Monday, May 28, 2007

Continuation of Memorial Day

SO we actually got all of the flower beds planted --I big Thanks to LOri! SHe came over to pick up her car and offered for MElissa and I to come out to her place to get a bunch of her flowers since she needed to thin hers out--hurray for me! B/c my yard is looking so nice --part of it anyway!
Rob made progress on the pool -however we need to go get some more sand so we are hoping to do that tomorrow--so once we get all of the sand down --it will be a piece of cake--to get the pool going--HUrray! NO more going to Sun lakes and being eaten alive by the water bugs! We go there one day for Clarissa's birthday and the kids have bites all over. ONce we get the pool going MElissa nad I are going to make a nice little retreat area for us on the patio so we can sit and watch the kids play ! that will be so nice!

WE also found out today form Lori how much it will cost to just lay down sod for our back yard--so MElissa and I are going to lay sod next saturday hopefully--I am going to really try to come home Friday night from GAbe's wedding. SO sometime this week we are going to rototill the yard. Tonight we put down grass seed and fertalizer for our front yard since it has a bit of grass--just needed some touch ups. We also put in 15 stepping stones--we need 8 more--and we will have a walkway to our new pool---So we have alot of work to go--but I think we made alot of progress in 2 days!! HUrray!! SO if we do stay here we will at least not look like white trash anymore---hehe--NOw if we can just keep all nine kids off of the front lawn for a few weeks that will be a miracle!


Heather said...

Welcome to the land of bloggers! Good job on all the yard work, I hate yard work so much! How big is your pool??

Charisma said...

Hey HEather, Thanks for the welcome! Our Pool is an above ground pool--but it is 18 feet and I think 4.5 feet deep--we are going to get an alarm on the pool --and MElissa and I are going to buy one of those pretty tent things hey have at wally world--so we can lounge around while the kids play in the water! SO I am looking forward to it--YOu will have to bring the kids over.