Sunday, January 20, 2008

Turkey Day!

I isn't really Turkey Day--but I made a turkey dinner today, anyway. We love turkey and believe it or not in my house a 20 pound turkey does not last long....I used to think a 20 pound turkey was huge...not anymore. The boys are still at Landon's since there is no school tomorrow in honor of Martin Luther King Jr day, he kept them an extra day. We invited Trina over to have dinner with was nice. Quiet, usually our dinners are so loud and everyone is was rather nice to have a quiet dinner.
We didn't have alot on our agenda today, and the kids were all gone except for CLarissa, and she pulled out the CARD, today. I am amazed it hasn't happened sooner. She has made a few comments here and there about all of the other kids having a 3rd parent. So , today when I said we weren't going to go anywhere, she said " how come all of the other kids get to do things with their mom?" Fair enough question , right?
Last year when I would take the boys to Ritzville she decided she wanted 2 daddies. I thought is was funny when she would say that, However Rob's feelings were hurt by that. SO we had to have the talk about how Clarissa was special b/c she only had 2 parents and not everyone gets to say that, weird huh?
So I had a feeling of guilt today when Clarissa was wondering why everyone else gets to leave and be with their " other" parents. How silly is that?
I have to feel guilty because my child has both of her parents and they are married? SO we went to wal-mart, that always makes her happy and she bought her valentine cards, I am not going to let her play me like that again. But it was nice to get out of the house for a little while. I have been studying and trying to keep up on house chores and things.
We still have not heard from the JOB yet, but the big boss is out of town right now anyway, ( I heard from the big bosses wife) that is why we have not heard. Home Depot called and wants to interview Rob for a job also, so he has scheduled that.( next week)
I think I am doing well in school, this next week will really be my defining week, ( well defining enough to make me relax a bit) Because I have a test in every class this week. I have been studying ALOT and I think I am starting to catch on to things in a few of my classes, anyway.
Well I hope you all have a good Sunday!

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