Mr. cheapskate himself! Self portrait as well!

We get into a discussion at dinner a few weeks ago ......
Jeri is learning dancing in PE and I remember dancing in PE b/c it seemed as if you were always stuck with the one guy who
A) was either the biggest NERD
B) The guy that refused to take a shower and was covered in acne or
C) the one guy who had a mad crush on you and you were always trying to get away from.....( AKA: Pepe LePew)
I hardly ever lucked out to get the one guy I might have wanted to dance with in my class. Except that one time..and he ended up being my homecoming date!

I digress....Back to Jeri
Her Pe teacher was explaining how guys have to pay more money at dances because ( well I think because the PE Teacher has a son ...and didn't have to dish out 300$ for a dress....shoes...jewelry...hair do's....but whatever) She says this because the guys have to pay for pictures, corsage, suit and Dinner not to mention transportation to and from said dance. ( another side note: Jeri says I don't have to buy her nice shoes ...she will just wear flip flops with her formal gown...OVER MY DEAD BODY...I refuse to pay top dollar for a dress to have her wear 99cent flip flops...she says that we can buy the 12.99$ ones from pay less..oh thank GOD! what the heck is that?)
WEll..while Bryce is hearing all of this he says- " Well if I have to pay for everything , I hope my date likes Mcdonalds"
I said " Umm..You better not take a date to Mcdonalds!"
HE says " Mom, if she already said YEs to be my date....she doesn't have a choice"
I said " Umm.. Bryce..you might get away with that once..but at school she is going to tell all of her friends what a lousy date you are...and you will never get another date!"
To which he says " Mom...look at me..You are talking to "THE BRYCE" I will get another date"
I say "Bryce you have to take your date to a decent dinner."
HE says
" Where do you take a date around here for dinner, It's not like there is an Olive GArden around here?
I am thinking to myself: is this the extent of his fine dining experience? Probably.
SO I started listing restaurants in Moses Lake;
Bryce says " Whoa, MOm ..wait a second..I have to take my date to Moses? That is alot of gas money..just forget it!"
WHen did I raise such a cheapskate child?
I said " Bryce, where else do you think your going to go?"
HE said " I will just take my date to Tequila's"
The local Mexican restaurant..no where near formal dining..I might add.
SO I said " Bryce, just to make it easier on you ..I will pay for the corsage and pictures when you start going to dances..that way I know you can afford dinner and I will get pictures, and so will your date."
HE said " OK Mom"
I said " you had better not be one of those crappy guys that treat women badly"
HE said " I know mom, you didn't raise me like that"
All I could think with this conversation is LANDON...BRyce is just like his father! This apple did not fall far from the tree either!
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