Well I went on my mission trip ...you can read about it from older posts. But now this year part of my original team is going to go back ....although I can't go I asked them if it would be OK to send 2 of my children. SO Bryce and Cole are going to Jamaica next Thanksgiving. They are also going to take 3 of their friends with them and Rob is going to join them. Rob and Landon both feel un-comfortable sending the kids on a mission alone... I might have felt that before I went but I trust Tish and Lance 100% to take my kids and I trust Bryce and Cole to do what they are supposed to do ..SO since Landon can't make the trip...Rob will join them be-grudgingly. Rob doesn't like to do work unless he absolutely has to...and he has already been to foreign countries (he was in the military) so he feels he has done his "duty." But I guess, since he feels more un-comfortable sending the kids alone...he will go. I will be in some important classes so I won't be able to make it...otherwise I would go. It is to hard to keep up if you miss any time in science classes.(for me anyway)
SO I am excited for my boys to get this chance..I think it is coming at a perfect time when they are in junior high and the minor things seems so important...they get to go to a place where the right things are important. They get to expand their horizons and help other people. These boys are going to have to work their tails off to earn the money..and they are ready for it!
SO Please pray for them as they start this process and journey and please support them and give them a thumbs up when they need it! thanks so much for your support!
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