Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Not feeling well

I have not been feeling well the last couple of days...I am so very tired..I think my body is trying to fight off something but I don't know. I thought maybe it was because I didn't get alot of sleep last week..maybe my body needed to catch up but after Monday....I should have been well. On MOnday I went to staff meeting and then came home and slept most of the day..until we did family activities.....and then yesterday I took the kids to a free movie in Moses Lake..had a lunch date with my dear friend Donna and then came home and stayed in bed (reading) until dinner. I read a whole book yesterday..and then went back to I don't really fel moivated to do alo but I have to work. It has taken me an hour of talking myself out of bed...this is unlike me....not to mention I have not turned on he sewing machine in 5 days...very unusual. Especially considering I have a class tomorrow night and I am supposed to have some things done.
Anyway....Last night the book I read ended in such a great way...that I think I should use it as a scrapbooing /blogging tool myself.
This Gal ends the book with all of these key words or phrases of the lesons she learned during the process of the book..isn't that great? I am trying to think of how far back I should go...or if I should just keep a steady stream of them going each week?
Well I should get ready for work....It may take me awhiel in my current mind set..LOL.Sory body from laying around to much and tired body from sleeping to much...poor me! LOL

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