Friday, November 9, 2007

Quilters I come!

HI All,
well I am on my way downtown to go to a quilting retreat that my friends and I have all planned together and I am in for 2 days of sewing bliss! woooohoooooo!
It is nice to be able to do these because I can usually get a quilt done in one of these weekends, well usually more than one quilt if you want to know the truth and this time will be no exception I am sure because my friend Donna has already given me a jump start on the one I am making today. It is "sew" nice to be able to do this also because there are no friends like quilting friends, I think that is why this tradition has never died, quilting will be around until the end because
there is something about the quilting community that just makes you feel like you are home. It is the same with our local fabric store here in town...I know that if I ever leave little Ephrata I will still come here to visit " The Fabric Patch" and buy my fabric , just because I am comfortable there and I think I can call them friends. I won't be able to get that in a big city environment. Anyway, other than that lately I have been working on my math, cleaning the house, I finished a book this week and I am trying to keep myself above water with all of my worries, responsibilities and trying to focus on God because above all I know he wants what is best for me and I need to just pray to him. So if all of you could just keep praying for us and that our house will sell , I just really want our family to be together and I am trying to be patient. I would really like for ROb and I to accomplish both of our dreams and provide for our family.

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