Wednesday, September 12, 2007

HI All

HEllo to everyone,
Well it is already Wed. and things are pretty routine again--thank goodness for school. Teh boys are in football they have their first game tonight and it has been a mad rush to get all of the jerseys done in time--our local shops had their press break down , so hopefully when I go pick them up today they will be all done! I am getting back in my weight loss / shape up plan again--it has been far to long and I don't have as many projects to do on the house--so there are no more excuses. Today I have been eating well and I am going to walk 3 miles as soon as the kids get home, it would be nice if I could have done it during the day but unfortunalty--Clarissa slows me down--so I need to wait for the kids to keep her busy and play with her. I was watching the biggest loser last night and I am once again inspired! Did you see that little girl lost 20 pounds in one week? I know that is not possible for me b/c I am not spending everyday training--but I think I can do alot better than I have been for the last couple of months--so I got out my food journal , I am planning my meals and working in the exersice--baby steps, right?
I would appreciate for my friends and family to keep me accountable and help me in my success! SInce I have been in counseling and I am working on my emotional issues I feel like this could be the beginning of my goals.

1 comment:

Donna Hodgson said...

WOO GO girl!!

I won't have any problem keeping you accountable...mmmaaawwwwwwhhhh!