it is quite a bit cheaper. But this is how it is--they can't share..they each have to have their own..usually they need to have their own scent so nobody fights..hopefully they are different colors..because there is bound to be a fight over who has been using whom's body spray.

But I think it is never to late to make them smell good..their future wives will thank me! So here is a picture of what these look like! To bad I can't get a picture of the cloud floating in our basement every morning of Body spray!

JEri is getting a collection of flat irons, curling irons and make-up --we are getting to this stage of chaos in the morning with so many people sharinga bathroom and all of the hair products. We need hair gel by the gallon.

Monday, March 9, 2009
At our house
At our house recently...things have been crazy with all the sickness and activities and my school work...but I thought how nice it is to remember amoungst all the chaos there is things I never want to forget and that is these things....

Clarissa's artwork...
Lately she is drawing lots of pictures and writing to mom and Dad..I love you. because she is just learning how to spell things out and read sentences..I felt so guilty about this because I worked with all of the kids before kindergarten and they could all read and write before school...and Clarissa couldn't she could recognize all of the letters and numbers but not write them or read. Sometimes it doesn't pay to be the youngest..but in all Clarissa fashion--she has pretty much caught up.

I framed a peice of her artwork to hang by my desk...I also have one for Carl..those two and Cole are my artsy kind of kids...This picture is "Clarissa and Mommy at our house". Named by herself ...Clarissa Hope.

These are pictures of the boys...any free time they have ..and earned the right to play..they spend playing video games..I really try to limit this..I know how addictive they can be.....and Cole and Preston doing homework...My kids are usually really good at helping eachother when they can...not always but ever since I started school they really try not to bother me when I am working...There is a bit of guilt in this..but I think on some levels it is good because they need to be able to rely on eachother sometimes.

Clarissa's artwork...
Lately she is drawing lots of pictures and writing to mom and Dad..I love you. because she is just learning how to spell things out and read sentences..I felt so guilty about this because I worked with all of the kids before kindergarten and they could all read and write before school...and Clarissa couldn't she could recognize all of the letters and numbers but not write them or read. Sometimes it doesn't pay to be the youngest..but in all Clarissa fashion--she has pretty much caught up.

I framed a peice of her artwork to hang by my desk...I also have one for Carl..those two and Cole are my artsy kind of kids...This picture is "Clarissa and Mommy at our house". Named by herself ...Clarissa Hope.

These are pictures of the boys...any free time they have ..and earned the right to play..they spend playing video games..I really try to limit this..I know how addictive they can be.....and Cole and Preston doing homework...My kids are usually really good at helping eachother when they can...not always but ever since I started school they really try not to bother me when I am working...There is a bit of guilt in this..but I think on some levels it is good because they need to be able to rely on eachother sometimes.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Dog Walks.....

We all get itchy for this time of year--when spring is coming and the sunshine is out...the dogs included.
Usually in the spring, summer ,and fall we take the dogs out to the lakes near our house. I like to go to Soap Lake ..Rob hates Soap lake much so he doesn't even want his dog swimming in that water..but it is such a big area and only a 5 minute drive.
So we thought we would go out today and hopefully the lake would be thawed enough for BRodie to get in...he is such a water can't barely keep him out of it..even if we pass by there he will whine because he wants to go in.
SO today was Gracie's first time going into the water..she is BRodie's little shadow much to his dismay. SHe wants to do everything that he does...but she could not keep up with him and a few times she fell in after losing her footing. The last time her whole body fell in and her head went under water--she decided she was done for the day.
SO we were also incorporating a little lesson with out fun haveing Jeri teach her to walk and obey simple commands.
I am itching to get out and experience some nice weather and sunshine and spend quality time with the family in the evening walking and talking.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Sickies around here lately.....
Poor Clarissa has the flu today...I woke up this morning to..
" Mommy, my tummy hurts."
I said " OK just go lay school today"
Then explosives started happening in the bathroom..Toilet was down she didn't get there fast enough...then I hear Cole.....
UGH! Great so I got up to get her clean and the bathroom....and started gagging myself...I think it has been years since I have had to clean up kids have been good about getting to the open toilet...
Bryce had the sickness earlier this I am sure it is going to be ravaging through everyone else pretty soon...and Rob called on his lunch stating he didn't feel very well...and it is Finals....Isn't that perfect?
Everytime I have finals something has to it is just par for the course...A mom's job is never done.
I worked out has been awhile since I have been in a routine..I am usually pretty good about doing stuff in spring and summer--but then once fall and winter come around I just hang out in the house and don't want to be exercising.
I need to change that.
SO I hope everyone is healthy and this weekend brings much happiness!
" Mommy, my tummy hurts."
I said " OK just go lay school today"
Then explosives started happening in the bathroom..Toilet was down she didn't get there fast enough...then I hear Cole.....
UGH! Great so I got up to get her clean and the bathroom....and started gagging myself...I think it has been years since I have had to clean up kids have been good about getting to the open toilet...
Bryce had the sickness earlier this I am sure it is going to be ravaging through everyone else pretty soon...and Rob called on his lunch stating he didn't feel very well...and it is Finals....Isn't that perfect?
Everytime I have finals something has to it is just par for the course...A mom's job is never done.
I worked out has been awhile since I have been in a routine..I am usually pretty good about doing stuff in spring and summer--but then once fall and winter come around I just hang out in the house and don't want to be exercising.
I need to change that.
SO I hope everyone is healthy and this weekend brings much happiness!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Diets..Doctors ..and Back Troubles!
Well Rob went to the doctor today because his back has been bothering him.HE found out he needs to lose weight, he has 2 bulged discs that are pinching 2 nerves and so on to physical therapy for a month to satisfy the insurance company and then he needs and MRI and probably surgery.
He is stressed because harvest season will be here soon and he can't be laid up during the season and he has only had this job a year so he doesn't have alot of sick time saved up so he is going to prolong the surgery as long as possible...I don't think he should do we will see what happens in therapy and what his post-op consult with bring.
But in the meantime about his weight......I get a little badgigety about some things in this house..we live in the boonies and some things are hard to come by and that is these little beauties!
I have been able to maintain good eating habits for a few months now all thanks to these! I don't think people in my house realize the love I have for them and someone ( Rob ) has been steeling some....I have to go to two different stores every month to get these and sometimes I have to drive 30 minutes one way to come across them and I get a little self-ish....we have this love-love affair!
While he has been eating Chunky Monkey I have been eating this version of Chunky Monkey and it is not fair that he should even try taking my skinny Cows!
While he has been eating real pizza--I get this lighter low fat version--which I might add tastes pretty good--but still none the less...I don't get very many options!

So this is my current dilemma---now he will be having to eat the same way I am and I will have to share in my yummy delights!
He is stressed because harvest season will be here soon and he can't be laid up during the season and he has only had this job a year so he doesn't have alot of sick time saved up so he is going to prolong the surgery as long as possible...I don't think he should do we will see what happens in therapy and what his post-op consult with bring.
But in the meantime about his weight......I get a little badgigety about some things in this house..we live in the boonies and some things are hard to come by and that is these little beauties!

I have been able to maintain good eating habits for a few months now all thanks to these! I don't think people in my house realize the love I have for them and someone ( Rob ) has been steeling some....I have to go to two different stores every month to get these and sometimes I have to drive 30 minutes one way to come across them and I get a little self-ish....we have this love-love affair!
While he has been eating Chunky Monkey I have been eating this version of Chunky Monkey and it is not fair that he should even try taking my skinny Cows!

While he has been eating real pizza--I get this lighter low fat version--which I might add tastes pretty good--but still none the less...I don't get very many options!

So this is my current dilemma---now he will be having to eat the same way I am and I will have to share in my yummy delights!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
ME and My Girls

Well on Friday night we made am impromptu trip to Spokane just for the evening with my friends. Melissa was supposed to meet up with some guy she is dating and I made a deal with Landon that if I took the boys all the way to Spokane..he would bring them all the way back on Sunday.
Since I was going to be there I thought we may go out with the girls for a little much needed fun!
We started at The Olive Garden for dinner and then headed out to GOODTYMES! I love that place it is so much fun and there were 10 of us girls just celebrating our friendship and time together....we danced until the club closed and then went out for breakfast at an old hang out. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful group of Friends.
I have known most of these girls since high school...or they came in years ago and we can all trust eachother, we all genuinely love each other and I know anytime I needed someone I could call anyone of them and they would be there for me in a heart beat! Even when we don't see eachother for long periods of time ..we get together and it is as if we have never been apart. There of course are some of them that I talk to on a daily basis, some I talk to every couple of days....that is just how things work. But, I can honestly say if it weren't for my friends I would not be where I am in my life..they help keep me sane, they support me in my life and they listen when I need them. I love you all!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Murder Mystery Night

This is the crime scene that we had to compare all evidence against.
It is so annoying--I went to post this on Sunday and for some reason I lost it when I went to post it--you would think I would learn to save things sometimes--you have no idea how many times I type something for homework and then lose it....I guess it takes awhile to learn ...when I am special:)!
SO here we go again!
On Thursday night we went to Bryce and Carl's school ( for all my friends and family in Ephrata grade school is k-4th ( and there are 2 grade schools in town) , then Parkway is for 5th-6th grade..then middle school is 7th-8th and then of course high once the kids are in 5th grade they go to school with all of the kids in town that are in their grade.)
So anyway, We went to school for murder mystery night...they had a crime scene and set the stage for a story of events that took place and listed the names of the victim and all his friends that are listed as suspects.
After they introduced the plot they gave each child a packet of paper (in the case of my family I must say sorry to the family of the tree we had to use!)then sent us on our way to 10 different rooms throughout the school to analyze the evidence. Most of the older kids went their own separate ways Rob and I stayed with Preston and Clarissa.
Each room had different things it was AWESOME! Ph balance of soda, clothing that you had to inspect for different materials, DNA analysis, alot of chemistry type is funny because some of these things I am doing in my college level I think it is great that my kids are getting this stuff early...that way they won't have to learn everything at my old age!
Science changes so much and they will be learning it all as they go. I took a sabbatical. hehe.
We had many theories in this house of who actually commited the crime....I think Carl is the one who got it right.

After the mystery we decided to go out for ice we were sitting there we were talking about Bryce and his distate for this one girl in his class..who at one point had a crush on him..SO Rob asked him why he disliked her so much
he said : "Because she farts and burps like a guy"
I said "But you do that?"
Bryce: " YEah, but I am guy, Girls don't do that!"
Cole pipes up to say "yeah, Girls don't do that!"
What a double standard..these boys are so mean!
Bryce is disinterested in girsl if they can't keep up in sports..but he doesn't want them to act like him either..I think everyday he becomes more and more like someone I used to know......
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