On the way to Disneyland we thought it would be nice to drive through the Redwood Forrest. In hindsight I think it would have been better to take the faster route just because the kids are older and they complain more.
I thought the red woods were fascinating kids could care less about some trees.
We drove through a few trees looked through some of the shops and red alot of the signs of how long the trees have been alive.
Funny thing is as we were driving through all of the tourist type spots we would also come across communities and we came across a commune. It looked as if it had all been there since the 60's with mobile trailers, shacks and big signs that said "No War." Pretty funny.
We also stopped by a shop on the side of the road called " Big Foot"
The kids loved it there, they had a bunch of wood carvings and things you could buy. I bought a live burl to bring home and some starters for growing my own red wood here in Ephrata. They claim to have seen big foot and they had a map containing his spotted sightings in the redwood Forrest..so I bought one for a friend who believes he exists????
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