One of our days we spent at the San Diego Zoo. It was a nice relaxing day and along with our passes we were able to take a gondola ride above the zoo. That was cool although kind of scary..I knew I coudl not ride with rob because he likes to torture innocent souls like myself who don't want the boat to rock.
It gets hard carrying stuff around I actually had the camera I went to the bathroom....I always hung it up on the hook in the stall..I left without it. We had to stop at the bathroom so many times because we had bought these sippers from the zoo and they were free refills..so anytime there was a vendor we would suck them down to get a refill..many...many stops to the restroom. I didn't realize I had lost the camera until we were about a mile away from the last bathroom.....so needless to say I didn't get alot of pictures at the zoo. But I got a few and actually someone had turned it into the lost and found by the time I had realized it was gone...Doesn't that give you hope that there are honest people in the world?
Funny thing happened when I got off of "it's a small world"(on another day in D.Land) someone else had lost their camera and I picked it up...she actually came back to look for it...and spotted me...but I would have turned hers in as well.
The zoo was alot of walking, the animals were out and about walking around..because the weather was perfect.
Clarissa was so funny....everywhere we went she had to get a map...( she can't read yet) and she would always ask where are we? SO we would all take turns pointing it out to her. BUt it was always a big production she would spread it all out on the walk-way and need to know exactly where we were going from the spot we were at and a few times she had lost her map in the bathroom. Well that was not going to go un-noticed so we always had to find her another map.
She did this all through Disneyland as well..one time she went to guest services to get another copy and she had come back with the japanese version...she can't read so it all looks the same to her.

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