Wednesday, February 20, 2008

CHecking back

Hi All,
Thinsg are going well here. Rob started his new job yesterday. He says it isn't as much grunt work as he may have suspected, but he needs to go buy some tools, and warm clothes, since he was freezing yesterday.( he is a refridgeration mechanic)PLease pray that they find another guy at his place of business, they need another guy before harvest season comes, otherwise my husband will be working 12 hours a day 7 days a week, although the money will be nice, I will need the help at home, not to mention, we need the family time.
School is going great, I have to register for my new classes next week, spring quarter starts March 31st. Only 5 weeks left of this quarter.
The kids are all doing well, last weekend we went to Idaho and stayed at Triple play, we had a great time! Much needed fun time!
Now we just need to start unpacking things and putting our house back together, which is going to be a huge job in itself. We will at least have a home again.
Well I hope everyone is doing well and that we are all liking the sunshine that has found us!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm glad Rob is home and you guys are a family again. We are going to triple play in October! WE cant wait!! Are you going for to be an RN?