Monday, July 26, 2010


Well the boys came home on is nice to have everyone back together again. They will all leave again next week for another spell at their Dad's I am trying to make the most of our time together. I am taking another short week at work. We played Apples to Apples Saturday night and all I can say is that there are certain key words that send my kids into a fit of laughter.....Anything with get the picture. There are also a few others that seem to be innocent enough that they can turn bad....yeah there was a lot of laughter playing a seemingly innocent enough game. I would like to be able to go into denial at some point in my life especially when it comes to my boys "maturing" but they don't even give me the option....I just get to know....and face it.
So yesterday we decided after a big breakfast ..that we would go to Steamboat for teh day. We had a great time..we had a picnic....swam and played. When we got to our favorite swimming nook...we saw that someone had submerged a table into the deep part of the little area and it became a novelty item for a our family. Well the boys and Rob decided to play "King of the Table" and the park rangers came over and asked where the other table was...I said " My husband and 4 boys are playing King of the table with it"...NICE. How embarassing. Good times...Good times!
Then we came home made dinner..cookies and popcorn and played more Apples to Apples.
I am trying to make the most of the time we have together and school starts for all of us at the same time and it creeps up on us fast.

Funny Clarissa line this lats week:

Clarissa: Daddy can I make eggs today?
Rob : No Not tday Clarissa ...just eat cereal.
Clarissa" Why can't I?
Rob: Because you can't do that by yourself...maybe one day when you get older you can go to school and be a chef.
Clarissa: I could be a chef today if you would let me in the kitchen!

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