Well I have some things i want to remember so I am posting them on here:
She is 30 years old in a 5.5 year old body.
She is getting smarter and smarter each day.
Last weekend Rob was teasing her and all of a sudden she says:
" Dad you better stop it!"
Rob: " why"
Clarissa: " Because if you don't I am going to jello your belly!"
Well after the fit of laughter..I thought to ask Where did you learn that?
Apparently from her brothers ..when you punch someones stomach it jiggles....so she put her own spin on things and called it jello belly. Nice!
Once again Sunday Night Rob is teasing Clarissa ...he gets an ice cream bar out of the freezer ..she was eating cookies.
She says: " Daddy , I want one of those"
Rob replies: " oh, you can't these are for adults!"
C: " why"
R: " Oh because they have bad stuff in them"
C: " Let me see the box"
R: " Why, you can't read"
C: " I will sound it out!"
Rob had just been outwitted by a five year old..there is no turning back.
I can't believe how grown up she looks or even the amount of wit she has at such a young age.
I got sucked into a stupid reality show the other night. " Little Miss Perfect" it is about little girls and their pageant moms.
Clarissa was watching with me. I know my daughter well...but during a commercial break I decided to ask her " Clarissa, would you like to do that?"
She looked at me with her big blue eyes " ummm no" while shaking her head. (SHe kept commenting on the pretty dresses before I had asked her this so I was semi interested) I said " why" She said "Those people are weird." This is even before we got to the really crazy moms on the next program..hahaha. Then I said " well, you would get to wear those pretty dresses" Her reply " I Don't want to miss school." Due to the fact that I know her well and I am sure in her 30 year old brain she was thinking to herself...maybe these people should not be missing school either....I let her off the hook. All I can say is no matter what those moms say to justify why they are doing that is ( in my opinion) because they want to live through their child. I have run across moms liek that before and let me tell you ....I don't have the patience.
So she loves the clothes but I know she would not have the patience of sitting there trying to please someone judging her or putting up with the fakness of everything that that is about. Not to mention --she would have eaten my head several times for making her do a bunch of stuff she is not interested in...so thank God..b/c I couldn't imagine sitting on the sidelines asking my child to smile 24/7 ....I think that is un-natural and I would not do it myself...I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
There is no way out--we are just going to have to try and outwit her if at all possible and try to stay a couple steps ahead of her..but I know we will need to stay on our toes all of the time.
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