Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Well today I woke up and had leftover breakfast cassrole I made on friday for my kids since there was no school...and then I sewed for a bit until everyone woke up and then.... I mowed the lawn and then.... I made lunch and prepared dinner... and then Rob went to go get boys from Landon and then.... I sewed for a bit while cooking dinner and then.... we had a family dinner.....then we played tennis. I thought for sure this would be the day all the kids would beat me at wasn't...and I am so OUT of shape!

Although, it wasn't a nice relaxing day...I didn't have any expectations that it would be so was a good day. Preston had bought me a bouquet a flowers with his own money..which is super special and Rob had bought me beautiful roses yesterday and a card that sums up our house hold..humorus..of course. Clarissa made me artwork and taped a few things to her artwork to give me for a gift ...Bryce said he was making a flower box in woodshop...( I already paid for it) and Cole said he knew I didn't want anything except our family to be together...Carl and Clarissa clipped iris' from my garden to put with my roses???

In all actuality it was a perfect mother's day because I have all of my kids..they are all healthy ..we have food to eat..a roof over our heads and I am thankful to be a so many ways..I am thankful that I get to teach them life lesons like:

Family is first!
Spending time together is important!
Gifts are nice.....especially ones from the heart.
We should be thankful every day not just the ones that are marked as a holiday!

My kids know me pretty well and I am hoping that that will always be the case! They know the perfect way in which to Celebrate! I am thankful for the chance to be a MOM and I want to celebrate most days of their lives not just one.....I hope you all have a GREAT day!

In actuality I am greatful to

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